Obesity in dogs – causes and prevention

Dogs can be overweight for various reasons. Obesity can also be caused by simple overfeeding, and as a result pathological process, however, the bottom line is that the dog gets more calories than you consume. Whatever the cause of obesity, the owner is solely responsible for those calories that the dog consumes, and also for the help the pet needs, to maintain optimal weight. Some of the most common causes and diseases that can lead to the development of obesity in dogs are presented below.

Obesity in dogs - causes and prevention

Type of food, its availability and quality

Some dogs will only eat what they need if have free access to food. Others will eat all that is, and then look for supplements. Some dogs are fastidious, and some eat almost everything. Therefore, in terms of quantity and quality of food, and by eating it with a dog, you can determine the probability with which the dog may be obese.

The type of food the dog eats is directly related to pet weight gain trends. Leftover food, goodies and even premium high-calorie feeds can all contribute to obesity. 6 year old Labrador, who often spends his time lying on the couch does not need high-calorie food, while it to a brother who lives an active life in a kennel on the street, this feed even necessary.

Activity level

Your dog’s activity has a decisive role in its needs. in calories. Active dog needs significantly more number of calories. In addition, the psychological state of active the dog makes it less susceptible to stress and spleen, which often overweight.

Castration and sterilization

These operations reduce the metabolic rate in dogs, so they require fewer calories than their prolific counterparts. Besides, male and female hormones (estrogens and androgens) increase overall physical activity of dogs, and dogs with removed ovaries high energy costs for bearing offspring and its cultivation. Thus castration and sterilization can significantly reduce the appetite of dogs.

Since the energy needs of sterilized dogs are less than usual, then if you feed them the same way, naturally that sterilized dogs will gain weight. In fact, neutered and sterilized dogs are about 2 times more likely are obese than their regular counterparts. However, sterilization and castration, by itself, is not the cause of obesity.

Genetics and predisposition.

Some breeds of dogs are simply more prone to being overweight. This does not mean that all dogs of a particular breed will gain weight, and their owners should always be vigilant and monitor their weight. The following breeds are most likely to be overweight: labrador retriever, dachshunds, hounds, cocker spaniels, collie, sheltie, basset hound. Other breeds are generally obese. much less often.


Dogs tend to become more obese between the ages of 2 and 12 years, especially in the period of about 6 years. After 12 years when the dog begins to age, the tendency to overweight is reduced. Young dogs, in general, are also less likely to be overweight, as their energy demand is still very large and they are still growing. If the dog begins to grow stout at 2 years old, it is very unusual and is warning signal. This dog is likely to have addiction to obesity all his life so all efforts are needed aim to reduce and maintain her optimal weight.

Physical environment

Maintaining body temperature requires an additional amount calories. When the dog is in an environment with a temperature below zero degrees, her calorie needs can grow up to 30%! In another In this case, domestic dogs require little energy to maintaining normal body temperature.

Social setting

It is recognized that many people eat more when they are in stress, and often at the same time do not eat the most nutritious and wholesome food. Animals have a roughly similar reaction to stress. The stress state in a dog may arise due to new people in family, changes in the usual daily routine and much more. Some nutritionists believe that dogs can overeat simply because of boredom and spleen. Many dogs are looking for extra food not because they are hungry, but simply because they need something to do – food in this case will be just a bonus.

Dogs on the farm with other dogs or with several pets, eat more of their lonely peers. Food competition, if taken seriously by a pet, makes it more nutritionally focused and also often leads to obesity.

Medical drugs

Various medications can significantly affect dog metabolism and her appetite. These drugs include glucocorticoids such as prednisone and dexamethasone, barbiturates, as well as benzodiazepines.

The following possible causes of obesity in dogs lead to obesity. very rarely, in less than 5% of cases.


Dogs with hypothyroidism produce less thyroid hormone glands. This hormone affects the metabolic rate. Less the amount of hormone means a decrease in metabolic rate and, accordingly, reduced energy requirements. Therefore such dogs need to reduce food, otherwise they will suffer from overweight.

Depending on the breed, many veterinarians before prescribing weight loss program, check the dog for hypothyroidism. Such dogs, in fact, lose weight extremely slowly, even with noticeably reduced diet, so often before starting a program, first hypothyroidism itself is treated.

Itsenko-Cushing’s Disease

It’s a disease in which the adrenal glands produce too much glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids may alter metabolism in dogs and lead to an increase in appetite, which leads to increased fat deposition. As with hypothyroidism, the dog first you need to reduce the symptoms of the disease, and only then start gradual weight loss.


Insulinoma is a tumor that occurs in the pancreas iron. This tumor is made up of insulin producing cells. A dog with insulinoma produces too much insulin, which leads to a strong increase in appetite and promotes the growth of fat tissue.

Pituitary gland and brain disease

The pituitary gland is often called the “main gland” because it is itself produces hormones and regulates the production of most hormones other glands. If the pituitary gland does not function properly, levels different hormones can be very different from normal, which leads to a change in metabolism and appetite, which, as a result, often leads to fat deposits.

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