One-eyed kitten Sir Staffington: the hero of our time

On the Internet, a new star was lit. To Sir Staffington at 6 weeks of birth had so many bad weather and tests that not every adult experiences to man.

The page for Sir Staffington was created by a caring woman from Oregon State, which picked him up on a sick street and took him to local shelter.

one-eyed kitten pirate sir staffington

Her goal was not only to help the unfortunate animal, but also draw public attention to how frivolous people feel weak and sick and save on the most important thing – mercy.

one-eyed kitten pirate sir staffington

In a short time, the page gathered several tens of thousands subscribers and audience continues to grow.

one-eyed kitten pirate sir staffingtonone-eyed kitten pirate sir staffingtonone-eyed kitten pirate sir staffington

The kitten was diagnosed with a whole bunch of diseases: calicovirus, extremely dangerous for cats, jaw fracture, problems with heart and eye injury, which he obviously got in a fight on the street.

one-eyed kitten pirate sir staffingtonone-eyed kitten pirate sir staffington

Volunteers who took patronage of the baby noticed that the kitten looks like a dashing pirate who has seen life and is ready for the brave adventures.

one-eyed kitten pirate sir staffingtonone-eyed kitten pirate sir staffingtonone-eyed kitten pirate sir staffington

Two volunteers live at the volunteer who sheltered the baby kittens. They unconditionally accepted the pirate into their company and did not notice its features. Perhaps people have a lot to learn from them.

one-eyed kitten pirate sir staffington

Even the smallest kitten in life falls serious tests. One can only guess how brave the heart beats from the chest of this fluffy lump and enjoy that there are still those in the world who are ready to lend a helping hand.

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