Persian cat (photo): animal artistic bohemians

The Persian cat is a stay-at-home by nature, very fond of communication, especially with children. She is extremely affectionate and trusting to her owners.


Origin: Greater Iran

Class: FIFe Classification: Category I – persian & exotic, PER standard. WCF Classification: Category 1 – Longhair, PER standard

Color: white, cream, gray, blue, lilac, red, red, black and color point, which include cats with dark marks on the legs, tail and head

Sizes: growth at the withers: up to 30 cm weight: cats – up 7 kg, cats – up to 5 kg

Life span: persian classic cats – up to 20, Persian cats extreme – up to 15 years old

Persian cat by nature a homebody, very fond of communication, especially with children.

She is extremely affectionate and trusting to her masters, while never shows importunity, preferring not to meow, but simply watch and wait until they are noticed.

Although often referred to as “sofas,” these cats love to play and to hunt for insects that fly into the room.

These cats are the ancestors exotics – for breeding the latter, Persians were crossed with american shorthair breed.

The trend for Persian cats was created by Queen Victoria, who had a dozen of them, and all were blue.

The trend on Persian cats was created by Queen Victoria, who has there were a dozen of them, and all blue


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Character and Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a kitten
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Nutrition
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knit

Breed history

In Europe, the Persian cat came in the XVI century with a traveler Pietro della Valle, who acquired it in the province of Persia Khorasan.

Today’s “peaches” she resembled only a long and thick with hair.

Being considered exotic, a Persian cat was very expensive, therefore, merchants kept them mainly known.

America took over the bulk of the breeding work.

Cats lengthened their hair, “made” flattened noses – by the way, in vain, because of them cats got breathing problems and became snoring – and made them truly cult animals.

The trend on Persian cats was created by Queen Victoria, who has there were a dozen of them, and all were blue.

On her orders, even a special castle was built for them. So it became Persian cat breed most preferred by aristocrats Europe and artistic bohemia.

The Persian cat is easy to teach. The cats are clean, they can even be trained a little.

Persian cat is easy to learn. You can even train a little. Like A tendency to train can be observed in ragdoll cats.

Character and Psychology

Representatives of this breed are characterized by restraint and peculiar cat intelligence.

They, like oriental cats, are extremely afraid to cause disapproval of the owner – because animals were created for joy, not grief.

Therefore, the Persians are affectionate, give all their tenderness to family members and love their home very much.

They are easy to teach the rules of behavior, they are clean, fast accustomed to the tray, they can even be a little to train.

Persians are sociable, but rarely meow, preferring to look at eyes.

If you are curious to know why you cannot look a cat in the eye, we advise you to read articlehttps: //

Participation in all family affairs for these cats is a necessity, even though they are very fond of reclining on something soft.

Pers – a wonderful companion cat for children, dogs and even small domestic animals such as a parrot or something similar.

But strangers are kept at a distance and are not in a hurry to show them their favor.

Participation in all family affairs for these cats is a necessity, although they are very fond of reclining on something soft

Participation in all family affairs for these cats is a necessity, although they quite like to recline on something soft


The main use of Persian cats is for the pleasure of the owners and comfort in the house, for games with children and stress relievers in adults. And just for beauty.

How to choose a kitten

If the kitten is healthy, he will be active, playful, has a brilliant fur, clean eyes and ears.

His tummy should be soft, there should be no smell from his mouth, no bald patches or crusts are present on the body.

Around the anus must be wool.

The breeder must show you all the documents and certificates, show the conditions of kittens and introduce them to by parents.

If you take a kitten at home, there must be a mom cat, and you are also required to show the conditions of their maintenance.

The Persian cat is a great companion for children, dogs, and even small domestic animals like a parrot or something similar. But strangers are kept at a distance and are not in a hurry to show them their favor.

Persian cat is a great companion for children, dogs and even small living creatures like a parrot or something similar. But keep strangers at a distance and are in no hurry to show them their favor

It is necessary to take a kitten no earlier than two months, otherwise the risk is great disease development. He should already be able to eat on his own.

How to determine the age of a kitten is described here: https: //

But, if you intend to breed Persian cats, take the kitten even later when he is four months old.

Then all defects, if any, are visible. Anyway you expert advice is needed, therefore kittens should be taken for breeding better in nurseries.

You can’t decide what color your Persian should be cat – photos will help you make the right choice.

Care Features


The most difficult procedure is their long hair (up to 12 cm) constantly confused and prone to the formation of warlocks.

Therefore, the pet needs full grooming, and sometimes a haircut.

For easier combing, you can apply talcum powder on the coat, and Use only high quality combs.

The procedure should be daily, lasting a quarter hours. And once a week, more thorough combing with using a furminator.

The long and beautiful hair of the Persians requires careful and regular care

The long and beautiful hair of the Persians requires careful and regular care

Washing the Persians requires frequent – twice a month, although it does not gives them pleasure.

Due to the long hair that cats constantly lick in lumps form in their stomachs.

To remove them, special pastes and tablets are required.

If your kitty suffers from watery eyes, you will have to daily wipe her face.

The Persian cat needs an individual, spacious place where she will be able to stretch out in full length or curl up in a ball.

Do not place this place in the corridor – the cat must constantly to see and feel the presence of their masters.

Cats and kittens of the Persian breed love to play, therefore get a ball for them and something else soft. Three different there will be enough items.

You can find out how to make toys for a cat with your own hands. of articleshttps: //

It will also be useful to buy or make scratching post.

Persian cats, by virtue of selection selection, turned out to be the most domestic of all breeds. They are not adapted to street life.

Persian cats, by virtue of selection selection, turned out to be the most homemade from all breeds. They are not adapted to street life


Persian cats, by virtue of selection selection, turned out to be the most homemade from all breeds. They are not adapted to street life.

They can be let out on a lawn in park or to bring on a summer residence. Having trodden a little on the grass, they will return to the house or jump to you on hands.

Their favorite walk is around the house for family members.

Kittens are more mobile and require action.

Walking and exercising with older cats will not interfere. so that obesity does not progress.

Do not forget to put on a pet collar against fleas and ticks.

Become charged ... One, two, three, four - arms higher, legs wider

Become charged … One, two, three, four – arms higher, legs wider


Before six months, small kittens should be given a mixture of warm milk and cottage cheese, in consistency resembling sour cream, boiled egg (not raw), boiled chicken and a little raw beef.

Porridge on milk is not prohibited, but some kittens from them weakens. Dry food is gradually added from 3 months.

Adult cats are given food 3 times a day. The diet should be 40% consist of protein – meat, sea fish, eggs and unsalted cheese.

The remaining share is cereals and carbohydrate root crops, fatty meat in small amounts or fish oil.

With a special feed of super premium class, no additives necessary, this is the best option.

You can not feed the Persians with human food with a high content seasoning, salt, sugar and fat, give river fish, raw eggs and tubular bones.

A Persian cat needs an individual, spacious place where it can stretch out full length or curl up in a ball.

The Persian cat needs an individual, spacious place where she can stretch out full length or curl up


Characteristic diseases

Health in Persian cats, as well as in Neva masquerade cats, average.

Unfortunately, they are characterized by hereditary diseases, because as a result of tight selection along with positive acquired qualities and – worst of all – sometimes fixed negative.

Persian cats suffer:

– cardiomyopathy, which can cause death even by a young woman cats

– kidney disease, in some cases it comes to kidney failure;

– progressive retinal atrophy leading to blindness;

– increased lacrimation;

– difficulty breathing due to a small flat nose;

– dental diseases – gingivitis, periodontitis, the formation of tartar and plaque.

Because of the long hair that cats constantly lick, lumps form in their stomachs. Special pastes and tablets are required to remove them.

Due to the long hair that cats constantly lick in lumps form in their stomachs. For their removal are required special pastes and tablets


Mandatory annual four times vaccination, if the cat is not exported abroad, if necessary – a vaccination from depriving.

Before vaccination, the cat should be given an anthelmintic drug. Kittens aged 4 to 9 months are not vaccinated because they are changing teeth.


Anthelmintic prophylaxis is carried out before a viscous animal, they examined by a doctor.

The owner must plan the time in such a way as to have free days for mating and postpartum care.


Cats and kittens of the Persian breed love to play, therefore get a ball for them and something else soft. Three different there will be enough items

Since the color of Persian cats is an important component in planning future offspring, the male is selected according to the pedigree and by color matching.

Important! Persian cats hand feeding is contraindicated, especially if they beg for food. To prevent this from happening, sprinkle them with feed before you yourself sit down for dinner.

And finally, old cats have to wear at night warm pajamas because they are cold, even if the house is warm.

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