Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Toy poodles are the smallest breed representatives. But it is not dogs are “toys”, not beautiful figurines. The smaller the dog, the more careful should be the care of him. The owner is watching baby development, weight gain, nutrition schedule. Don’t forget about education, training and vaccination.

Puppy at birth

Newborn babies depend entirely on the mother dog: blind and deaf, sleep most of the day, and in short intervals waking suck milk. Puppies can’t adjust yet body temperature, but already sensitive to odors, touches. Kids just crawl slowly, turn their heads in search mother’s nipples, whining, looking for her. Their own body weight so far hard to hold.

The weight of puppies at birth depends on the characteristics of the parents, correct maternal care during pregnancy, the number of babies in a litter, a genetic predisposition. Average weight newborns – 15 0-200 g.

Toy poodles appear in the litter of miniature (previously called dwarf) representatives of the breed. In the early days of a dog’s life, even the specialist will not determine her future. The smallest cutie in litter can grow not in a toy, but in a miniature poodle.

Newborn Toy Poodles:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

1 month

For 2-3 weeks of life, the ears of the koutut open, the eyes are cut. This is an important transitional stage: it seems that the puppy is developing swiftly. Learning to use the tail, growl, bark, interact with brothers and sisters. Kids already know how independently lacquer water, relieve the need without the help of the mother.

One and a half month toy poodles often cause confusion in non-specialists – it seems that the puppies are too fat and large. Why do people often buy dogs that, due to illness, developmental disorders, problems with the endocrine system can not gain weight – such animals are the smallest in the litter. Therefore, experts advised to buy bred toy poodles: when it’s clear that it’s completely healthy but miniature animal.

Monthly toy poodle:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

1 month

For 2-3 weeks of life, the ears of the koutut open, the eyes are cut. This is an important transitional stage: it seems that the puppy is developing swiftly. Learning to use the tail, growl, bark, interact with brothers and sisters. Kids already know how independently lacquer water, relieve the need without the help of the mother.

One and a half month toy poodles often cause confusion in non-specialists – it seems that the puppies are too fat and large. Why do people often buy dogs that, due to illness, developmental disorders, problems with the endocrine system can not gain weight – such animals are the smallest in the litter. Therefore, experts advised to buy bred toy poodles: when it’s clear that it’s completely healthy but miniature animal.

Monthly toy poodle:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

2 months

An important period of development of the dog continues: the skills that she will acquire at such a young age, will remain with the animal for the whole a life. The owner helps to introduce the poodle to other dogs, members of his family, objects in the apartment. To everyone what the pet will have to interact with as an adult age.

At 6 weeks, the first deworming and vaccination animal. The stage of “easy socialization” continues: after vaccinations the kid can be gradually introduced to the street: walking, holding him in carrying on hand. When the toy poodle is mastered, it will gradually accustom to a harness, a leash.

Puppies at 2 months of age are fully transferred to self-nutrition (4-5 meals per day). Is important a complete, balanced diet – or premium food, or quality, fresh, natural food. The opinion that toy poodles should not be fed a lot, otherwise they will grow large. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to developmental disorders dogs, serious health problems, exhaustion, not to miniature size.

Photo, video of toy poodles at 2 months:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

3 months

The number of meals is reduced to 3 times. Repeated vaccination course. They start to train a toy poodle, learn with him simple commands. The kid still perceives such training as a game that allows you to achieve impressive results.

At this age, puppies usually find a new home. When choosing your puppy first thing is to determine the gender of the future pet:

  • The boys. More active and vibrant. Loved by little children, all over become attached to them with their souls: execute commands and even become “personal bodyguards.” But too small are the opposite: on the contrary, they can be jealous of the owner for children.
  • Girls. More affectionate, affectionate and obedient.

By the time of the sale, the puppies should already go through the first course. preventive vaccinations. Toddlers have personal veterinary books where deworming and vaccination are noted.

Photo, video of three-month toy poodles:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

3 months

The number of meals is reduced to 3 times. Repeated vaccination course. They start to train a toy poodle, learn with him simple commands. The kid still perceives such training as a game that allows you to achieve impressive results.

At this age, puppies usually find a new home. When choosing your puppy first thing is to determine the gender of the future pet:

  • The boys. More active and vibrant. Loved by little children, all over become attached to them with their souls: execute commands and even become “personal bodyguards.” But too small are the opposite: on the contrary, they can be jealous of the owner for children.
  • Girls. More affectionate, affectionate and obedient.

By the time of the sale, the puppies should already go through the first course. preventive vaccinations. Toddlers have personal veterinary books where deworming and vaccination are noted.

Photo, video of three-month toy poodles:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

4 months

Toy Poodle’s sense organs are fully developed – at this stage growth, mass gain slows down. But the kid continues to actively to develop psychologically, mentally.

Puppy training continues: you need to give a discount on the fact that his concentration of attention is still low. Therefore exercises should be short, fun, but informative.

At this age, the puppy’s future is already becoming clear – in his weight, size, you can judge whether it will be a totem or grow more large poodle. However, specialists know cases where small dogs gave a sharp growth spurt in 8-9 months.

Four-month toy poodle:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

5 months

By the age of 5 months, “toy” poodles begin to resemble adults. A difficult teenage stage is coming – even little toy can become uncontrollable and moody, trying to find his place in the “flock”. It’s important for the owner to be calm, patient, but solid. Be sure to show your dissatisfaction with the tricks of the doggie – mock him with a stern voice, ignore him for a while.

Little poodle at 5 months:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

6 months

In dogs, the change of milk teeth to permanent teeth begins. Fit puberty stage. But consider poodles ready to mate impossible – the dog’s body will be ready for procreation by 1.5-2 years. At the age of six months, the owner decides to sterilize, castration of an animal.

Most toy poodles stop growing by the first half of the year of life. But exceptions are not rare. Dogs can stay in the kit. mass, growth by 3 months of life. Or continue to increase in sizes up to 1.5 years. This is not a pathology – only indicators of individual development.

Photo, video of the six-month-old toy poodle:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

7-12 months

Youth in dwarf breeds of dogs passes quickly – by 7-12 months these are practically adult animals both in physical development and in behavioral characteristics. Dogs gradually stop tagging territory, trying to escape, acting up. They are getting more calm, independent and obedient.

Toy poodles at 1 year old:

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Photo and development of toy poodle in one -9 month

Development table

Weight gain, the growth of each puppy is individual. However the owner focuses on average for the breed – excessive deviation from them should be the reason for the visit to the veterinarian.

Age (months) Weight, kg) Height (cm)
1 0.6-0.7 12-13
2 1-1,2 15-16
3 1.3-1.6 18-19
4 1.7-1.9 20-21
5 2-2,2 22-23
6-12 2.3-2.5 24-25

Adult Toy Poodle Parameters:

  • Height at the withers: 25-28 cm.
  • Weight: 2.5-3 kg.

There are very small toi: up to 22-24 cm tall, weighing up to 2 kg Breeders do not recommend getting such miniature animals inexperienced owners. These doggies require close attention, special conditions of detention, as they are susceptible to a number of diseases, including genetic.

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