Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one to 12 month

Drathaaras are versatile dogs that combine skills and the watchman, and the hunter. Appreciate them for their benevolent attitude to to people. It is important for the owner to ensure that his drathaar does not lag behind development – the only way a dog grows into a healthy and strong a dog.

Puppy at birth

The period of the neonatal period is 1-15 days. Kid adapts to life in the big world: sucking develops reflex, food reaction, as well as thermoregulation, hearing, vision. TO On the 15th day of life, the eyes of a kutenka will be thinned out and auditory passageways.

By the second week of life, puppies learn to crawl – the first time they funny lean not only on the legs, but also on the head. Main nutrition of young growth – mother’s milk.

Newborn Drathaar Puppies:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

1 month

15-60 days of life – the milk stage of development. It’s enough for the puppy mother-dog cares. Towards the end of the period, the host begins to inject into the diet of dogs is complementary foods. This is a period of increased growth – for full development requires nutritious and timely feeding.

In the early stages of the milky period, puppies cut, grow milk teeth. The first conditioned reflexes develop – on tactile irritants and interesting smells. A little later – on visual and auditory.

By the 3rd week of life, animal movements are noticeably improving – they run, walk, sit down and lay down in different poses. Start play, fight among themselves. Puppies try to cast a voice. With time it will change in the number of sounds used, tonality.

From the 20th day of life, babies begin to recognize the host person: rejoice at his appearance, screech cheerfully, try to lick. A sign of a healthy puppy in this period is swelling. Than the thicker, shorter the body, the more likely that the kitten will develop into a strong and strong dog.

Monthly kitten:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

2 months

By the second month of life, the milk period ends development. In the puppy’s central nervous system, processes become dominant excitement. Kutenok learns to navigate in space – examines, sniffs unfamiliar objects, listens to disturbing and interesting sounds. Curiosity drives them curiosity, desire to quickly master the world.

The coat of the drathaars is still soft – “puppy fluff.” Is becoming noticeable (on the sides, back) of the outer hair. Mustache and “beard”. You can recognize the mood by the voice – the baby whines, growls, barks with different intonation.

Puppies develop a defensive reaction – they can growl to each other, to stand in characteristic poses. Defensive reaction manifested so far in a passive form – dogs quiet down, lie low in the presence of strangers, squeal when touched or “surrender”, lying on your back.

Two-month Drathar:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

2 months

By the second month of life, the milk period ends development. In the puppy’s central nervous system, processes become dominant excitement. Kutenok learns to navigate in space – examines, sniffs unfamiliar objects, listens to disturbing and interesting sounds. Curiosity drives them curiosity, desire to quickly master the world.

The coat of the drathaars is still soft – “puppy fluff.” Is becoming noticeable (on the sides, back) of the outer hair. Mustache and “beard”. You can recognize the mood by the voice – the baby whines, growls, barks with different intonation.

Puppies develop a defensive reaction – they can growl to each other, to stand in characteristic poses. Defensive reaction manifested so far in a passive form – dogs quiet down, lie low in the presence of strangers, squeal when touched or “surrender”, lying on your back.

Two-month Drathar:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

3 months

From the third month, the pre-genital period of development begins. On this the dog’s appearance will change significantly under the influence of growth and intracecretory activity of the body. The puppy is already being transferred to concentrated, plentiful self-nutrition. it stimulates the proper development of the digestive tract.

In young growth, the remaining hair grows, the nose is darkening. Dairy teeth gradually begin to be replaced by constant ones.

Drathaar at 3 months:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

4 months

By this period, the final shade of the iris is manifested. By the behavior, exterior, body constitution of an experienced breeder is clear what will the dog be like for an adult.

An indicative reaction is developing. The more the puppy learns the world, the more fears he has – the beast becomes careful. Zoopsychologists call this period a period of fears. The dog is very timid when meeting strangers, strange dogs, incomprehensible phenomena. He needs the upbringing and help of a person, otherwise shyness can develop into lifelong cowardice.

The puppy is diverse and free in movement – runs, walks, plays with brothers and toys, knows how to jump up when strong emotions. The animal overcomes small obstacles, climbs on stairs.

Predatory instincts are clearly manifested in the kitten – it pursues small dogs and birds, chasing cyclists and cars. At this playfulness, activity is rather sharply replaced by drowsiness, accompanying fatigue.

The change of milk teeth continues. Cartilage gets stronger in dogs tissue – a permanent shape of the ears is established. Torso increases in size, flat bones grow intensively. 3-4 monthly age is the most optimal for the onset of the lungs, but consecutive workouts.

Dogs at 4 months:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

4 months

By this period, the final shade of the iris is manifested. By the behavior, exterior, body constitution of an experienced breeder is clear what will the dog be like for an adult.

An indicative reaction is developing. The more the puppy learns the world, the more fears he has – the beast becomes careful. Zoopsychologists call this period a period of fears. The dog is very timid when meeting strangers, strange dogs, incomprehensible phenomena. He needs the upbringing and help of a person, otherwise shyness can develop into lifelong cowardice.

The puppy is diverse and free in movement – runs, walks, plays with brothers and toys, knows how to jump up when strong emotions. The animal overcomes small obstacles, climbs on stairs.

Predatory instincts are clearly manifested in the kitten – it pursues small dogs and birds, chasing cyclists and cars. At this playfulness, activity is rather sharply replaced by drowsiness, accompanying fatigue.

The change of milk teeth continues. Cartilage gets stronger in dogs tissue – a permanent shape of the ears is established. Torso increases in size, flat bones grow intensively. 3-4 monthly age is the most optimal for the onset of the lungs, but consecutive workouts.

Dogs at 4 months:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

5 months

The development of the puppy is already slowing down, becoming not so stormy. The puppy grows, but with the preservation of the formed body proportions. The change of teeth is nearing completion. In males, the testes descend into scrotum.

Puppies at 5 months:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

6 months

With six months of age in dogs, the next stage begins development – sexual. Complex physiological occur body transformations. By the exterior of the dog you can accurately judge its tribal, custom characteristics.

Ligaments, cartilage already strengthened – the dog says goodbye to puppy clumsiness, movements become fast, coordinated, smooth. Excitatory processes. Brake is not yet very developed. Puppy active, energetic and tireless.

A sexual, active-defensive reaction begins to develop. AT in this regard, the dog can become naughty, pugnacious, non-caring, lean toward dominance. Stabilize his behavior will help consistent upbringing.

Biannual Drathaars:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

6 months

With six months of age in dogs, the next stage begins development – sexual. Complex physiological occur body transformations. By the exterior of the dog you can accurately judge its tribal, custom characteristics.

Ligaments, cartilage already strengthened – the dog says goodbye to puppy clumsiness, movements become fast, coordinated, smooth. Excitatory processes. Brake is not yet very developed. Puppy active, energetic and tireless.

A sexual, active-defensive reaction begins to develop. AT in this regard, the dog can become naughty, pugnacious, non-caring, lean toward dominance. Stabilize his behavior will help consistent upbringing.

Biannual Drathaars:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

7-12 months

In the next six months of life, the sexual period continues. With him physical development ends – the dog becomes mature.

In girls, the first estrus begins, in boys – sexual attraction. In parallel with these processes, a bright development takes place. breed features, exterior, constitutional characteristics. Puberty slows the growth of the animal. Physical development continues due to the expansion of the skeleton, building muscles.

Adult drathaaras from a year and older:

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Photo and development of Drathaar puppies from one  to 12  month

Development table

Next – the standard parameters of the drathaars for months.

Age (months): Weight, kg):
1 4-5
2 7-9
3 12-13
4 15-17
5 17-18
6 18-20
7-12 20-25

The development of drathaars is fully completed by the second year of life. Average parameters of an adult animal:

  1. The boys. Height (at the withers) – 60-65 cm, weight – 25-30 kg.
  2. Girls. Height (at the withers) – 55-65 cm, weight – 20-30 kg.

All indicators are averaged. A slight deviation into a large the smaller side is non-pathological – each puppy develops individually.

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