Poisonous plants and flowers for cats

Many cats chew indoor plants, especially if they live in house without access to the street. It is believed that grass helps digestion in some cats, and, for example, long-haired species, helps to cough up lumps of wool that they can swallow, when they lick their wool. Cats also sometimes play with indoor plants if they lack toy stimulation or people’s attention.

Poisonous plants and flowers for cats

Most green plants that your cat swallows do not pass its digestive system, and, as a rule, will be spit out after about 10 minutes with the foam mass – you are more likely of all, they noticed this after the cat makes loud noises when the urge to vomit, in general, this is normal, and worry not about than. However, just in case, all indoor plants and vases with flowers it is better to keep away from the cat. If your cat is still love to chew grass, you can grow several pots with ordinary grass. The easiest option for this is to buy seeds in a pet store that will definitely not be toxic for cats.

Although most plants do not pose a serious danger, there are over one hundred and fifty species that are considered poisonous to cats, so if your cat walks in the garden and on the street, you should understand the potential danger. Some plants obviously toxic, like belladonna or ivy, but there are others that May be detrimental to your cat. In these cases, even if the cat spits up the remains of such plants, they may the moment will already cause significant harm.

The two most dangerous plants are:

Lily (all varieties) – the most toxic plant of all famous. Even if the cat is washed after its contact with the lily, and then she licks her coat, this may be enough to cause her very serious consequences, including irreversible renal failure in less than 3 days.

Beautiful euphorbia – leaves, stem and juice of these popular plants – all this is very toxic for cats.

If your cat shows even the slightest sign of reaction to these two plants, or you know that the cat was in contact with them, in any time of the day immediately contact veterinary care – any delay can be fatal.

Other plants that should be avoided most types of cats (the list is not exhaustive):

  • buttercups
  • cyclamen (indoor and wild varieties)
  • knapweed
  • amaryllis
  • crocus
  • yellow daffodil
  • ferns
  • digitalis
  • geranium
  • laurel noble
  • lily of the valley
  • marigold
  • pion
  • poppy
  • privet
  • yew tree

The most common reaction of cats to contact with these plants is it is a skin irritation that can lead to small vesicles and itching around the mouth, gums, face area. Sometimes this can lead to sneezing and eye problems that are usually arise after the contact of cats with the leaves of such fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, rhubarb and celery. If this happens to your cat, take her to the cat as soon as possible to the veterinarian, since although this is unlikely to cause serious harm, but it will be better if your pet is relieved of symptoms and he gets proper treatment. Resist the temptation and do not give the cat your ointments and pills that you use against your allergies, the dose may be too large, and this, in turn, may cause even greater harm.

However, if your cat suddenly faints, it’s extremely weak, has bouts of diarrhea, shows clear signs shortness of breath or has an unexpected and severe allergic skin reaction, consult your veterinarian immediately. Take, if possible, plant samples present in vomiting or diarrhea for testing – this may make work easier the vet. Do not worry that you are not contacting a veterinarian opening hours, this happens, and many vets face by this.

Severe reactions to plants, in fact, occur in cats extremely rare, since most of them will not eat anything that doesn’t smell like food suitable for them, and especially not in such amounts that could cause them significant harm. However, better aware of the potential threat and, if possible, take security measures. In the main risk group for this – young cats and kittens, because, unlike their adult counterparts, they more curious and can nibble various plants, and love they are softer grades, just those that are found at home, so the first thing best to take care of your indoor plants and their safety for pets.

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