Torsion of intestines and acute expansion of the stomach in dogs

Enlarged stomach and intestinal upset is life threatening a disorder that occurs, as a rule, in large dogs. At an early stages the stomach is filled with gas, as a result of which it expands or bloated. In some cases, the disorder further expansion the stomach does not progress.

Torsion of intestines and acute expansion of the stomach in dogs

What causes the expansion of the stomach?

The exact cause of the disorder is still unknown. The condition is most often observed in large dog breeds that eat and drink quickly, and then vigorously perform physical exercises.

Stress can also be a factor in expanding stomach – studies show that dogs that were more relaxed and calm, less at risk developmental disorder.

How serious is stomach expansion and intestinal upset?

Very seriously, this is probably one of the most dangerous non-traumatic diseases of dogs. To save a dog’s life immediate veterinary care required.

Which dogs are more likely to develop stomach expansion?

According to statistics, the disease is more prone to developing large, deep-breasted dog breeds. These breeds are saint bernard, irish setter, weimaraner, gordon setter, poodle, Doberman and Bobtail. It should be noted that bloating and expansion of the stomach can occur in any dog, even a dachshund or chihuahua. The condition usually occurs two to three hours after taking a lot of food.

Some facts about expanding the stomach and inversion guts:

  • Dogs weighing more than 40 kg have an approximately 20% risk of developing condition.
  • Expansion of the stomach without inversion of the intestine is sometimes found in old small dogs.
  • Bloating presses on the diaphragm and thereby can make it difficult breath.
  • Dilation of the stomach can put pressure on large blood vessels in abdominal cavity and severely disrupt blood circulation, which in itself can be fatal.
  • Eventually, the dog faints and bloating becomes obvious when the dog is lying on its side.

Factors that increase the risk of expansion stomach:

  • Feeding only once a day.
  • Hereditary medical history
  • Fast food
  • Low or underweight with a lean physique
  • Anxious or nervous
  • Aggressive towards humans or other animals
  • Males are more prone to bloating than females
  • Adults and older dogs (7-12 years old) have a higher risk

Factors that reduce the risk of stomach expansion:

  • Feeding two or more times a day
  • Adding canned food
  • Calm and relaxed character
  • Feeding dry foods containing calcium-rich meat (e.g. meat of lamb, fish, bone meal)

It is worth noting that the expansion of the stomach and inversion of the intestines is impossible distinguish, since they look the same and have the same symptoms. For the diagnosis of inversion, it is often required roentgenogram.

Why does a dog faint?

Dilation of the stomach presses on large veins that carry blood back to the heart, disturbing blood circulation. Vital tissue and organs lose oxygen, causing the tissues to begin die. Digestion stops and the blood begins accumulate toxins. If expansion continues, it may lead to rupture of the stomach.

What can be done?

This life-threatening emergency requires urgent veterinary care.

It is necessary to reduce pressure on the walls of the stomach as soon as possible and internal organs. The veterinarian may first use gastric tube. If this is not possible due to an inversion of the stomach, then a large needle can be inserted through the skin to reduce the pressure in the stomach.

Shock therapy should also be given as quickly as possible, with relief of intravenous injection of drugs. After stabilization of the dog, surgical inversion correction.

What is the prognosis and survival?

The prognosis depends on the duration and severity of the condition, the degree shock, heart problems, necrosis of the wall of the stomach, etc.

Even in relatively simple cases, inversion deaths accounts for 15-20%. In case of serious tissue damage, when removal of part of the stomach is required, mortality increases to 38%. If spleen removal is required, then mortality is also increases to 38%.

Can stomach expansion be prevented?

Gastropexia (surgical fastening of the stomach) is the most effective means of prevention. In breeds with high at risk, some veterinarians recommend preventative (preventive) gastropexy.

This does not prevent expansion (inflation), but prevents twisting (gut twisting) in most cases. Without gastropexy relapse rate increases by more than 75%!

Close attention to diet, feeding and exercise program Your dog can help prevent stomach expansion.

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