Manx cat (Manx)

Manx, Manks, Stubbin, Rumpy

Manx cat (Manx) Manx, Manks, Stubbin, Rumpy

Breed characteristics

  • Adaptability: 10
  • Family Affection: 10
  • Game activity: 10
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Total health: 9
  • Hair loss: 6
  • Friendliness for children: 8
  • Dog Friendly: 10
  • Love for meow: 6


The Manx cat has a long history – the first mention of tailless cats date back to 1750. It’s hard to say now when exactly they were brought to the island, but you can say absolutely for sure – subsequently, several imported cats distributed the tailless gene and the island became famous precisely because of its unusual animals. However, some experts admit that a kitten with an innate mutation could be born on the island, and was not imported from outside.

Since this is an island, not a mainland, the number of individuals and the possibilities for reproduction is limited, and therefore, in order for the gene spread all over the island, it took quite a bit time. Now the Manx cat breed is recognized by many registries, e.g. Cat Association, International Association cats and other organizations.


Manx cat is a strong and smart pet with beautiful hunting instincts. Some even call them “cotops”, for unusual manner of behavior. This is a wonderful companion and a true friend, which is sure to become a favorite for each of your members families. He is obedient and understanding, and will gladly walk on leash, if you teach him to do this at an early age.

Manx has a strong physique and has enough impressive size. Paws are short, strong and muscular, ears middle length. There are a great many colors of this breed, on every taste. Life expectancy on average 15 years (provided lack of genetic abnormalities indicated below).


Manx is a perky and funny cat with hunting instincts. This cat is best to get, if you live in private sector, this will make you a great gift not only to the animal, but also to itself. That is, living in the private sector people are in any case, a cat is bred, however, the Manx breed – it is something special. Her peculiar disposition turns the pet into guard cat – no stray dog dares to penetrate your yard, as it will be immediately attacked. Not speaking about other cats or rats.

In this case, this breed in no case can not be called aggressive – in the circle of his family, with his beloved people, Manx cat full of tenderness and affection. She may be curious observer of your daily household chores, and will always be happy serve as a soft pillow when you decide to rest.

High intelligence allows the pet to focus on terrain, draw your own conclusions, observe the situation with parties and participate in household chores, and also understand that he is required to even learn simple commands. To children this the breed is cautious, but without hostility, like strangers, especially in their territory. If your child will abide by the rules of behavior with the cat, they will make friends.

Manx cat becomes attached to his family, likes to spend with her time, and engage in long trips. Often, she is neutral refers to water and may even try to fish if you live near a reservoir. They are quite playful and active, and not only in childhood. Despite their temper, these cats are with the owners usually obedient.

Common diseases

Despite good immunity and, in general, good health, there are some genetic defects, namely:

  • tailbone arthritis;
  • corneal dystrophy (begins to develop when the kitten about 4 months);
  • Manx syndrome, a combination of birth defects – short spinal column, urinary tract defects and bowel problems and digestion. This disease is observed in 20 percent of Manx cats, and usually manifests itself when a kitten is 4 month. Therefore, it is better to buy kittens older than 4 months.


Manx cat needs a weekly combing. Besides, 3 times a week, you need to brush your teeth, bathe every 2-3 months pet, and also cut the claws once every 10 days. Ears and eyes cleanse of necessity.

Breed Information

Country of origin Isle Of Man
Life span 12-14 years old
The size medium-large
Weight Males: 4.5-5.5 kg, Cats: 3.5-4.5 kg
Type of wool shorthair
Color any colors and patterns of wool, except chocolate, purple and Siamese color
Lifestyle outdoor / indoor
Group shorthair
Price 400 – 600 $

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: