Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Bichon Frize is chosen for the mass of remarkable qualities of the breed: quick adaptation to new conditions, playfulness, activity in any ages, quick wits, successful training, loving coexistence with all family members and an unusually cute outward view. However, these dogs hate loneliness, are prone to allergies, stress during relocation and require thorough grooming. At every stage of pet development the owner makes sure that his dog has everything he needs.

Puppy at birth

Newborn Bichon, like all dogs, is a small lump with eyes and ears closed. Kids can only touch their feet, trying to crawl, whine weakly, looking for mom. But a helpless period it will pass quickly – on 10-14 days eyes will cut out at the kutut and ears will open.

If the dog has problems with lactation, the owner feeds it puppies from a baby bottle – they suck an artificial substitute milk. The family during this period needs peace, comfortable conditions – without excess drafts, noise and unpleasant light.

Newborn Kutis:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

1 month

By the third week of life in Bichon, one does not recognize the former helpless crumbs – the kitten is already trying to eat on its own, lakes water from bowls, actively crawls around the nest and tries to move on 4 paws. Particularly quick-witted animals walk on their own affairs “on a laying, repeating after mother.

Little white “balls” become active and perky – A considerable part of the day is spent in games with brothers and sisters. To that time puppies begin to get used to the person – they become Pleasant stroking, scratching. Try to play with people and “taste them.” Though the monthly Bichon is not a formidable dog, with young age you need to set limits for it with people. A dog should understand that a person is unpleasant, painful, when they bite him.

By the fourth week of life, dairy cacti begin to erupt teeth. For a mother, this is a signal that it’s time for babies to transfer from milk for adult food. Dogs begin to burp onto the litter – mass intended for feeding puppies. Scolding a caring mother is not costs – the owner needs to promptly propose to the offspring “children’s” lure.

Monthly Bichon Frize:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

1 month

By the third week of life in Bichon, one does not recognize the former helpless crumbs – the kitten is already trying to eat on its own, lakes water from bowls, actively crawls around the nest and tries to move on 4 paws. Particularly quick-witted animals walk on their own affairs “on a laying, repeating after mother.

Little white “balls” become active and perky – A considerable part of the day is spent in games with brothers and sisters. To that time puppies begin to get used to the person – they become Pleasant stroking, scratching. Try to play with people and “taste them.” Though the monthly Bichon is not a formidable dog, with young age you need to set limits for it with people. A dog should understand that a person is unpleasant, painful, when they bite him.

By the fourth week of life, dairy cacti begin to erupt teeth. For a mother, this is a signal that it’s time for babies to transfer from milk for adult food. Dogs begin to burp onto the litter – mass intended for feeding puppies. Scolding a caring mother is not costs – the owner needs to promptly propose to the offspring “children’s” lure.

Monthly Bichon Frize:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

2 months

The small two-month-old Bichon Frize is already completely “social” being. He sees the difference between his family and other dogs, other pets of the owner. Begins to understand who such a person, what is his role. Doggie can communicate with people and to their own kind – wags its tail, sniffs, licks, whimpers, growls and barks.

The puppy walks, runs, is oriented in space. Becomes more independent from the mother – the dog begins for a long time leave the “nest”. Kids already know how to go to the toilet on the bedding – physiological characteristics of the body make them urinate every 2 hours. By three months, the period between bowel movements will increase – the animal can begin to accustom to relieve themselves on the street.

At this age, the first deworming is performed. After two weeks – a comprehensive two-stage vaccination.

Two-Month Bichon:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

3 months

Puppies continue to develop mentally and socially. Their games become difficult – learn to attack in fun pastimes, defend, catch up and run away. The owner will easily determine the leader, the most lively in the pack, and the more modest guys – inquisitive researchers, calm thinkers, nonchalant fun people.

Puppies become individuals with their characters – they it becomes difficult to get along with each other, the kittens begin to fight for leadership. This is the right time to find Bichon. new home.

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

4 months

After the puppy settles in a new world for himself, the owner begins a consistent upbringing “from simple to complex.” Teaches the baby to a place for coping, clearly shows that is possible and what is not. Bichon is a well trained dog. She perfectly understands intonation – beatings, punishments are unacceptable. Wrong behavior can be obtained instead of calm, an obedient Bichon nervous and aggressive dog.

This is a great option for people who start a dog for the first time. Bichon easily and quickly gets used to a new house, peacefully disposed to to people, and to their pets. He will not chase a cat or budgie – these good-natured animals have a hunting instinct practically does not manifest itself.

Representatives of the breed in 4 months:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

5 months

Education continues – you can already go to the first trainings. Training takes the form of a fun active game, and all successes are encouraged by delicacy and affection. Little dog will show incredible success – earlier Bichons “worked” as artists circus, accompanied by organ grinders and strolling artists.

If the owner needs a quiet dog, then the doggie is gradually accustomed bark only on command. Bichon really likes the sound of his own voices – without appropriate education, he can often deduce “arias” for fun.

These little dogs are great watchmen. Therefore, they can keep and owners of country houses. Of course, the baby will not be able attack the enemy, but always warn the owner of the presence strangers.

Five Month Bichon:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

6 months

Approximately six months of age in dogs begins “adolescence” stage of puberty. Problems with intelligent Bichons also have behaviors. Just considering yourself savvy, the dog can decide what should be the master of the “flock.” Any attempts to dominate people need to be timely and firm. nip. A man shows his displeasure with a stern voice, ignores the puppy. But does not allow physical abuse, deprivation proper food intake.

In girls, the first estrus occurs. Boys begin to manifest interest in the opposite sex. However, the mating of such young animals unacceptable. This age is good for castration surgery, sterilization.

Bichon Frize at 6 months:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

6 months

Approximately six months of age in dogs begins “adolescence” stage of puberty. Problems with intelligent Bichons also have behaviors. Just considering yourself savvy, the dog can decide what should be the master of the “flock.” Any attempts to dominate people need to be timely and firm. nip. A man shows his displeasure with a stern voice, ignores the puppy. But does not allow physical abuse, deprivation proper food intake.

In girls, the first estrus occurs. Boys begin to manifest interest in the opposite sex. However, the mating of such young animals unacceptable. This age is good for castration surgery, sterilization.

Bichon Frize at 6 months:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

7-12 months

The puppy gets rid of both childhood fussiness and teenage jabbering. Becomes playful, fun, active, but a peaceful, friendly dog that is alien to aggression. Second half a year of life is a great time for active trainings. Dogs learn new teams quickly, learn easily awesome tricks.

By the age of one they stop physical development – no longer increase in length, height. However, they will grow with age breadth “-” to swear “, rounded. Average parameters of adults Bichonov:

  • The boys. Height at the withers – 25-28 cm, weight – 3-5 kg.
  • Girls. Height at the withers 23-38 cm, weight – 3-5 kg.

The average life expectancy with proper care is 12-15 years old.

Adults Bichon 1 year and older:

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

Photo and development of Bichon Frize puppies from 1 to 9 month

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