Therapeutic ultrasound for animals

What is ultrasound and how does it work?

Therapeutic ultrasound is used as a method treatments that provide thermal, mechanical and chemical impact on tissues in order to improve their condition and accelerate healing. Physiotherapists use ultrasound on patients patients since the 1940s, and veterinarians have been using it since the 1970s. Sound waves of therapeutic ultrasound are produced by supplying electric current to the crystal, which begins vibrate at a specific frequency. Vibrations of this crystal produce continuous waves that pass through the skin and affect tissue. The ultrasonic sensor is used directly on the skin of the animal using a special gel.

Therapeutic ultrasound for animals

Most people are more familiar with diagnosing with ultrasound, which is used to view internal organs. Ultrasound is usually used to diagnose the heart, to see its shape, size and structure, as well as for diagnosis of abdominal organs. This type of ultrasound also used to diagnose pregnancy.

When should therapeutic ultrasound be used?

Therapeutic ultrasound can be used to increase the stretching of fibrous (fibrous) tissues (e.g. tendons), which can help increase the range of motion of the joint. Ultrasound therapy can also warm tissues to increase blood flow to it, which, in turn, can reduce inflammation and swelling. Ultrasound therapy has been used successfully in many pets, such as dogs and cats, to reduce pain and muscle spasm, as well as to accelerate wound healing.

What happens during an ultrasound session? Does the animal need a sedative?

Pets do not need sedatives in treatment ultrasound session time. They should be able to demonstrate (wriggle or get nervous) if the session becomes uncomfortable. During the entire session, the animal must Feel good enough.

The hair of the animal must be shaved, so the doctor can apply ultrasonic device with a gel that is smeared on skin. Then the ultrasonic device should be free and smooth move around the treatment area.

How long and how often is ultrasound applied therapy?

Most sessions in dogs and cats last from 10 to 20 minutes, and most patients are treated 2 to 3 times a week until until the problem is resolved. Ultrasound therapy is usually used in conjunction with other therapeutic treatments.

Are there any reasons when therapeutic Is ultrasound not recommended?

Ultrasound therapy should not be used on orthopedic implants (e.g. for total arthroplasty) or bone plates. Ultrasound may cause overheating implants and cause discomfort or even tissue damage. Ultrasound therapy should also not be used in case of tumors, in infected areas, during pregnancy, in the eyes, on the skull, as well as on the testicles of the animal.

Therapeutic ultrasound can potentially cause serious tissue damage, so it should only be used trained and qualified specialist.

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