How to choose and care for puppy

The appearance of a new puppy in the house is an exciting moment and the beginning a whole adventure for you and for your youth. Your life will change as soon as you hear the clatter of tiny paws, because in one the moment you become responsible for safety and all urgent aspects of animal life. Your puppy, of course, will grow up in an adult dog who will live from 10 years or more. All this time your journey with your puppy can be truly cheerful and joyful, but are you ready for it? Here you will find a few things to keep in mind before bringing puppy home. If you think that everything that makes a puppy a part your family, right for you, then read on ..

How to choose and care for puppy

So which puppy would be the right choice for you?

Choosing a puppy is an important decision that should not be taken. disparagingly. To choose the right one for you breed, you need to keep in mind at least a few things.

  • Your lifestyle: you are an active person and would like a dog, able to withstand strenuous workouts and walks on a bike, or rather you are the lazy lizard that you need a “mature” dog that does not require frequent exercise. Anyway, You will need a certain amount of time to care for your dog, because all dogs still need to walk! No doubt it is worth doing some research on physical and behavioral features of the breed you like to see how it will fit into your lifestyle.
  • Are any other pets counted? Some dogs naturally prone to bully and chase other animals that maybe you already live. Some breeds, according to their perennial breeding, have a high hunting instinct, so these dogs breeds may be prone to pursuit and possibly capture and injury other pets and animals both in the house and even outside the house.
  • Are there any children in the house? Some dogs are just more child-friendly than others. Often think that with children, which can be unpredictable and energetic, can get along small dogs like cute terriers. Children, especially preschool ages often do not understand or cannot understand dog behavior and incorrectly read the signals that it gives. So the dog and the child should not be left alone, however, if you have studied the breed you like, it will help you make the right choice for your family situation. Breeds such as Labrador and Golden retriever are known for their tolerance for children and love family a life.
  • The space in the house: a puppy who will grow into a large and an active dog will not fit a small apartment or house without safe courtyard.
  • Your workload: how much time do you spend at work? Will the dog be alone most of the day? Some breeds dogs are calmer than others but energetic breeds like Border Collies cannot be completely pets because of their natural “gaudy” and must have a “job”. If you not can provide basic dog needs, maybe you should reconsider the breed, otherwise you may run into negative and even destructive behavior of the pet.
  • Do you have any allergies? Some breeds, such as poodles or the new trendy the Labradoodle mix practically does not fade and as such are best choice for people who want a dog but are allergic on hair, saliva or dandruff.
  • Do you have enough money to care for your puppy? Veterinary bills, insurance, paddock, equipment, food, medicine – these are just some of the things a puppy will need during the first several months of life. However, the maturation of the puppy into an adult the dog can also expand the cost of more expensive bills for food and veterinary costs. Dog care while you on the weekend, walking with the dog throughout the day while you are at work, professional grooming services … this list is endless, therefore, the owner of the pet must be realistic in calculating the very beginning.

So, the decision has been made. The puppy is suitable for both you and your family. You completed their “research” and chose the right breed for your lifestyle and the day has come … bring it home!

Bring the puppy home

When a puppy first visits your home, first of all you should remember that it will be a very stressful time for him. Think about how you would feel, being separated from your mothers, brothers and sisters. This is an exciting moment for you, but you must also remember that your new puppy will probably be scared and he will need time to settle in his new home and surrounded by.

First, make sure your home is safe for your puppy. how baby, the puppy can be very curious, and this can lead to troubles. Many puppies inspect their surroundings and master them for biting and chewing, so it’s worth to be careful about the situation both in the house and in others places where the puppy has access, such as a garage or garden. Make sure all household chemicals are in a safe place. that the electrical cables are clean, that the garden is safe for escape, and also all objects that are not desirable for chewing are outside reach. This transformation of the old environment into a new one will make it less stressful for the puppy also if you cooked something in advance, including a comfortable and safe bed or basket, toys, suitable for puppy age, food and water bowls, collar with tags with your data.

Like all young animals and human babies, puppies need a long sleep, so you need to decide in advance where he is will sleep. It should be safe and calm enough. a place where the puppy feels protected and where his rest is not will be broken, and also where there is nothing for its potential chewing. A basket or crate may be a good place to creating this safe “shelter”, but, for example, cardboard a box with a warm blanket can also be a great option.

The puppy’s first night in his new home is likely to be alarming. for both of you! He will miss his own family, and a certain amount of crying or whining is inevitable, therefore just be prepared for the fact that it can last all night, and, maybe even the next few nights. If you have a puppy, who can’t settle, you should seek advice either to your veterinarian or to a professional trainer, but, First of all, please be patient and consistent in your teaching methods. This is a transitional stage for him, which will take time.

The puppy must also go through his first visit to the veterinarian. it worth your time and money, ask your vet to spend him an examination and diagnosis of the body (although many reputable breeders have already done this, as a rule). First vaccinations also it is advisable to do in the first 8 weeks of a pet’s life. During this It’s important that the puppy does not have contact with other dogs, so how its immunity to infections and diseases is still rather weak, therefore The main activity of the puppy should take place within your garden, yard or house. At the same time, your puppy will also begin to develop your social skills with other dogs and people so this subtle balance between contact and its absence. As soon as your the puppy will be safe in contact with other dogs, extremely it is important that you let him do this.


It can be quite difficult to introduce your puppy to others. dogs, other pets or children. If you have another dog in at home, it can also become a territorial dispute, which will make submission more difficult. If you already have others in your house pets are probably the best option in this case let the puppy explore his new surroundings when the rest pets are safely locked in another room. This also applies to outside areas of your home that animals share. Once the puppy will get to know his surroundings and the time will come for contact with the rest of the pets, it might be worth putting the puppy in crate and let the rest of the animals sniff and study it to to be sure of the safety of all household members. This is a limitation. will be intimidating for the puppy, however this is a good option for him gradual socialization, because he will always be under your by observation.

After the puppy encounters other dogs without any problems, Take him to a puppy group or training class. Also you can introduce him to other dogs, animals and people outside at home for a walk or playing in the park.

It is important that the children in the house know that the puppy is not a toy. Children, Of course, they will be naughty, but it’s worth encouraging them only to the puppy examined them, and not vice versa. This will help the puppy trust the people with whom he lives, and also will teach children to realize that they should be calm and careful with the pet. Teach your children that the puppy likes attention, stroking and games, but with In doing so, they must respect him, and under no circumstances Leave your child and puppy / dog alone unattended.


The food your puppy has grown up can be either suitable or not suitable for its gradual development and growth. Not less, any good breeder will find out what suits his breed and will study this moment in detail. If you doubts about the suitability of the puppy used for feeding food, consult your veterinarian for advice, but for any diet changes you should implement them gradually, i.e. at first mix old food with new, increasing the volume of new food in it, before you switch to a new diet completely. That would be a “shock to organism, “if you just replace the old food with a new one without it transition, and can lead to an upset stomach, and, therefore, to certain troubles in the house.


Try to set the regimen of the day – feeding, physical exercise and sleep for the puppy and stick to it. To be happy owner of a new puppy can be interesting and equally disappointing, but don’t give up. Of course, you must be at work for some time so which is better if you have a neighbor, family or friend who can Help maintain the daily routine for the puppy at this time. Also good The option would be to take the puppy to the classroom It’s never too late start training to interact with other people and dogs for the formation of the so-called “good citizen”. Advice or consultation on the regimen of the day that is necessary for your puppy, you You can ask your veterinarian or trainer.

Be responsible

Your puppy is a blank canvas that learns from you, other dogs and other people interacting with them. Do it training enjoyable for him. As an owner, you are responsible for everything that does your dog and what it learns, and good and bad behavior. therefore it’s worth taking the responsibility and figuring out as good as you can about behavior, physical needs and special features your breed of dog with which you share your home. it helps you work with your puppy, not against him, by Learning and socializing is easier for both of you.

When the puppy is old enough, do not forget to talk with your veterinarian about possible sterilization. There are already many on the street nobody needs dogs, you don’t want to increase their number yet? If you are not going to breed your puppy, please take note this tip. This rarely leads to any problems. for the health and behavior of the dog.

Finally relax

Ultimately, you need to relax and just enjoy. the journey of the happy owner of a new puppy! It certainly it will be hard for you, but it will be good, and, of course, it will be joyfully! Perhaps in some sad moments, you will need remember the reasons why you decided to make the dog a part of your life, so let there be only funny moments!

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