How old are cats?

Probably most happy kitten owners many times pondered what their pets will become in adulthood. Indeed, the small lump is difficult to determine what will be adult: miniature or large, slim or full.

All cats mature differently.

The cat reaches its maximum size by the time it the skeleton is fully formed. To determine the stop time growth, you need to pay attention not so much to the weight of the pet, how much is the length of his body and limbs, skull size, distance between the shoulder blades. In fact, a definite answer to the question of how many cats grow cannot be. So, usually animals are small (Manchkins, Bambino, Cornish Rex, etc.) and medium (Angora, Abyssinian, Siamese cats) breeds reach their maximum sizes by 12-14 months. Big pets (Maine Coons, Bengal cats, ragdolls, etc.) can grow up to 2.5-3 years. In addition to belonging to the breed, the floor of the house is also important favorite. Some females, reaching puberty (to 7-9 months), either stop growing at all, or still grow, but slightly. But the males gain in height and weight on another for at least 6-7 months. Consequently, the height and weight of two animals of the opposite sex, but the same breed can be different. For example, British female cats do not weigh 1 year old more than 5.5 kg, and cats at this age gain weight from 7 kg and more, continuing to grow up to 2.5-3 years (their maximum weight in adulthood is 10-11 kg).

What factors affect cat growth

No specialist will say with accuracy how a kitten will grow, how long will its development take place. But predict an approximate the size of the animal can still be, paying attention to the following нюансы:Scottish fold cat

  1. Наследственность. To find out how a kitten will grow, sometimes just look at his parents. In a small cat and a miniature cat is usually born offspring with modest dimensions;
  2. Floor. As mentioned above, cats are often smaller cats (both by weight and body length). Yes, and the growth of females stops earlier, sometimes shortly after puberty;
  3. Breed. A healthy Maine Coon, for example, can grow right up to up to 3 (and sometimes even 5 years). Small cat breeds already by 1 year reach maximum size;
  4. The quality of the content. Stray cat in most cases are smaller and uglier than their pampered fellow homebody. It’s not just a matter of coat or shine eyes. Domestic cats are almost always superior in height and weight. homeless people with low immunity and a bunch of sores;
  5. Sterilization or castration. Usually cats after similar operations are gaining weight. Their height after surgery the intervention may pause for a while, but with by time they not only catch up, but even surpass their unoperated brothers. For example, the Scottish fold (cats) after sterilization weigh up to 6-6.5 kg, but capable of breeding females have a mass of not more than 5-5.5 kg;
  6. Nutrition. The more diverse the cat’s diet, the more confidence that the pet will be able to reach its maximum sizes. Vitamins are required for a cat to grow: A (found in green vegetables, grass, fish oil), B (in fermented milk products), D (in fish oil). And micronutrients are also needed: calcium (is in saltwater fish, meat, eggs) and phosphorus (found in fish, meat, dairy products, cereals);
  7. The presence of endo-and ectoparasites. If a cat has an organism or bloodsuckers live on the surface of the body, which means its growth can brake significantly. Helminths feed on blood and tissues animal by absorbing the lion’s share of nutrients so necessary for proper development. The same principle applies. and fleas that drink cat blood;
  8. Various diseases. Cats that are often stressed having endocrine diseases (especially those developed early age), usually lose in body length and weight to other healthy individuals;
  9. Hormonal drugs. For example, pills that suppress sexual intercourse in cats, used in too a young age pet can adversely affect his height.

How to Promote Pet Growth

If a pet mustached pet suddenly stopped gaining weight, and its growth at the withers does not increase at all with time, you can поступить так:Ragdoll

  1. Посетить ветврача вместе с животным с профилактическойpurpose. Reasons for slow growth may be, for example, in hormonal failure. Make the right diagnosis and prescribe the right one. treatment should be a specialist;
  2. To diversify the cat’s menu in case the pet is on natural nutrition. Feed a cat of any age with soups or sausages are unacceptable. It is not only harmful to her stomach, but also dangerous development of vitamin deficiency. The best food is meat, offal, sea fish, a small amount of vegetables and cereals, sour-milk products. Plus, the cat will need to give vitamins (preferably after approval by veterinarian) enriched with calcium. If the animal If it feeds on industrial feed, then it is worth giving preference to goods premium quality – balanced food containing everything essential nutrients;
  3. To prevent parasites. Most insecticidal and deworming agents can be used for kittens over 2 months old. Worms and fleas must not be allowed pulling strength from an animal.

So, it’s absolutely accurate to determine how old you are. cats, of course, are impossible. This moment may come up to a year in sexually mature individual, and already in two or three years in some cats (mainly large) rocks. If cat growth for any reasons standing still, do not do home self-medication or panic. Competent consultation of the veterinarian, affectionate hands of the owner, the right diet – and a home friend for sure make up for lost kilograms and centimeters.

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