How and how to feed a dog with sugar diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic and incurable disease that caused by a deficiency or problems with the level of insulin in the body. However, diabetes in dogs can successfully be monitored either with a suitable diet or with combination of insulin injections and diet. Diabetes can develop in the result of a wide range of various diseases, including pancreatitis, obesity and thyroid disease, but it also may appear on its own due to genetic predisposition dogs.

How and how to feed a dog with sugar diabetes

Like humans, dogs have two types of diabetes. types. Type 1 diabetes refers to cases where the body just doesn’t produce enough insulin, so it requires additional injections of this hormone. Second type of diabetes described by cases where the pancreas produces enough insulin to theoretically satisfy all needs of the dog, but the body is not able to absorb and to use him. With type 2 diabetes additional insulin injections are required, but sometimes the disease can only be controlled with a diet.

Regardless of whether the dog suffers from the first or second type diabetes and whether it requires an injection of insulin or not, the animal’s diet plays a huge role in disease control. Proper diet is a key factor to ensure a normal current The health and well-being of a dog with diabetes.

Why is special diet important?

Dietary requirements for dogs with diabetes vary significantly from the same requirements in healthy dogs, as they must contain different balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It means that most balanced commercial feeds are not suitable for sick dogs because they contain a standard balance ingredients that just doesn’t fit the needs dogs are diabetic.

The key to diet therapy for dogs with diabetes is regulation of blood glucose, as well as ingredients and their balance sheets that satisfy this regulation. Simple carbohydrates and sugar-rich foods increase and decrease glucose in the body, which can cause chaos with insulin levels dogs. These simple carbohydrates are present in the average diet. dogs in sufficient quantities to cause this phenomenon.

What is the difference between special diabetic foods?

Many dog food manufacturers produce diets tailored to the needs of dogs with diabetes, although they cannot be purchased at the supermarket, and they are usually only available at records or after the recommendation of your veterinarian.

In general, the composition of a specialized diet needed diabetic dogs, different from the standard in that simple the carbohydrates in it are replaced by various complex carbohydrates, such as fiber and grains. This allows you to increase your glucose blood slowly, avoiding the highs and lows that occur when consuming simple carbohydrates. Calorie Complex Carbohydrates should be about 40% of the total diet, which is much higher than in healthy dogs, without diabetes.

Feeding time and serving sizes

Just as ingredients can maintain a stable level blood glucose, feeding time and its size also have an effect on this significant impact. When your dog is diagnosed with diabetes and she is undergoing a diet therapy program, the veterinarian should advise to you about how much, when and how often you should feed your pet. It’s important to adhere to these principles, as change your dog’s feeding frequency may in itself cause her a change in blood glucose balance. It also means that you are not should let the dog beg and look for other products food, or feed her sweet, sugar-rich treats, or any other products not provided for by it diet.

Alternative treat

The usual treat for the dog, rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates, is unsuitable for diabetes, so you should to choose a treat carefully, taking into account all the requirements. An alternative treat for a dog with diabetes can be rich fiber and protein foods like simple chicken or cubes vegetables, such as zucchini.

Suitable Dietary Supplements for Dogs with Diabetes

For a dog with diabetes, various supplements may be appropriate, which can increase the rate of insulin production or its absorption rate, including chromium, cinnamon and seed additives fenugreek. These supplements can help control your diabetes. dogs, as they are well known for their ability to maintain healthy blood glucose balance and improve the ability of blood cells absorb insulin.

In close collaboration with the veterinarian

Close contact with your veterinarian is important for diagnosing and monitoring your dog’s diabetes. If the dog was delivered diagnosed with diabetes, then you will likely need to regularly contact the veterinarian to monitor and evaluate her condition, and also to determine the effectiveness of the treatment program. If you suspect something is going wrong, or if you want use some nutritional supplements in the dog’s diet, or if you don’t know if a particular treat is suitable, then your vet must be ready to answer any such questions and resolve any problems you may face in caring for your pet.

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