Is it possible to give a cat food to a dog

Unfortunately, not all dog owners delve into particular feeding his fourth friend. Some of them, not detecting on the shelf of the desired diet, acquire food intended for cats. Others – seeing that the dog gladly eats “crackers” from cat’s bowls also give him more food he likes. Moreover, nimble dogs often eat their “meowing” comrades, while the owner does not see this “crime”. But if you ask the vet, Is it possible to give a cat food to a dog, then any of them will answer negatively. What is harmful to such rations for representatives another kind?


  • 1. Why Murphy doesn’t suit Murphy feed
  • 2. Glucose level
  • 3. Taurine
  • 4. Protein
  • 5. Vitamin and mineral supplements
  • 6. How to wean a pet from a cat’s diet

Why Murphy doesn’t fit Murkin feed

Choosing the right diet for the dog, the veterinarian takes attention to the characteristics of the animal – its age, weight, quality of coat, food addictions and other factors. After all, not every dog is suitable the same feed. Food must provide the body with the necessary elements to be nutritious, healthy, balanced. Is it possible to give a dog cat food read the article

In addition, manufacturers are developing numerous formulas, focusing on the needs of the species of animal for which the product is intended. Therefore, it is not surprising that the composition for cats not at all suitable for dogs. What indicators in feed for animals diverge greatly?

Glucose level

The cat and dog, even having the same size, are nevertheless belong to various biological species. Feline blood is normal contains significantly more glucose. In this regard, these pets need frequent meals in small portions. I’m going to dogs give 1-2 times a day, usually it is a very satisfying meal, providing feeling full until the next dose.

Of course, these nuances are taken into account by feed manufacturers, and if the dog will constantly eat food for cats, then soon expect abnormalities in the functioning of her body.


Taurine is a vital amino acid for cats, which gives the animal energy and activity. In addition, it provides full-fledged work of the heart and protects the animal from cardiac diseases. Therefore, this component must be included dry rations designed for cats.

But the canine organism does not feel the need for additional taurine, since it produces it independently in the right quantities. Eating food containing this amino acid, can cause an overabundance and disorders, arising against this background.


So that taurine is better absorbed in the cat’s body, and the level acid in the stomach increased, the feed is saturated with foods containing a large amount of protein.

As it turned out, in the process of evolution, cats are more degrees predators than dogs and they need an increased amount squirrel. Therefore, their food is not suitable for dogs, it can become the cause of diseases of the digestive tract.

In addition, many decorative dogs suffer from allergies, which the protein provokes.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Barking pets require certain components in the right ones. proportions, for purrs – others. Therefore the balance of vitamins and minerals can be seriously disturbed if the animal consumes not my food at all. This condition may lead to development. various diseases.

Watch the video and find out what will happen if the dog is fed cat food:

How to wean a pet from a cat’s diet

Often, dogs eat from a neighbor’s bowl without experiencing much addictions to what lies in it, just sincerely believing that there tastier. Puppies may be attracted to someone else’s food solely because of natural curiosity, quickly eating their own, they will definitely stick your nose to a leisurely chewing cat. Didn’t get a fight back? Means You can feast here too!

Dogs that have excellent appetite and a tendency to overeat. They always have enough space in stomach for a few handfuls of cat crackers. Also greed dogs often show leadership toward food in the home among pets, or puppies, which during their stay with brothers and the sisters lacked provisions.

Since very rarely dogs really consider cat food more delicious food, special weaning is not required, it’s enough for a dog to restrict access to someone else’s cup. Faster this will happen, the lower will be the risks of developing various pathologies and violations.

Feed attracts more attention from four-legged scoundrels economy class, rich in various flavors, which are not good for the cat either. They should not feed a single pet, regardless of species.

When weaning, you can use the following recommendations:

  • feeding the cat and dog should be separate – give them food is better in different rooms, and any theft should stop and be punished right away;
  • You can put bowls at different heights – dogs are not capable to climb significant elevations, but the cat will not be labor to fit even on the cabinet, so the problem will be solved by herself;
  • dishes after meals should remain empty – as soon as the cat ate, leftovers should be removed before the next meal.

In addition, the owner himself needs a certain organization. Do not give the pet food that does not suit him – the dog only dog food is needed! cat and dog eat

The life expectancy of a four-legged friend and its quality in largely depend on the conditions of detention and proper nutrition. therefore the owner should not give the dog products that knowingly worsen it health, cat food belongs to the same category.

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