Cat diarrhea

Diarrhea in a cat, cat, or kitten often leads the host to confusion: is it worth it to consult a veterinarian or treat an animal At home, what methods of treatment for the animal to choose? Depending on the bowel movements and color (as well as consistency, smell) of feces masses, the owner of the cat needs to decide whether to deal self-medication. Like humans, diarrhea can occur in cats due to many reasons, and stop completely painless, or lead to grave consequences.

Causes of Cat Diarrhea

  • Poisoning by toxic substances. Eating toxic substances and poisoning by them. Often cats can eat indoor flowers and plants, household chemicals, various combustibles liquids, expired and substandard medicines. With this poisoning in a cat, cat or kitten diarrhea is often associated with vomiting and cramping. In this case, the owner should as soon as possible wash the stomach of the cat and give adsorbents to drink (to activated carbon, for example).
  • Poisoning of poor quality or unusual for an animal food. Often, the owner of a joke can treat your pet with alcohol drinks, sweets, too seasoned with spices and spices dishes. In this case, the animal may experience a disorder. stomach, bloating, gas. Diarrhea in a cat, cat or kitten in In this case, it is most often a single occurrence and does not bring significant harm to the animal. The owner should remember that cats are not people, and such food is harmful to them!
  • A sharp transfer of the animal to a new feed. During the transition animal for new food, carefully read the recommendations feed manufacturer. As a rule, a new product needs to be introduced. gradually starting in small portions. For this reason, diarrhea in a kitten, cat or cat is of short duration.
  • Parasites in the body of an animal. In the presence of worms or other parasites, the animal’s stool becomes mucous, with sharp and bad smell. The cat at the same time looks weak, unhealthy. The owner should be alert and such moments: the pale color of the gums animal, weight loss, lack of appetite (in especially neglected cases), vomiting, “riding” the cat on the floor. Depending on the doctor’s recommendations, special enemas are given to the cat, give anthelmintic drugs, subsequently carry out prophylaxis parasites.
  • Allergic reactions in an animal. Regardless age and breed, the animal may have a reaction to one or another allergen (cigarette smoke, plant pollen, perfumes). Often A side effect of allergies can be diarrhea in an animal. If, in addition to indigestion, the cat has lacrimation, itching, vomiting, sneezing and coughing, then most likely we are talking about allergies.
  • Lumps of hair in the cat’s stomach. Often cats licking themselves, absorb a large amount of their own wool. Especially this relevant for furry individuals. In addition to diarrhea in this case, the cat there may be vomiting with clots of wool. Owner is well comb out the pet, if necessary, give the animal special preparations preventing the formation of lumps of wool.
  • Bacterial infection. This is the cause of diarrhea in cats is very dangerous, while the stool is fetid, with mucus, sometimes bloody clots can occur. Animal listless, looks unhealthy, lack of appetite. A cat can rise in temperature, vomiting begins. The presence of blood in the feces the reason for immediately contacting a specialist.
  • Viral infection. Viral infections in cats often accompanied by vomiting, discharge from the nose, eyes. Animal chair liquid, the temperature of the cat may increase or decrease, and appearance talk about the disease. In cases of virus infection, medical intervention required.
  • Diseases of the small or large intestine. Have a cat repeated bowel movements are observed, are often found mucous and blood clots. Sometimes stool turns dark (brown or black) color, in which case the animal could intestinal bleeding occurs.
  • Intestinal obstruction. Intestinal stool obstruction in cats is frequent, fluid, associated with vomiting. Touching the abdomen causes pain in the cat.
  • Pancreatic disease. Cat chair has yellow-green tint. With weight loss, good appetite is observed. animal. Often observed flatulence in the animal. With such diseases (chronic or acute pancreatitis) begins destruction of the pancreas, the animal may even die. Excess or insufficient may be the cause of such diseases. weight, congenital abnormalities in the animal, infection, inflammation, poisoning. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, pass necessary analyzes. If the cat is sluggish, she has difficulty breathing, smell liquid feces sour, fever is a reason to suspect disorders in the pancreas.
  • Stress. Often non-standard or unusual life a situation, a surge of emotions, fear or emotional discomfort (for example, participation in the exhibition, change of home) can cause a cat short indigestion. In this case, the owner is Show maximum attention to your pet.
  • Benign and malignant tumors (cancer) in cats. Such diseases cause not only diarrhea, but also vomiting, weight loss, appetite, interest in life, excretion or unpleasant smell from nose, mouth, eyes. Especially susceptible to cancer females and elderly animals. Do not miss out on precious time and consult a doctor as soon as possible to take a biopsy and surrender analyzes for the upcoming treatment.
  • Kidney disease. Often diseases of these internal organs are accompanied by diarrhea in the cat, lack of appetite, frequent urination, vomiting, difficulty urinating. At such diseases, specialist advice is recommended, change of animal nutrition is desirable. Cat overheating is undesirable or being in a draft.
  • Liver disease. For such diseases is not characteristic only a violation of the stool, but also staining the urine in a dark color. The cat’s stomach is swollen. Cats are advised not to take a day food, then switch to cereal. Testing and the doctor’s consultation.
  • Intolerance to cow milk in kittens. Besides the above reasons for diarrhea in kittens, they may have such problems arise when transferring to cow’s milk.

Cat diarrhea treatment

Depending on the frequency of bowel movement, odor and color feces, it is worth making a decision about contacting a specialist or self help animal. If your pet has diarrhea lasts no more than a day (and infrequently), it follows during the day offer only clean water to prevent dehydration. Also can I give the cat take activated charcoal, by? 2-3 times per day by dissolving the tablet in water. Instead of activated carbon, many experienced owners are advised to water the cat with a divorced Smecta (or other absorbent agent for diarrhea, bloating). Despite, both activated carbon and Smecta are drugs for people, their the effect is beneficial for cats. As natural anti-inflammatory drugs can be used a decoction of chamomile, and to fix it, water the animal a decoction of oak bark (it is worth remembering that the broth should not be too strong, otherwise will be bitter). In cases where the cat’s diarrhea is frequent and the animal is behaving uneasily, you can give your pet half a No-Shpa tablet (Drotaverinum) for pain relief and cramping. Within 7 days it is worth holding the animal on a special diet, excluding milk and sour cream, fatty foods. Can give cat boiled meat, poultry and fish, low-fat broth, boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals, but all this in small quantities of 3-4 once a day. All of the above tools can only help with lung ailments of the animal, if diarrhea lasts no more one or two days, while if the stool does not have mucus, blood, and the color does not too dark or yellowish green. Also too early the age of the animal also does not provide for home treatment diarrhea in a cat, cat or kitten. In cases where the animal seriously affected, in his mind it’s clear that the disease is caused infection or diseases of the internal organs if loose stools accompanied by vomiting, discharge from the eyes, nose and other signs characteristic of severe conditions – treat diarrhea in cats, cats or kittens at home categorically prohibited! Because self-medication can be harmful, and the owner and the cat will lose precious time that could fix the situation during treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

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