Oriental cat (photo): oriental beauty in your house



Origin: Thailand

Class: according to FIFE classification – IV category – Oriental breeds, OSH standard. According to WCF classification – category IV – SOKH (Siam Oriental), OKH standard.

Color: ebonite, brown (cinnamon), light red, gray (blue), chocolate (Havana), beige, lavender or purple, red. All cats of this color are allowed. to exhibitions.

Sizes: growth at the withers: cats and cats from 22 up to 26 cm; weight: cats from 5 to 8 kg, cats from 3 to 5 kg

Life span: about 20 years

Oriental breed – hardly the only representative feline families, not counting the Thai cat, which is attached to a person almost the same as dogs. And very sad without getting enough attention.

It is compared with the Siamese breed. Indeed, there is such color for orientalochka. But, unlike the Siamese, there is no black mask on face.

And the nature of our beauty is softer, more affectionate and cheerful.

The oriental cat was bred from the Siamese breed, from here and some similarities

Oriental cat was bred from Siamese breed, from here and some similarity


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a kitten
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Nutrition
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knitting

Breed history

Oriental cats were introduced from Thailand at the end of the 19th. century.

At first they appeared to England, but for almost 100 years they have not recognized as a breed, not a single felinological advice.

Stubborn British decided that only the Siamese is worthy of attention breed, therefore, did not mind when one of the owners of the nursery in The United States in 1956 took the four-legged foreigner for breeding.

Already in 1958, Americans adopted the standard for oriental cats. And after 8 years, the winner of the Havana color has already appeared (chocolate like the color of cigars).

This color can be considered the most typical and unique for this breed.

In Europe they improved the breed, crossed Oriental and Siamese cats, where all the other colors came from.

At the end of the last century, breeders bred a long-haired subspecies. Oriental breed and bi-color, and have made these species were recognized by the FIFE classification.

Oriental cat is also longhair

Oriental cat is also long-haired.


  • Oriental cat is a great clever girl. If you deserve her respect and love, you will never feel betrayal from a cat. Oriental is very attached to a person, so offended if the owner, instead of stroking, playing or just talking, will be busy with his own affairs.
  • Representatives of the oriental breed, like all cats, sure that the world was created for them, and therefore will meow, seeking attract attention. Although their voice is quite pleasant and melodic, unlike devon rex or ragdolls.
  • This is not a breed that will walk on its own, she needs friend and companion for games. Therefore, it is worth getting those who are more has free time, likes to play and doesn’t mind “Heart-to-heart talk” – the cat adores talking aloud and loudly. Fans of peace and quiet should think about another furry friend, possessing a calm and quiet character. To calm rocks include exotics, Persians, Abyssinian and Russian blue cats as well as Scottish Straight representatives of the breed Maine Coon.


Oriental cat is a great clever girl. If you deserve her respect and love, you will never feel betrayal from a cat

  • Oriental cat seems to have telepathic abilities and easily captures pain, desires and mood the owner. Surprisingly, it can be taught some tricks to for example, walking on a leash or serving the ball. However not flatter yourself, the cat will perform tricks, if she wants to, not by force.
  • Orientals are easier than representatives of other breeds to teach go not even into the tray, but, sorry, into the toilet, open the tap in bathroom or kitchen to drink water. They are also energy therapists – lie on a sore spot, curl up in your arms if you are tired.
  • Get along well with children and do not forget, releasing claws and fangs, even in the midst of games. On arrival guests orientals react very friendly, charming and touching them. Concerning other pets, then animals can make friends.

Important! Oriental cat is very used to to the owners. To buy, play and give or resell to someone is not about her, because the animal can get depressed up to sad events.

Oriental cat has telepathic abilities and easily captures the pain, desire and mood of the owner

Oriental cat has telepathic abilities and easily captures pain, desires and mood of the owner


Oriental cats are brought home to have someone to play with, pour out the soul, and just hug. And at the same time and work out training – what is no reason to surprise guests.


Oriental cat, like all cats, are sure that the world is created for them, and therefore they will meow, trying to attract attention. Although their voice is quite pleasant and melodic, unlike Siamese cats

How to choose a kitten

Your choice is an oriental cat. The price depends on whether there is tribal marriage or not, simple coloring or more classic.

So, marriage is considered the tailroom or the presence of a speaker bone in the chest area, but because of the exhibition, such cats will not admitted.

But these nuances do not affect the character. Cats of simple color can participate in exhibitions, but without tangible results.

To take a kitten should not be earlier than he turns three months old. At this age, he is already vaccinated, and can do without mom, and well developed.

Pay attention to the ears – in pure orientals they are very large, on the nose – it is long and on the kitten itself – at this age he is disproportionate.

Oriental cat cattery is a guarantee that your kitten will grow into a beautiful oriental handsome: documents, map vaccination, veterinary passport – everything should be with him.

Usually they sign a contract for the purchase and sale of a kitten. If his No, but there are doubts, your right with the owner of the nursery bring the kitten to the vet to make sure that the cat is healthy.


Oriental cat is not a breed that will walk on its own. by herself, she needs a friend and comrade for games. Therefore, it’s worth starting it those who have more free time, love to play and not against “heart-to-heart talk” – the cat adores talking aloud and loud

If you plan to breed orientals in the future, then choose just a cat.

If you are not going to build on this business, it’s better sterilize the cat or castrate the cat so that they do not scream, but the cat did not methylate everything in the apartment.

It will be useful to find out what eating preferences a newfound pet, what kind of fill does he like, how much once a day you need to give food, and what single serving.

You want the oriental kitten as fast as possible adapted in a new house.

Important! About six months before the kittens Oriental cats are very active and curious. And therefore there will be to jump, run along the floor and walls, climb into distant corners, collecting dust, and hanging on the curtains. Show tenderness and patience, remove beating and dear to your heart objects, mask the wires, lift the curtains so that the kitten cannot jump on them. Later this excitement will subside somewhat and it can be redirected to something another.

Owing to the peculiarities of their hair, oriental cats do not need any special care. Even a long-haired variety is enough to comb out once a week, and short-haired ones are simply wiped with a rubber or silicone glove.

Due to the peculiarities of their fur, they are not needed for oriental cats. some kind of special care. Even a long-haired variety it is enough to comb out once a week, and short-haired simply wipe with a rubber or silicone glove

Care Features


Due to the peculiarities of their fur, they are not needed for oriental cats. some kind of special care.

Even a long-haired variety is enough to comb out once a week as a furminator, and shorthair just wipe with a rubber or silicone glove.

Oriental bathing is very rare. They have undercoat like fluff therefore they are very cold. After swimming, wrap your pet in warm towel and blow dry.

Long claws are a distinctive feature of oriental cats. FROM not even clawpads cope with them.

It is necessary to buy a claw cutter and periodically cut the claws. Do is it by the window or in good light – cut off only the bright part, so as not to injure the claws.

Watch your ears by rubbing your auricle with a cotton swab and a damp, soft cloth.

An oriental cat can be trained in some tricks, for example, walks on a leash or passing the ball. However, do not flatter yourself, the cat will perform tricks if it wants to, and not by force.

Oriental cat can be trained in some tricks, for example, walking on a leash or serving the ball. However don’t flatter yourself the cat will perform tricks if she wants to, and not according to coercion


You can walk with a cat, holding it on a leash. Do not let him down pet, so that, interested in something, she did not run away.

For winter, put a warmed house in the room so that the cat can get warm there.

Walk her on the street – take care of soft and warm clothes, no matter how ridiculous the cat looked in it. Do not forget about collar from ticks and fleas.


Elegant orientals


Oriental breed cats eat whatever they are given. But overfeeding them is not worth it. Each serving should be small: 30 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

You need to feed no more than twice a day – the animal should be slim.

From natural products, give the cat meat fresh and raw oceanic fish. It will be useful to give boiled or raw vegetables, grow weed.

But not all cats digest milk. This is food, not drink, therefore, you need to give milk a little and a couple of hours after food.

Long claws are a distinctive feature of oriental cats. Even claw points cannot cope with them. You need to buy a claw cutter and cut your claws periodically. Do this by the window or in good light - cut off only the bright part so as not to injure the claws.

Long claws are a distinctive feature of oriental cats. FROM not even clawpads cope with them. Need to buy a claw cutter and cut nails periodically. Do it by the window or in good light. – cut only the light part so as not to injure the claws


Characteristic diseases

Orientals are healthy cats, but are related to the Siamese breed explains the occurrence of cardioiomaty (heart), gingivitis (mouth and teeth) and amyloidosis (inherited).


In the vetcard it should be noted that vaccinations are made at the age of 9 and 11. Further on vaccination it is necessary to come once a year.

Do not miss the first kitten vaccination. Not forget to visit the veterinarian before visiting the worms (weeks after 1.5 to visit).

Color is the basis of the breed. Therefore, cats and cats can only be knitted with one breed and one color.

Color is the basis of the breed. Therefore, you can knit cats and cats only one breed and one color


The owners will find out that it is time to knit an oriental cat immediately – voice and behavior change. Baby meows louder, rolls across the floor.

The first calls may be up to a year, but look for the groom it is possible not earlier than the cat will be 1.5-2 years old.

Color is the basis of the breed. Therefore, you can knit cats and cats only one species of breed and one color.

Young and experienced cats that already have kids champions, cope with untied cats, and experienced cats with inexperienced cavaliers.

To avoid unregulated spots, stripes, knit better cats of one color.

Also, pay more attention to the process itself. this cat breed is best attended the vet.

Oriental cat: oriental beauty in your home

Oriental cat is love for life. One who is already made friends with her; he does not mind the soul in this graceful creation. Cat smart, noble, affectionate and very trusting.

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