Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Bulldogs are different from other breeds of important feature – they are developing very slowly. If other dogs reach maturity by 12-18 months of life, then bulldogs – only by 3rd year of life. It is important for the owner to know what stage of development is undergoing puppy every month to provide the pet with everything necessary.

Puppy at birth

English bulldogs are born in miniature lumps weighing 200-250 g. Already after 3-4 days on their pink spouts arise dark spots and blotches. By the second week of life, the lobe completely turns black. Light puppies may have a dark nose take about a year.

The first 10 days, the owner may seem that the kittens are growing more in breadth rather than in length. Of course, with age, a dog is a must stretched out. Then, on days 10-14, the eyes of the puppies erupt.

Newborn English Bulldog:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

1 month

By 2-3 weeks of life, the puppies open and lower their ears. Before of this time they only crawl around their nook in search of nipples mothers. But already by the 15-20th day of life, the first steps begin to be taken. It’s harder for big puppies – they seem to “swim”, fingering legs.

If a month-old puppy gains weight quickly, at such a young age it’s difficult for him to walk – the baby has hind legs crawling out, he’s funny waddles. This is a natural process that does not cause unrest in the owner. English Bulldogs learn to walk until 6-7 weeks of life.

Bulldog puppies in 1 month:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

2 months

Experienced breeders can already identify by the 6th week of life. show-class animals – the exterior of the animal becomes characteristic. At bulldogs appear cute cheeks, flat faces, wrinkles on “face”. Paws practically do not stretch, remain short – This is a feature of the breed.

By the 8th week of life, changes in appearance are observed animal:

  • The head becomes narrow and long.
  • The nose, as it were, “moves forward”.
  • The eyelids are sagging.
  • The lower jaw extends.
  • Legs are somewhat lengthened.
  • The body becomes pear-shaped – the shoulders of the beast are wider than the hips.

By the 7-8th week of life, most bulldogs have ears raised. If this did not happen, the owner glues them to cartilage correctly fell into place.

English Bulldog at 2 months:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

2 months

Experienced breeders can already identify by the 6th week of life. show-class animals – the exterior of the animal becomes characteristic. At bulldogs appear cute cheeks, flat faces, wrinkles on “face”. Paws practically do not stretch, remain short – This is a feature of the breed.

By the 8th week of life, changes in appearance are observed animal:

  • The head becomes narrow and long.
  • The nose, as it were, “moves forward”.
  • The eyelids are sagging.
  • The lower jaw extends.
  • Legs are somewhat lengthened.
  • The body becomes pear-shaped – the shoulders of the beast are wider than the hips.

By the 7-8th week of life, most bulldogs have ears raised. If this did not happen, the owner glues them to cartilage correctly fell into place.

English Bulldog at 2 months:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

3 months

Three-month-old kittens are already finding a home. When buying a puppy for the future owners should pay attention to its external features:

  • Nose. If half the lobe is already dark, the nose may turn black with completely age.
  • The backbone. Light bone will not become heavy in the future. And the last one on the contrary, it can feel better.
  • Paws If the legs are already crooked, they will never mend. Just turned out from the weight of the legs, perhaps, will be in place.
  • Tail. Highly located, he may no longer be descend.
  • Body type. Little stocky puppies sometimes become awkward and unnaturally long. Lanky Kutis rarely grow up in short-bodied and “downed” dogs.
  • Head. A small head on a thin neck rarely develops in powerful. Therefore, preference is given to puppies with a large severe head.
  • Wrinkles. Excessive wrinkles in the kitten can cause vision problems in an adult dog.
  • Eyes. Small eyes will not become large. Bright iris probably won’t get dark.

Breeders are advised to choose the happiest and most energetic little dogs. Focus on stocky and dense puppies with short legs, wide raised lower jaw, wide set eyes and medium-sized ears.

Three month bulldog:

4 months

By this age, the puppy may not be aesthetic ideas of the owner, but at the same time develop normally for his breed:

  • Wrinkles on the face are extended.
  • The skull of the standard flat becomes domed.
  • Teeth grow in a semicircle.
  • The lower jaw extends too much.
  • The hind legs are too plump and crooked, and the front look down.

A 4-month-old bulldog is not foldable, like any teenager. Master continues to glue his ears. Checks the jaw – baby teeth must give way to constant time. If this did not happen, their delete.

Four month bulldog:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

5 months

Five-month bulldogs sharply stretch in length. In that age they enter the second active stage of growth.

Animal at 5 months:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

6 months

If the future owner seeks to acquire the animal show class, he buys a six-month-old kitten. By this age it becomes clear how the dog will look like an adult. Puppy strongly changes externally:

  • The lower jaw is well raised and tightly closed.
  • The dentition is straight, even.
  • Paws are straight, not curved.
  • The crown of the dome becomes flat.
  • The head is enlarged, made wide.
  • The tail is no longer raised, but pressed to the body.
  • In bulldog boys, the testicles descend.

Kutenka disappears “child’s face” – now he looks at the world somewhat sullen bulldog muzzle.

Biannual English Bulldog:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

6 months

If the future owner seeks to acquire the animal show class, he buys a six-month-old kitten. By this age it becomes clear how the dog will look like an adult. Puppy strongly changes externally:

  • The lower jaw is well raised and tightly closed.
  • The dentition is straight, even.
  • Paws are straight, not curved.
  • The crown of the dome becomes flat.
  • The head is enlarged, made wide.
  • The tail is no longer raised, but pressed to the body.
  • In bulldog boys, the testicles descend.

Kutenka disappears “child’s face” – now he looks at the world somewhat sullen bulldog muzzle.

Biannual English Bulldog:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

7-12 months

By the 9th month of life, it seems that the puppy’s body line is somewhat bends: hips rise, become wide again. Wrinkles deepen, become pronounced. The body of the animal becomes tight and muscular.

At 1-2 years, the clumsy teenage period continues – the body puppy continues to change:

  • The chest is too small, narrow.
  • If the dog eats well, the front legs are slightly bent under weight.
  • Head grows too much. Or vice versa: skull disproportionately small compared to the body.

In some dogs, by the first year of life it becomes too wide chest. Shoulders “not keep up” behind her, look very narrow.

English Bulldog at 1 year old:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

1-3 years

The teenage bulldog period ends only in three years: the final shape of the head, legs, chest is formed. Often massive and large in 7-12 months puppies become too heavy, long-legged. And the lanky “teenagers” are wonderful folded.

Three year old dog:

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

Photo and development of english bulldog puppies in 1-9 month

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