Why does a dog smell bad breath

We all know bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be quite an unpleasant problem. If the dog has become bad breath, then this may be the result of development certain bacteria that produce gases in the mouth, lungs, or intestines your dog. Persistent unpleasant breathing may also indicate that the dog needs dental care, check gastrointestinal tract, liver, or kidney. In all cases bad breath is an important symptom that should be thoroughly researched.

Why does a dog smell bad breath

What are the causes of bad smell?

Most often, bad breath in dogs is caused by problems with teeth or gums, and some dogs, especially small ones, most prone to plaque and tartar formation. Not less persistent bad breathing may also indicate serious health problems in the oral cavity, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, or internal organs.

How to determine the reason why a dog smells from his mouth?

Your vet is the most suitable specialist to pinpoint this cause. For a more accurate diagnosis can physical examination and laboratory tests are required. You also have to answer some questions about your diet dogs, oral hygiene, its habits and behavior.

When should I contact a veterinarian?

If your dog’s breathing suddenly becomes unusually bad smell, you should consult with as soon as possible by the veterinarian. The following additional symptoms may signal serious health problems that require immediate treatment:

  • Unusually sweet or fruity breath that can indicate diabetes, especially if the dog often drinks and urinates.
  • A breath that smells like urine, which may be a sign kidney disease.
  • Unusually bad smell of “rotten meat” or mold, accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite and a yellow tinge of the skin and mucous membranes, which may indicate liver problems.

How to treat bad breath?

The treatment depends on the specific diagnosis of your veterinarian. If the cause of the bad smell is plaque, the dog may require professional brushing of teeth and oral cavity. If the reason is the diet, then you probably have to change your dog’s usual diet. If the root cause is problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys or lungs, then please consult your veterinarian for further instructions.

Prevention and how to prevent bad breath

Many people believe that bad breath in dogs, especially in a certain age is absolutely normal. However it is not So. In fact, the healthy oral cavity of your puppy and dog will make your life together not only more enjoyable, but will also be good general health prevention.

  • Check your dog regularly to make sure she does not have common health problems that may cause unpleasant breathing.
  • Make sure your veterinarian checks your teeth and breathing your dog.
  • Feed your pet high-quality, easily digestible food.
  • Brush your dog’s teeth regularly starting with a puppy age – ideal every week or every day.
  • Provide your dog with safe and hard chewing toys that allow your dog’s teeth to clean naturally in the process of chewing.
  • Use special goodies that can improve the smell. from mouth.

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