Why doesn’t the puppy bark?

The sonorous yapping or barking of a puppy can be just as deafening, like a concert of an entire orchestra, but what if your doesn’t the puppy bark? Many factors influence the puppy’s voice, including breed, attention, physical activity and possible previous injury.

Why doesn't the puppy bark?

Breeds that hardly bark

Some breeds of dogs practically do not bark. For example, basenji, a small breed of African descent, just can not bark. Instead, the basenji makes a long howling sound. Many small dog breeds like pug and schnauzer are also not inclined bark. Some large dogs also bark fairly moderately. Bullmastiffs, for example, were bred in order to bark at those cases to warn owners of the presence of a stranger dog or an uninvited guest. Get detailed information and breed history Your puppy will be helpful in understanding his tendency to bark.

Life experience

Like us humans, puppies need time to get comfortable in their new surroundings and make friends with your family. After the puppy will get used to you, he may begin to bark more willingly. TO Unfortunately, not all puppies lived in comfortable and friendly conditions, before appearing at your place.

A puppy who has experienced an injury such as punishment or insult, can resist the habit of barking because it survived because of her previous punishment. In addition, puppies also require time to learn your own body and its abilities. Puppies usually do not bark until 3 weeks of age until their eyes become see and ears will not hear, so they can only whine on first glance. If the puppy is not familiar with the sound of barking, then he also there will be less chances to start barking.


The amount of attention your puppy can play an important role in how and how much he barks. Dog which enjoys frequent and long games and physical activity, most likely it will be quite quiet and calm during the holidays. The puppy could also be trained to feel comfortable and at ease during loneliness, and this can reduce him tendency to bark. Chewing toys that can be chewed with which can be played will keep your puppy active and busy during your absence.


All puppies should be shown to the veterinarian so that he can conduct their thorough inspection. Healthy puppy will demonstrate significantly better behavior, including in games, training and barking. Sometimes health problems and birth defects can adversely affect the puppy’s ability to bark. In this case only a qualified veterinarian can do the right thing evaluate your puppy’s health.


Over time, all puppies develop their own character and individual traits. Some puppies begin to bark more than others, and no concrete reason can explain this. A puppy, one way or another, will develop into an adult dog, whether using barking, or body language.

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