How many fingers does a dog have?

All at least once noticed fingerprints of dogs paws in the snow, raw ground or wet sand. But few thought how many fingers at the dog. Of course, the owners of titled dogs definitely know the answer. to this question, while the owners of the yard Watchdog hardly examined the legs of a pet.

The number of fingers in dogs

In short, most doggies in the front five fingers (four of them are located next to each other the other is grouped, the fifth is slightly higher). On the back extremities usually 4 fingers. However, the number of fingers may vary. So, some people are asked how many fingers do собаки на передних лапах, могут назвать цифры “5” или “4”.Dog FingersНемного сложнее обстоит дело с заднимиlimbs. The fact is that often instead of the usual 4 fingers dogs on the hind legs of 5 fingers. Fifth finger in this case name is arrived (less often – a wolf claw). If on the hind limb dog there is a arrived fifth finger, then his name is atavism – a kind of “hello” from the past. It is believed that occasionally 5 finger appears in dogs in “memory” of the ancestors – wolves, which he was necessary for hunting. But in predators this finger was powerful, the same like the other four. Dogs often have dewclaws underdeveloped, sticking out to the side, with a large curved claw. Then eating a dewclaw finger often interferes with the pet. In addition, that the extra finger on the hind paw prevents the dog from walking and running, he also looks often unaesthetic. That’s why the owners purebred show dogs prefer to remove the wolf claw to your pets a couple of days after birth. Dogs at home as as a rule, on the hind legs the dewclaw finger is removed only in the case of necessary (if, for example, an animal clings to a carpet or др.).Dog FingersИтак, сколько пальцев у собаки на задних лапахnow it’s clear: 4 or 5. But what about the fifth finger on the front paws? This finger is not involved in running, because it is located high enough, close to the wrist. Fact that he helps a doggie to hold toys or bones. It’s not necessary but it cannot be called unnecessary either (unlike its back fifth “fellow”). Because the dewclaws are occasionally cut off, when, for example, it makes it difficult to cut or comb out limbs.

Is it worth it to rid dogs of dewclaws

To decide whether it is really worth taking the pet to to the veterinarian, so that the doctor removes the extra fingers on the paws, the owner it is worth thinking carefully (by the way, in the capital, dewclaws are removed at a price from 300-500 rubles to 1500-2000 rubles, depending on возраста любимца (чем песик старше, тем дороже операция)):Surgery to remove a dewclaw on the hind legs of a dog

  1. У некоторых пород (французские овчарки, ненецкая лайка,Pyrenean mastiff, etc.) dewclaw on hind foot – symbol pure breed;
  2. As a rule, it makes sense to remove the fifth finger by workers and hunting dogs, that is, those whose loads are more serious than companion dogs;
  3. Dewclaws are best removed at a very young age when puppy no more than 1 week. At an older age, medical intervention will be under general anesthesia, which may adversely affect pet health;
  4. Some advisers on the Web recommend removing to newborns puppies fingers at home without a veterinarian. Must to say how dangerous it is? Infection, pain shock and blood loss are just some of the troubles that can be caused baby non-specialist;
  5. Sometimes dogs do not interfere with the dewclaws themselves, but with long and curved claws that grow on them. In such cases, reasonably on time to cut claws, but not to remove fingers.

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