What to do if a dog was bitten by a bee

It’s hard to find a person whom I’ve never stung in my life bee. Honey bites not only cause pain, but also carry a considerable danger: inflammation of the mucous membranes (if a bee bit, for example, per eyelid), laryngeal edema (with a bite in the area neck), allergic reactions. In a word, a pleasant bee sting few. And what about the situation with our pets – dogs? After all, they are also often bitten by striped toilers-bees. may become a victim of a bee sting through the fault of their own curiosity when trying to catch buzzing insects. And sometimes fatal bite – a coincidence if a bee flew into the window was wide open, and the dog just turned out to be at the wrong time and not at that place.

Why a bee sting is dangerous for a dog

First, let’s figure out what happens when a sting insect bites. If we are talking about bees, then they act like this: they dig into the body human or animal, leaving a sting in it that has a poisonous pouch and notches. Because the phrase “dog the bee stung “instead of” the bee bit “, because the bees do not bite can. And here are their other pathetic “relatives”, such as wasps, bumblebees and hornets may well bite. By the way, the bee stings only times, after which it dies, leaving its sting weapon with a part intestines in the body of an animal or human. The same wasps can sting многократно, впиваясь в недруга снова и снова.Dog and the beeВ Сети достаточно снимков, на которых запечатленыdogs bitten by bees (or wasps). In the photo animals with swollen noses or paws huge from swelling look funny, but in fact there’s nothing funny here. A bee sting for a pet can turn into such troubles:

  • Allergy – usually allergic reactions appear when several bees stung at the same time. However, a single bite can cause such unpleasant consequences: excessive salivation, trouble breathing, swelling and itching in the bite area, pain (especially if a bee has bitten a dog by the nose – the most painful place), sometimes gastrointestinal upset, nasal discharge and eyes, fever;
  • Choking – half the trouble, if the dog was bitten by a bee in its paw. But very dangerous if the dog ate a bee (i.e. the insect flew into mouth to the animal). In this case, the insect can sting the doggie in tongue, sky, throat, which will lead to overlapping oxygen;
  • Anaphylactic shock is a reaction that usually observed in dogs after being bitten by bees (and other insects). In fact, anaphylactic shock is a consequence of bee allergies. bites. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock are: redness and blistering of the skin, severe swelling of the skin and tissues, wheezing breathing time, complaining whining, vomiting, impaired muscle (convulsions), collapse, involuntary emptying of the bladder and intestines.

It is important to note that a slight swelling at the site of the bite and a single dog screech is not a problem. However, if the owner has noticed at least some disturbing symptoms (for example, signs of anaphylactic shock), you need to immediately go to the veterinarian or call him home as soon as possible. Otherwise, the animal may die!

How to help a dog bite a bee

If a bee stings a dog, it’s important to first determine the location of the bite, to carefully remove the stinger with a disinfected tweezers. Then придется провести такие спасительные мероприятия:Dog and the bee

  1. Место укуса промыть проточной водой;
  2. Give the affected pet an antihistamine (for example, Tavegil, “Suprastin”, “Fenistil” or special preparations for animals like “Allervet”). A dose of “human” tablets or drops is better calculate with your veterinarian but if you call the doctor there is no opportunities, it is worth giving the dog such an amount of the drug that suitable for children (for example, babies from 6 years old should be given half of the Tavegil tablet twice a day, therefore, as much must be given to the dog;
  3. In addition to antihistamine drops or tablets, the wound should be lubricated ointment against itching (for example, the same Fenistil “or” Tavegil “in ointment form);
  4. A wound from which a bee sting has already been removed should be treated. hydrogen peroxide;
  5. Apply a cold compress for 15-20 to the sting penetration site minutes (ice-cream products wrapped in a towel freezers);
  6. With severe swelling of the dog, it is appropriate to give a diuretic (for example, “Lasix”, “Arifon”, “Uregit”, etc.);
  7. The dog is not loaded with food, but it is given a lot to drink;
  8. If the dog was bitten by a dog, the owner should carefully monitor behind the pet, its breathing, the degree of swelling of the place pierced sting of an insect. Any alarms are a reason to ask for help to a specialist.

What to do if the doggie is slightly affected by a bee sting, we now found out. By the way, it will not be superfluous to any dog owner in advance find out from the veterinarian what remedies against bees (wasp and etc.) bites should be in the home medicine cabinet. The doctor will help correctly pick up drugs, as well as tell you how to calculate the exact dosage.

When you need to call a veterinarian soon

The dog owner should not self-medicate in such cases:

  • If the dog was bitten simultaneously by many bees;
  • If the pet is clearly feeling unwell: vomiting, diarrhea, problems with breathing, severe swelling, etc .;
  • If the animal’s muzzle has suffered from bites (including when the insect was swallowed or stung the dog in the tongue or sky);
  • If the pet’s health was not up to par even before the bite (reduced immunity, senile or chronic diseases and etc.).

A harmless-looking bee sting doesn’t rarely turn around for dogs trouble. And for the funny-looking pictures that depict doggies with swollen paws and noses, hiding pain and serious danger.

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