Hair and skin of a healthy cat

The general condition of your cat’s hair and skin is good. an indicator of her health. Healthy coat should be shiny and smooth, not rough and not brittle, and healthy skin should be elastic and clean, not greasy or peeling. However although the luster and structure of the coat affects its health and nutrition, regular external cat grooming also helps to keep it in good condition condition, clean and without tangles, no matter what type he or she has wool.

Hair and skin of a healthy cat

What types of fur are there in cats?

Along with breeding, cats’ hair ranges from completely naked sphinxes to smooth-haired oriental, from domestic shorthair and long-haired cats with truly silky hair, with some breeds of cats almost no fade.

Some cats that live in cold climates, especially on open spaces, have two powerful seasonal molt per year (in spring and late autumn), during which whole shreds of the undercoat. However, many cats in our homes molt. with little intensity almost all year round.

How does a cat’s nutrition affect her hair and skin?

The skin is the largest part of the body, and skin cells are changing very fast. Most pets have almost all skin covered with wool and changes several times a year. In order to keep your skin and coat healthy, your cat you need a balanced diet that contains easy digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, and provides the appropriate amount of calories to satisfy all the animal’s energy needs.

If nutrients are poorly absorbed, they will not only inaccessible to meet the needs of the body, they and will create excessive stress on the liver and kidneys, which must eliminate indigestible waste. The ideal diet should be individual and suitable for the specific age of the cat and her health. A good and balanced diet is usually is the key to a good and beautiful coat. Cat whose diet insufficient to meet her needs will have dull and dry coat with reinforced molting.

What role does cat play in providing healthy coat? the medicine?

Illness or stress, especially chronic form, affects the look of your pet’s coat, its luster and texture, and many cats molt much more when they are able to stress. The most common diseases that affect on cat hair, are hormonal imbalances, metabolic digestive problems such as diarrhea, parasites like internal and external, and cancer. Even arthritis and obesity can cause skin problems if the cat is unable to take care of yourself properly.

Many skin diseases affect the shine and appearance of the coat. your pet. Allergic skin diseases and seborrhea cause itching and changes in normal sebum secretion, which also leads to excessive molting or even focal hair loss.

If your cat’s skin or coat problems are caused by disease, the general condition of both the coat and skin of the pet is often dramatically improves after the disease has been cured or taken under control.

How important is regular care for a healthy coat? and cat skin?

All cats benefit from regular brushing when old hairs and dead skin cells are removed, which protects wool from dirt and external parasites. Cats with a long, silky and curly hair needs daily cleaning to maintain your “coat” from tangling, especially around the ears, in the armpits and along the hind legs. Shorthair cats also need cleaning with using a brush, but with a lower frequency.

Daily brushing also reduces the amount of hair which the cat can swallow while caring for itself. One more The benefit of daily cat cleaning is a drastic reduction the amount of hair and dandruff that can be scattered throughout housework. For some people with a moderate allergy to cats, daily cleaning can reduce allergens so much that they can easily share their home with such a cat.

Regardless of the type of coat, you should check your cat every day for tangles that may form behind the ears, in groin or armpit. If you regularly check the coat and your cat’s skin, then you will also be more likely to timely detection of any lumps, bumps or tumors on her body.

How often do you need to bathe or wash a cat?

Most healthy adult cats are finicky and rare. need a bath. Frequency of bathing that may be required your pet will depend on his age, lifestyle, and also from any health problems. For example, an old cat with arthritis that has difficulty taking care of itself may a fairly regular bath will be required. If your cat if there is a skin allergy, then the veterinarian can prescribe her washing with medical shampoo, as an additional therapy.

Cats should only be washed with shampoos that were specially designed for them, since their skin has different thickness and ph, different from human skin, so even baby shampoo can be too hard for their skin. Because all cats are vigorous lick themselves after bathing, it is extremely important to completely wash off any detergents and shampoos to prevent swallowing pet, otherwise it can lead to digestive disorders and other harm.

Why a cat may have problems with hair in a certain season?

Some cats may suffer from skin irritation associated with low humidity in the winter in our homes. Other cats have allergies. on pollen of trees and plants – this problem is especially acute in spring period. And another group of cats is allergic to fleas or other insects, when even from one bite they can a rash appears and hair loss begins.

If you bathe or care for the cat, and after that it has problems with hair or skin quickly appear again, then you you should take her to a veterinary clinic for examination. Sometimes skin problems such as rash, itching, a lot of dandruff, increased molting, oily hair or an unpleasant odor may indicate a serious illness. In many cases the disease can be easily diagnosed and cured, but sometimes with diagnostics have problems and you may have to consult a dermatologist.

The main conclusion is that the appearance of your coat and skin cats are the first indicators of possible problems with her health. At there is no reinforced molting of a healthy animal, and on the upper layer of wool there should be no dandruff or greasy.

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