Corneal ulcer in cats – symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Any cat owner knows that his pet, when awake, is always on the hunt. Cats love to hunt and can spend hours chasing your tail or any other object that moves. If the wind tears leaves from trees in your garden, then the chance that your cat will chase them is close to 100% – since this is their natural instinct. However, these are hunting sorties often cause cats to wade through bushes and shrubs through forests and fields. When your cat sneaks through overgrown, it can damage the cornea before her eyes – but why the cornea, and not other parts of the eyes, is often injured cats?

Corneal ulcer in cats - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Why is the cornea injured?

The cornea is the upper layer of the cat’s eye, which is, in view of one’s position more vulnerable to injury than any other part eyes. However, nonetheless, apart from scratching the cornea, there is many other reasons that can lead to injury:

  • Fighting with another cat or animal
  • Ingrown eyelashes
  • Foreign body in the eye
  • Chemicals that may get in your eyes
  • Heat radiation and smoke can also damage the cornea. cats
  • Viruses and bacteria can cause eye infections and inflammation. cornea
  • Decreased tear production may cause damage. cornea

Which cats are most prone to corneal ulcers?

All of the above reasons can lead to ulceration. corneas in cats. But some breeds, namely the Himalayan, Burmese and Persian, most prone to corneal injury strongly since they have flat faces and prominent eyes. Not less corneal damage becomes chronic more often in older cats.

Symptoms of Corneal Ulcer

This condition is very painful and makes the cat rub its eyes, which can lead to further complications. The main Symptoms are:

  • Increased tear fluid production
  • Colored discharge from the damaged eye
  • Blurred eyes
  • Redness of the eye
  • The cat may begin to squint with a damaged eye.

Diagnosis and treatment

As stated earlier, this is a very painful condition that makes a cat’s life completely unbearable. Untreated, ulcer cornea can lead to blindness, therefore it is important that the veterinarian inspected your pet as quickly as possible. The vet will be able to determine if there is an ulcer on the cornea. Vet may use:

  • Fluorescent fluids that can stain and show any ulcer on the cornea, if present.
  • A special test with which he will measure production lacrimal fluid.
  • Special tests to help identify bacterial or viral cause of corneal damage.

After corneal ulceration is confirmed, there may be The following procedures are recommended:

  • Antibiotic eye drops or ointments that prevent infection development
  • Painkillers
  • Protective collar to prevent friction and extra eye damage
  • Treating the root causes of corneal ulcers

Critical to the complete cure of an ulcer is passing a full course of an antibiotic ointment that will prescribe vet your cat.

Can corneal ulcer be prevented?

Unfortunately, since there are many causes of damage cornea of cats eyes, an effective way to prevent no injury. However, a good approach is periodically checking your cat’s eyes from time to time. If did you notice any of the listed symptoms of the disease, then Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Timely treatment provide quick cat recovery and prevent the strongest discomfort that accompanies any damage to the cornea.

Chronic corneal ulceration in old cats

Along with age, cats become more prone to damage. cornea, which can become chronic. You should get consultation with a veterinarian on how to care for an old cat, which may require prolonged use of eye drops. It is important to carefully monitor the damaged eye so that the disease not spread to the other eye.

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