Conjunctivitis in cats

Conjunctivitis in cats is considered inflammation of the mucous membrane. membranes of the eyes (conjunctiva), arising for various reasons. TO Unfortunately, often such a disease is left without proper treatment, which fraught with the development of keratitis, decreased and even loss of vision. To pussy has not lost one of its main advantages – sharp view, the owner should know all about the causes of development and types conjunctivitis, symptoms of inflammation and methods of treatment.

Types and forms of feline conjunctivitis

Конъюнктивит у кошек подразделяется на следующие виды:Ginger cat

  1. Катаральный – воспаление глаз животного, возникающее поallergies, personal injury, dust or cleaning agents (or other foreign objects) into the organs of vision. In catarrhal conjunctivitis cat’s eyelids swell, a clear eye is released from the eye mucus, the area around the eyes of the purr constantly looks wet;
  2. Purulent – this type of conjunctivitis develops then, when an infection joins an inflammation. Often called purulent bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. With this type of inflammation in cats, the discharge from the eyes instead of transparent becomes thick, a greenish yellow hue. Kitty is not easy to “tear” his eyes after sleep, the hair near the eyes often thins. Similar symptoms conjunctivitis in cats can often be caused by parasitic invasions. By the way, infectious purulent conjunctivitis in cats and other animals cause the same viruses and bacteria as in humans. Therefore, the question of whether conjunctivitis is transmitted from cats a person needs to respond positively;
  3. Phlegmonous – not only the conjunctiva itself is affected, but and other tissues of the eye. With this type of conjunctivitis, the eyelids (including third) cats are very swollen, flowing profusely from the eyes purulent-mucous exudate, often the temperature rises body;
  4. Follicular – inflammation of not only the mucous membrane of the eye, but and lymphatic follicles. Symptoms of such conjunctivitis are the appearance of a cloudy film and nodules on the eye, the release of pus, photophobia.

Conjunctivitis occurs in two forms:

  1. Acute – it is good for this form of the disease severe symptoms: pain and itching in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, attempts to scratch the eyes with a paw, discharge (first transparent, but then purulent), refusal to eat, apathy, even bouts of frustration Gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Chronic – in fact, untreated or untreated acute conjunctivitis. With this form, the cat looks almost healthy: transparent tears sometimes flow from her eye, maybe slight swelling in the eyelids.

Feline conjunctivitis treatment

Before starting treatment for an eye disease, a pet should show to a specialist. Doctor examining an animal and taking if necessary analyzes, accurately determine the type of disease and its cause (for example, inflammation may develop due to viral infections or as a result аллергии).Vet and catМожно попробовать начать лечение в домашнихif the cat’s eye discharge is clear and not significant swelling of the mucosa. You need to act like this:

  1. With a clean cotton pad or gauze soaked in a solution “Furacilina” (chamomile tea or tea brew), wipe each eye from the outer corner to the inner. And even in those in cases where only one eye is inflamed, the other will have to be so wipe (for each eye, take a separate clean cotton disk);
  2. Treatment for conjunctivitis in cats should preferably include veterinary drugs bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties: eye drops “Tsiprolet”, “DECTA-2”, “Lacrimin aseptic”, “IRIS”, “Conjunctivitin”;
  3. If there are no special veterinary preparations at hand, but a zoo pharmacy closed (located far from home, etc.), inflammation will help relieve “human” drops (for example, “Dexamethasone” or others);
  4. If the inflammation is severe, the discharge from the eyes is plentiful, and more, when they become purulent, antibiotics will have to be used – drops “Levomycetin”, “Tobrex”, ointment “Tetracycline” and “Phloxal” (lay behind the lower eyelid of the animal);
  5. For pain in the eyes of a cat, a 2% solution is instilled under the lower eyelid Novocaine or Ledocaine, which also helps to reduce swelling.

All procedures should be carried out by the owner in a clean disposable gloves. After contact with the eyes of a cat conjunctivitis patient wash your hands thoroughly. The above drugs should not be use if no positive is seen within 3-7 days result, and the cat began to experience even more problems (purulent discharge, blurred eyes, body temperature increased, etc.). Purulent, phlegmonous and follicular conjunctivitis cannot be treated. without control by a doctor. Only a specialist knows how to treat conjunctivitis in cats is most effective using need antibiotic injections, ointments and drops, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunostimulants.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in cats

Such measures will help protect the cat from eye inflammation:

  1. Health monitoring, including health eye (often conjunctivitis is only a symptom of a disease, which the owner did not notice in time or did not cure with the support of veterinarian);
  2. Timely cure or prevention of parasitic ailments that significantly undermine the immunity of the animal;
  3. Transferring a cat to a complete diet – balanced ready food or high-quality natural nutrition (the right menu helps confront conjunctivitis);
  4. Failure to communicate with cat stray animals that may infect with eye disease and other ailments that provoke conjunctivitis;
  5. Good hygiene when handling the animal’s eyes (dirty hands, not the first freshness of gauze are unacceptable).

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