How to feed a cat?

It’s no secret for cat owners that good and high-quality feed and are quite expensive. However, everyone needs to feed her pussy a day, and saving money on feed can cost an animal health, and then life. Sometimes the owner makes a mistake by treating the cat with dishes with your table. It should be remembered that human food is rich flavored with seasonings, spices, sometimes oily or too spicy, not suitable for cat. What to do in this case, should decide only the owner of the animal itself, but the choice is not so great: food prepared personally for the cat or purchase industrial nutrition (dry or wet feed). Probably the first the option is better and more reliable, because the owner knows which quality products bought and how to cook them. But on the issue of saving This option is not the best of time – busy most of the day a person is unlikely to spend so much time cooking for a cat. If we consider the acquisition of dry and wet feed, then first you should carefully study the composition of the product, read the reviews buyers, and ideally, consult a doctor.

Home-cooked food

If the owner prefers natural food, then here list of foods that can feed a cat or cat:

  • Low-fat (or fat-free) dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). Such products can be given to a cat, if diarrhea does not occur. Otherwise, you have to regale animal calcium preparations.
  • Milk can be given to a cat if she does not have an upset stomach after eating it.
  • Boiled meat (beef / veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit). Sometimes meat is advised to just scald with boiling water for preservation of nutrients, but it is fraught with infection by bacteria or parasites.
  • Offal (liver, heart, stomachs) can be alternated with meat, boiled and cut into small pieces.
  • Vegetables (cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), spinach, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets). Vegetables are added to meat in 1: 5 ratio and help the digestive system of the animal well work.
  • Fish (marine, boiled, boneless) can eat by a cat no more than 1-2 times a week. Never it is worth feeding the cat raw and river fish, it is dangerous infection microbes. In addition, frequent use can push animal to the development of urolithiasis.
  • Boiled or raw egg yolks (chicken (1 pc.) Or quail (3 pcs.)) – no more than once a week.
  • Cereals (rice, oatmeal, semolina), boiled in water and added to meat or fish in a ratio of 1: 5. But frequent cereal consumption for a cat is not important due to the fact that carbohydrates are not vital to the animal.
  • Oil (vegetable or butter) in quantity? teahouse tablespoons 1 time per day, with which you can fill a cat’s dish.
  • Greens (parsley, dill, barley, oats), it should add to food or give a cat a nibble if it is her like.
  • Fiber (e.g. ground bran) can added to meat dishes.
  • Vitamins should be prescribed by a veterinarian, usually 2 times per year. You should not constantly feed a cat with vitamins, because when fed with natural food, vitamins enter the body and minerals. It is preferable to feed the cat with vitamins twice a year – in spring and autumn.

Products that can not be fed a cat:

  • Fatty meat (pork, lamb) is harmful to the liver animal.
  • Fatty and river fish – the possibility of steatitis and parasite infection.
  • Food from the table (smoked, fried, sour, spicy).
  • Alcohol.
  • Sweets.
  • Salt.
  • Bow.

As you can see, the basis for the natural menu is shredded low-fat boiled meat, coupled with vegetables. Can also be purchased for animal baby food (canned meat in iron or glass jars). On meat broth, you can also cook and cat porridge, although it is not necessary to give it to the animal daily and in large quantities. In addition to meat in the cat’s diet, you can include daily and dairy products, in the case when the animal loves them, but the body accepts. Not worth buying for animal sausage, sausages, pastes due to the large number spices in their composition. Cat food never made at home should be salted, add any seasonings – this leads to diseases of the stomach and kidneys.

Ready-made industrial cat food

If the owner of the cat prefers dry or wet canned food, then before buying such should carefully study their composition. Do not rely on beautiful packaging, encouraging advertisements and manufacturer’s promises. In good high-quality feed meat should prevail over others ingredients. Ideally, the feed should not be preservatives, flavors, colorants, GMOs, corn, i.e. those components that are harmful to the health of the animal. Is worth pay attention to the percentage of meat to others the ingredients in cat food. Advantage of feeding a good feed is its balance, enrichment vitamins (that is, you do not have to purchase vitamin complexes for an animal). Ready food can be consumed immediately by opening packaging, no need to spend time in the kitchen by the stove. Preferably to purchase feeds of the super-premium class – precisely in their composition the largest amount of meat in the absence of chemical additives. At when choosing ready-made feeds, you can pay attention to specialized types of products: for sterilized, leading an active life, elderly with urolithiasis, with sensitive digestion of cats. When choosing industrial feed for cats not should:

  • Constantly change the brand of feed.
  • Giving the animal natural and prepared food at the same time.
  • Shift your cat from natural to dry or wet feed.
  • Limit the animal to clean water or forget to change it during.

When feeding a cat with at least homemade natural food, at least purchased, Always place an animal bowl with clean drinking water. Cats that eat dry food need it especially devoid of moisture. Adult healthy animal should be fed 2 times in a day. Kittens (they are taught to adult food gradually, starting from 1 months of life), pregnant and lactating cats are fed 4 times a day. Serving size is calculated based on the weight of the animal, about 40-60 g of feed per kilogram of animal weight. It is preferable to feed the cat in the morning and evening, while after meals should be removed and washed thoroughly. Leave food in a bowl should not be given after meals. Firstly, food can go bad and to dry out. Secondly, the cat will be washed away the concept of when it is time for eating. In addition to a bowl of water, you can put a pot of grass for the cat, which can be purchased at at a pet store or sow yourself. Perhaps natural food, cooked by the owner may be more beneficial for the cat, but in this case, the animal can be given useful substances (for example, not all animals love vegetables, greens, and cereals. etc.). Besides Cooking takes time. Acquisition of finished feed may become a good alternative to homemade food only if the food high-quality and good, which means expensive.

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