7 signs that a cat is sick

It often happens that when the owner realizes that the cat got sick, the stage of the disease is already quite neglected. The thing is that cats tend to hide their painful condition. Often when the cat is sick, she can generally hide from people. Most diseases are best treated at their initial stage. You are the only one who sees his pet every day, that’s why it depends on your decision when the animal will be examined by the veterinarian. Do not ignore what you try in your own way say your favorite! Here are some tips to help you. understand that something is wrong with your cat.

Seven signs that the cat is sick:

  • The behavior of the animal is changing. The most common an indicator that the cat is not feeling well is that the animal is trying to hide. In addition, sick cats often lie calmly, but in a hunched position. They can also neglect your affection. Please note that cats purr not only when they feel happy, but also when they become ill. In case of breathing problems, the cat cannot lie on its side, but tries lie on your paws and raises your head high. If a cat has problems of a neurological nature, the animal may experience cramps, cases are often observed when the pet rests its head into furniture or a wall.
  • Pay attention to how your pet eats and goes to the toilet. Cats that do not feel well usually refuse from food. However, some diseases may cause increased appetite, so pay attention to how the animal eats. Increased thirst and urination may indicate kidney problems, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system. Frequent, sudden urination in small quantities, as well as pain when urinating (a sign soreness can serve as meowing during urination and moaning) may indicate infection urinary tract or obstruction. Remember that blockage urinary tract infections, like their infection, can lead to inability to urinate. This is a serious enough problem which can even lead to the death of the animal. Especially dangerous such problems for males.
  • Belching, vomiting. Vomiting after eating may indicate about poisoning or other gastrointestinal problems tract. If the cat vomits for several hours or periodically, on for several days – immediately contact your veterinarian! In addition, if vomiting, even single, is accompanied by lethargy animal or diarrhea, you also need to immediately show the animal to a specialist. In any case, if there are doubt, the best option is to consult a veterinarian.
  • Diarrhea or constipation. Diarrhea in cats may not result from only changes in diet, food sensitivity, availability intestinal infections, but also the result of nervousness. Watery or bloody diarrhea is an indicator in which the appeal to veterinarian is required. Cats often have constipation. Finding out that a cat suffers from this problem is very easy. At defecation, the animal meows, groans, and is very tense. Wherein feces can be very small and hard. Watch carefully what’s in the cat tray! If a problem arises, do not to postpone a visit to the doctor.
  • Cough. Cough may be caused by a wide variety of reasons. Often coughing occurs due to the presence in the airways foreign body, lumps of wool. Cough Causes diseases such as asthma, allergies, tumors, heart diseases, lung and infectious diseases. If the cough does not go away in during the day – contact your veterinarian. In the event that a cough has a constant, ongoing character, while observed shortness of breath, contact a veterinarian without delay!
  • Check the color of the cat’s gums. If you have any suspicions that the pet is sick – check his gums. They have to be dark pink in color. When pressed with a finger, the gum color should recover in a few seconds. Pale or pale pink gums may be a sign of anemia, a violation blood circulation or shock. Bluish gums (or tongue) are an indicator of life threatening due to lack of oxygen. Gum bright red colors may indicate overheating or poisoning carbon monoxide. Yellow gums are a sign of jaundice. Tiny red specks on the gums are indicative of problems with blood coagulation. Problems with teeth and gums often accompanied by bad breath and pain.
  • The body temperature of the cat. If you suspect a problem with health needs to measure the body temperature of the animal. For this take a special cat rectal thermometer, grease it Vaseline and insert into the rectum to a depth of 2.5 to 3 centimeters. Depending on the thermometer used, hold its in the rectum from 10 seconds to 1 minute. Normal temperature the body of a cat is from 37.7 to 39.4 degrees. If the temperature exceeds 40 degrees, and also, if it is below 37.2 degrees, definitely go to the vet.

Remember, at the slightest doubt – call the veterinarian. False anxiety is much better than ignoring the symptoms of the disease!

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