Cat Loss

Healthy and fluffy cat fur coat – an indicator of its health and subject the pride of the owner. It is no coincidence that one of the signs of good The physical condition of the animals is called shiny and thick coat. But what to do when the cat begins to rapidly lose its hairline? Should the owner sound the alarm and run to the doctor in order for him to prescribe treatment? In any case, if the owner notices abnormal coat thinning in his pet, should monitor behavior and overall health closely animal. Hair loss in cats (or alopecia scientifically) can be one of the symptoms of terrible diseases, and may be a common moult.

Causes of Hair Loss in a Cat

Основные причины выпадения шерсти у кошек:Cats without wool

  1. Сезонная линька. Shedding is so arranged by nature that in spring and autumn, cats change their fur coat in accordance with upcoming heat or cold snap. An animal in such a period behaves as usual, does not look sick, the appetite is normal. TO when molted, the animal does not become bald, it just loses the old coat, and instead acquires a new one. To the owner don’t worry if the molt lasts long enough (sometimes up to 3 months), there may be reasons, for example, living in a cat that is too suffocating and poorly ventilated indoors. However, it will not be superfluous to maintain a comfortable home temperature for the animal, and also give the cat vitamins for maintaining the body in the offseason.
  2. Pregnancy and feeding offspring. Cat, hatched kittens often lose their hair because their body completely rebuilt, giving the lion’s share of vitamins and nutrients from mother to her young. Usually after cessation of feeding, the cat regains its coat and the fur coat it looks no worse than before. The owner should remember that pregnant and lactating cats need special enhanced nutrition and vitamin preparations.
  3. Stress. The cat is sensitive and deeply vulnerable. animals, therefore, a rude attitude on the part of people, loss or change of owner, any unusual situations can cause depression in animal. In stressful situations, cats can lose their hair, their mood is apathetic, appetite may be absent. The best drugs in this case are human affection, understanding, care and time. In the most severe cases, the veterinarian may prescribe special sedatives.
  4. Senile age of a cat. Often in older cats thinning of hair is noted on the muzzle, in the area of the ears. Such hair loss does not require medical treatment, but has sense to consult a veterinarian about the nutrition of an old animal and vitamins.
  5. Allergic reactions. Cats, like humans, can allergic reactions to anything: food, medicine, chemicals and plants (contact dermatitis), mold, dust (inhaled dermatitis), bloodsucking saliva (flea dermatitis), sunlight (solar dermatosis). Allergy Symptoms in Cats in addition to hair loss are itching, constant licking and scratching of irritated parts of the body, redness of the skin, possibly the appearance of scales and bubbles on the body. For successful treatment the animal should identify the allergen and exclude the possibility of contact cats with him. Often, antihistamines are prescribed by the doctor, special diets, immunomodulators, insecticides depending on allergen that causes the disease state of the animal.
  6. The presence of parasites and fungal diseases. Ringworm lichen, demodicosis, skin mite, the presence of fleas, lice can serve as the causes of focal alopecia of the cat. Common symptoms for parasitic and fungal diseases in addition to the loss of six: strong itching, the appearance of scales on bald areas, dandruff, ulcers (with infection on the inflamed area), weight loss and appetite, restless state of the animal. But in such cases, baldness wears focal nature, rarely wool disappears throughout the body. IN depending on the type of parasite, the doctor prescribes drugs – insecticides that help cope with the disease (if we are talking about fleas, lice, ticks), antifungal drugs and vaccines (with ringworm), and the owner carefully disinfection of premises, furniture, beds and bowls of a sick animal. In the future, preventive treatment is carried out, and are observed hygiene rules.
  7. Hereditary or congenital diseases. To such diseases include: seborrhea (alopecia, peeling and inflammation skin, unpleasant odor), hypotrichosis (complete loss of hair in under one year old) and other diseases. After medical research, tests and biopsies may be prescribed if it is perhaps.
  8. The reaction of the cat’s body to drug treatment. Sometimes chemotherapy for a cat or any other drug treatment may affect her coat: fur coat cats become thinner, areas around injection sites become inflamed. Sometimes hair loss after treatment may occur not right away. Such treatment, as a rule, is not a special treatment. requires. Perhaps your doctor may prescribe vitamins or immunostimulants.
  9. Weakened immunity in cats. Any disease stressful situations, estrus can weaken the immune system in an animal. The hair falls out, but the cat there is no itching, anxiety. The owner must see a doctor for the appointment of vitamin complexes. Also a good review the animal’s diet should never be fed animal food from his table or cheap and low-quality feed.
  10. Bacterial or viral infection. If the animal in addition to increased hair loss, there is also a disorder stool, vomiting, fever, then the owner should urgently consult a doctor for testing and diagnosis. The animal looks sick, lethargic, lack of appetite. By the way, to other diseases can lead to bacterial infections, causing alopecia – parasites, hormonal disorders (disorders genitourinary or endocrine systems).
  11. Violation of the sebaceous glands. Adenitis and hyperplasia – violation of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, in which patches of skin may become excessively glossy covered with scales, focal alopecia is also possible. Doctors antiseborrhoeic shampoos and retinoids are prescribed for treatment.

In fact, cats can have very good hair loss a lot, usually baldness only accompanies any the disease. The owner should always pay attention to the general animal condition: depressed mood or excessive anxiety, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss weights and other disturbing symptoms can signal severe diseases requiring special treatment.

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