Pregnancy in British cats

British cats have long been recognized by lovers animals, and not only in their homeland, in England, but also in our country. Plush fur coats, attentive eyes, calm character – just some of the positive features of these pets. Not surprising, that a person who dreams of a pet goes to the nursery exactly за британской кошкой.Brown british kittensПока котенок мал, нетa significant difference – he is a boy or a girl. But starting from 8-10 months, the owner of a British female has a choice: either to sterilize the pet, or not to interfere with its meetings with cat. If the owner’s plans to let the cat know the joy motherhood, you should know how much pregnant British walk cats. This article will discuss the first signs and the duration of pregnancy, the intricacies of the birth of British cats breed.

How to find out that a Briton is pregnant

If the British and her chosen one are healthy, and fertilization has occurred successfully, within one and a half to two weeks after mating, the owner can notice the first signs of pregnancy:

  • Possible toxicosis (not all cats have it) – the pet is sick, her appetite is reduced;
  • Changing the shade of the nipples (all or several) – they become distinctly pink;
  • Cat sleeps – active games pregnant favorite prefer privacy in a nook.

In the middle of pregnancy, the owner of a British cat will notice more явные признаки скорого прибавления в усатом семействе:British Shorthair cat and kittens

  • Живот кошки округляется, что заметно невооруженным глазом;
  • The animal has an increased appetite;
  • Nipples swell.

In the last 3 weeks before giving birth, the cat behaves like a real future mom:

  • He has a lot of rest – he saves his strength before the birth of kittens;
  • Looks for a “nest” – a corner for posterity, spends a lot there time.

Immediately before childbirth (24-12 hours or less) at the pet milk appears, it often breathes, meows anxiously, licks crotch. 2-3 hours before a happy event or directly Before the birth of the cat, water leaves – the liquid is gray-yellow colors. Half an hour or an hour before delivery, purrs begin contractions.

How long does a British cat’s pregnancy last?

A pregnant British cat wears cubs for about 63-65 days, as however, and most other thoroughbred individuals. But definitely say how many days the babies will be born, not allowed. И вот почему:British Shorthair kittens

  • Британочки с небольшим весом (взрослая cat такой породыsometimes it can weigh no more than 2.5 kg) are allowed from the burden a little earlier – for 56-60 days. Big cats (weighing between 5.5-6 kg) can to bear babies and give birth after 65 days of pregnancy;
  • Pregnant cats for the first time, carrying no more than 3 kittens, usually give birth on time – 63 days after fertilization (plus or minus 2-3 days). Middle-aged nurseries, carrying up to 5-6 babies, can give birth somewhat earlier than the expected date – by 56-60 day;
  • The gestational age of British cats can be very small if childbirth occurs early – after the first estrus. Duration gestation in such cases is sometimes not more than 50 days. Kittens in this case are either born dead, or practically unviable.

By the way, sometimes British cats are considered to be Scottish breed with hanging or upright ears (sometimes called British lop-eared and British erect, respectively). And although Scottish and British cats – animals of different breeds, but the term they have the same pregnancy: an average of 63-65 days.

How to behave to the owner if the house is pregnant British кошка

So, signs of imminent motherhood, as well as how long pregnancy in a british cat – questions clarified. Now has the point is to find out how to take good care of a British woman preparing for родам:British Shorthair

  1. Во избежание проблем желательно показать питомицу ветеринару2-3 weeks after mating. The first ultrasound can be done already at 15 day of pregnancy to see if the kittens are healthy;
  2. At the slightest suspicion that something is wrong with the health of the pet order should call the veterinarian. Owners should be alert frequent emptying of the stomach and diarrhea, high or low temperature body (more than 40 or less than 37 degrees), vaginal discharge green, black or bloody shade with an unpleasant odor, long refusal of food. In addition, you should definitely inform to the doctor if the pet has prepared for childbirth prematurely or outbreaks pregnancy;
  3. It is recommended to exclude anything that could scare or unnerve the cat (very loud music, active games, tossing a pet to the ceiling);
  4. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of injury to the cat, not allowing her to climb to a great height;
  5. In the first 3 weeks of pregnancy, a British woman is fed twice a day, increasing the usual portion by no more than 10% (if the pussy does not have toxicosis). In the middle of pregnancy (4-6 weeks), the amount of food increases by another 40%, but this does not mean that in the bowl should be a large amount of feed. The whole volume of food is much more correct divided into 5-6 small portions. At the final stage pregnancy (from 7 to 9 weeks), the cat’s appetite decreases, because the amount of food can be reduced again;
  6. A British cat should not be overfed. These animals and so tend to be overweight, and being overweight can hurt when carried and childbirth;
  7. Feed the cat in position or high quality industrial wet or dry food, or natural food (boiled meat and offal, cereals, dairy products, a small amount vegetables and eggs);
  8. To prevent damage to your own things (clothing, bedding linen), the owner must push the British away from the cabinets, beds, other places where she wants to arrange a “nest”. It’s better organize a corner for the mother and her kittens in a quiet place without a draft;
  9. Any medications (including dietary supplements and vitamins) it is allowed to give the cat only after agreement with by the veterinarian.

How to help a British woman during childbirth

So, immediately before giving birth, the owner should stock up patience and closely monitor the behavior of the expectant mother. If a a cat is chasing a person, crying or, on the contrary, purring, licks the crotch, so kittens are on the way. Just in case it is worth agreeing with the veterinarian about his consultations by phone or leaving home for a woman in labor (if something goes wrong). Также хозяину понадобится подготовить:British Shorthair

  1. Чистые одноразовые салфетки (чистую сухую ткань);
  2. Vaseline or oily cream;
  3. Vata (or cotton pad);
  4. Scissors (preferably sterilized and treated alcohol);
  5. Threads;
  6. Hydrogen peroxide;
  7. Warmer with warm water;
  8. Pure water for drinking cats.

When the amniotic fluid drains from the pet or the contractions begin, it should be transferred to a couch covered with a clean diaper (cloth). You can pet your pet, calmly talk to her. When contractions become frequent, and the cat starts licking every now and then yourself, then soon the first baby will be born. To help Briton, you can gently pat her stomach (from chest to the lower abdomen, pushing the kids to the exit). If it seemed the kitten’s head, and the fight has weakened, you can help by gently pulling kitten by the skin at the withers, smeared with Vaseline hand. When the front legs of the kitten will appear, you should slowly pull it on yourself for the body (very, very carefully, not clutching the head or paws). When the baby comes out, make sure to go out and placenta (it can be pulled out after the baby or wait until the cat will push it out herself). A baby born needs to be circumcised the umbilical cord at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from the tummy, previously dragging it with a thread. Lubricate the kitten’s navel with peroxide hydrogen. A newborn kitten should be put closer to the mother, so that the cat could lick the baby. If this did not happen, wipe the new family member with a napkin or clean cloth, and put closer to the cat’s nipples so that he has a bite. Then cat should be placed close with a heating pad, allowing the cat give birth to the next baby.

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