How to trap a cat

Cats love to sit in boxes, bags and cabinets. Their love for enclosed space is known to all. But recently someone thought of draw on the floor the usual circle in which the pet sat as if in shelter. This easy way has already helped many avoid the question of how to trap a cat.

To create a trap using tape, draw a circle on the floor.

how to trap a cat

The bait is put in the center: feed, milk, sour cream or, as a last resort case, valerian.

how to trap a cat

That’s all. The cat will not make you wait long and sit down more comfortable.

how to trap a cat

He does not even understand that he was deceived.

how to trap a cat

Internet users do this trick not only with electrical tape.

how to trap a cat

Any objects that can be twisted are used.

how to trap a cat

Even a wreath of twigs will do.

how to trap a cat

Zoopsychologists claim that such a trap awakens in a pet instincts of wild ancestors.

how to trap a cat

The circles remind cats the shelter in which you can hide from any danger.

how to trap a cat

By the way, it’s not necessary to draw circles, you can do absolutely any shape and the cat will still lead to your trick.

how to trap a cat

These are such peculiar brothers of our lesser. Treat them with warmth and care and do not get involved in experiments with traps.

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