Caracal (photo): graceful representative feline exotic

Caracal is a domesticated lynx, which is increasingly preferred to breed as an exotic pet


Range: Arabian Peninsula, Africa, South Turkmenistan, Central and Asia Minor East to Front India

Color: reddish-sandy or sandy

Dimensions: height at the withers: 45-50 cm; weight: 16-20 kg

Life span: at home 15-18 years old

Fascinating grace, kindness and noble poise – all this can be seen in the tamed representative of the wildlife caracale.

In its exoticism, caracal is similar to Bombay cat, in beauty – not inferior to Egyptian Mau.

If a kitten was born and raised at home, it will become wonderful pet.

Having appeared in your house, the cat will immediately begin to get acquainted with all its inhabitants and subdue them with their tenderness and playfulness.


Never forget that a caracal is a predator. Of course, home-born and well-bred cat is not poses a threat to humans. But it’s better not to check it character


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 How to choose a kitten
  • 4 Care Features
    • 4.1 Combing
    • 4.2 Walk
    • 4.3 Power
  • 5 Health
    • 5.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 5.2 Vaccinations
  • 6 Knit

Breed history

If in the countries of Europe and America it is customary to go hunting with dogs, then in Africa and Asia for these purposes they also used cats.

In ancient times, people were richer for hunting tamed cheetahs, and who did not could afford it, he chose ocelots or caracals.

These cats did a great job catching small antelopes, hares, peacocks and pheasants.

Their name is an interpretation of the Turkish word “karakulak”, literally translated as “black ears.”

Caracals did not really resist taming. These animals are as smart as Thai cats and enough obedient.

You can find out about other smart cat breeds. here: https: //

Perhaps that is why not so long ago they began to start houses as hunters, but simply as your favorites.

I must say that there are 9 types, which includes breed caracal. Photos of these animals will say little. unprofessional.

In principle, this is not so important, because the available varieties have the same descriptions of the nature and features of the content houses.


Nevertheless, home caracal in the degree of softness of character surely can compete with some breeds of quite domestic cats


It is important to remember that caracal, like manul, was and remains a predator.

Therefore, for his upbringing, consistency and clear order in requirements.

It is necessary to help kitty learn subordination and work out for her competent rules of conduct.

For the rest, this lynx cat will please its owners with such qualities:

  • Kindness. By degree of softness character caracal can confidently compete with some breeds of quite domestic cats like savannah or pixy bean.
  • Equilibrium. Caracals do not characterized by unexpected bursts of activity followed by 15 hours rest.
  • Energy. Cats need certain physical activities, otherwise they can openly shkodit.

Caracals jealously protect their territory from the invasion of other animals. But with pets living with them under one roof, lynx cats get along very well.

Caracals jealously guard their territory from the invasion of others animals. But with pets living with them under one the roof, lynx cats get along very well

  • Playfulness. They are happy to attend games of children, it will be an excellent occasion for them to throw out energy.
  • Master instinct. Caracal is jealously protect their territory from the invasion of other animals. But with pets living with them under one roof, lynx cats get along very well. Do not just keep with your pet small rodents such as protein degu or lemmings.
  • Curiosity. Who is the first to come running “open” the door when he hears a bell, or will tirelessly search source of rustling in the bushes? Of course this is your cat caracal! Photo and videos about these animals are full of the funniest plots.

Caracal kid is so innocent and defenseless

The caracal kid is so innocent and defenseless

How to choose a kitten

To purchase a caracal kitten, go to the nursery home type, and not in the institution of aviary.

Buying a baby is when he is 4-6 months.

Important! If you are not going to breed caracals, it is worth planning castration or sterilization. how males and females, having matured, will persistently mark their territory, i.e. the rooms of your house or apartment.

As for external health indicators, here are kittens caracals (photos confirm this) look the same as small ones representatives of other mustachioed-striped breeds:

  • the baby’s coat should be thick and shiny;
  • the skin is clean, without rashes or peeling;
  • look at the eyes, nose, ears – something shouldn’t be out of them oozing or smelling bad.

Combing a caracal is worth no more than once a week. Bathing as needed if the kitty is very dirty

Combing caracal is not more than once a week. Bathe as necessary if kitty is very dirty

Care Features


Combing caracal is worth no more than once a week with Furminator. Bathe as needed if kitty is very dirty.

Although lynx cats, just like Turkish van, are very love water and will not refuse to play in the rubber bath balls.

As for the claws, usually in nurseries on the forelegs they are removed with a laser. These pussies do not like being made “manicure”.

Therefore, in the presence of claws, it is better to organize a good caracal scratching post in the form of a log tilted to the corner.

Ears and eyes should be inspected once a week, cleaned by needs.

The feline nature of caracal requires control - walking must be done while keeping the animal on a leash

The feline nature of caracal requires control – walking is necessary produce holding the animal on a leash


There is a category of tamed animals, which are called domestic conditionally, among them is caracal.

Photos (home or wild) of these cats are often demonstrate their love of freedom.

The apartment contains this cat-lynx, as well as Norwegian a forest cat, of course, is quite possible.

In this case, in good weather, it is necessary to use it more often. walk.

The feline nature of caracal requires control – walking is necessary produce by holding the animal on a leash.

It’s worth buying a flea and tick collar – so you protect your pet from annoying parasites.

Ideal for the cat is an aviary version of the content in country house.

It’s good if in a spacious enclosure different shelves are packed and steps on which the mustachioed hunter will jump, satisfying your need for physical activity.

Ideal for the cat is an aviary version of the content in a country house

Ideal for the cat is an aviary version of the content in country house


The main part of the diet of caracal should be raw lean meat.

These cats get vitamins and minerals by eating the entrails. its “prey.”

Whole carcasses of birds or rodents, plus raw meat.

For example, it can be 2 rats or 4 mice and a pound of meat. Not More often than once a week, you should give raw sea fish.

Important! Up to a year caracal organized two meals a day. For perfect bowel function after a year food should be given only once a day.

Also, every week, kitty should arrange a fasting day – not give no meat.

Naturally, such fasting is contraindicated in pregnant women and lactating females.

Caracal is a real hunter

Caracal is a real hunter

In the diet of caracals should not be present:

  • Food from your table prepared for people;
  • Sweet and confectionery;
  • Salty, spicy, spicy;
  • Sausages, sausages and various smoked meats.

You can feed a cat-lynx with dry food, however Products must be of the highest quality.

When choosing a food, it is better to consult with several specialists who are well versed in the breed.

Important! With any type of feeding, undernourished food must be cleaned.

Caracal needs certain physical activities, otherwise it can openly shkodit

Caracal needs certain physical activities, otherwise he can openly shkodit


Characteristic diseases

By nature, caracals have very strong immunity, therefore, when proper care of health problems they do not arise.

Important! Refrain from feed the cat with pork, this may make her sick Aujeszky.

The caracal cat normally adapts to life in a city apartment, but it requires frequent walks.

Caracal cat normally adapts to life in the city apartment, but it requires frequent walks


  1. The first vaccination for a kitten is done at 10-12 weeks old, revaccination after 3-4 weeks
  2. Rabies vaccination 12–13 weeks
  3. The third – after a tooth change, revaccination after 3-4 weeks

If you want to learn more about rabies in cats, we recommend read articlehttps: //

Caracal kitten with tassel ears

Caracal kitten with tassel ears


Caracals do not have a specific mating period, they are ready to breed at least all year round.

For mating, a kitty is led to a cat who will feel more confident at home.

It is better to close animals in a relatively spacious room with a minimum of furniture and leave alone.

Showing her readiness for mating, the female will tag everything in a row, so it’s worth removing what is for the owners value.

To get to know each other and take the necessary action, a couple can take 4 days.

More information about pregnancy in cats can be found in articlehttps: //

Tamed caracals are animals for those who not only love exotic, but not afraid of difficulties.

The lynx cat is very smart and can show character. However in return parenting efforts will receive a gentle, kind and obedient animal.

Anna Lyakhovich7 Overall result CharacteristicAggression6Adaptability6Activity10Weight8 Training6Friendliness6Playability10Intelligence8Noise6 Add your review

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