Eclampsia in cats

What is eclampsia?

Eclampsia (hypocalcemia or postpartum tetany) is a condition where emergency medical care is required. In that the state there is a drop in the level of calcium in the blood, which occurs in nursing mothers. Eclampsia most often occurs in cats from 1 to 5 weeks after the mother begins make milk. Eclamsia does not mean complete absence calcium, it simply indicates insufficient calcium reserves in cat’s body to satisfy its metabolic needs. Cats that are especially caring for their kittens are most prone to to develop their eclampsia.

Eclampsia in cats

Signs of a condition prior to eclampsia include tremors, weakness, partial paralysis, also called postpartum a tetany characterized by the inability of a cat to stand and walk. Eclampsia is considered an emergency when necessary emergency veterinary care.

How can you understand that eclampsia begins?

Symptoms of eclampsia may be subtle; a cat may be restless and gasp slightly, you may also notice that she is inhibited moving. These symptoms progress rapidly to muscle cramps affecting the entire body that progress in cramps. Some cats may be disoriented, have heat and become restless.

If you suspect a cat for eclampsia, stop feeding it. kittens and consult your veterinarian immediately. Clinical symptoms become apparent when calcium levels drop below 7 mg / dl.

Eclampsia treatment

Treatment includes direct intravenous injection. calcium and other drugs. Intravenous administration of calcium follows carry out very carefully and slowly. Some cats require anticonvulsants to control seizures and tetany. Calcium supplements are usually required during subsequent care. If diagnosis and treatment have been performed timely, then recovery from eclampsia usually does not take a lot of time.

How to prevent eclampsia?

Calcium supplements or feeding pregnant cats with cottage cheese usually Not recommended. Excessive calcium intake during pregnancy or lactation may suppress hormone production thyroid gland and increase the development of low calcium levels in blood.

All pregnant cats should receive quality feed, designed for pregnant and lactating cats that are rich vital vitamins and minerals. Supplements like Fatty omega-3 acids are recommended but will not help reduce the risk eclampsia.

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