Health Checklist for Your Puppy

Checking your puppy’s body can be incredibly difficult task, but at the same time very useful. One of the cornerstones your puppy’s good health stones – this is a regular veterinary help. Below you will find a list of the main problems associated with the puppy’s health during his first year of life.

Health Checklist for Your Puppy

1. Find a good vet

Ideally, you should find a veterinarian for yourself before have a puppy. Ask your friends who keep dogs, maybe they will recommend you a good vet. if you have time, visit the clinic in advance and examine it if the area is clean expectations, polite and attentive staff? Find out do their hours of operation match your schedule and is it possible to in emergency in case of non-work time.

Many clinics have several veterinarians, but better stick to one that knows your pet so that ask staff to schedule an appointment to the vet. The choice of a veterinarian is always your personal choice, therefore try to find one who will listen to you carefully and Thoughtfully answer your questions. If your first veterinarian uncomfortable for you, then in this case, look for another one who Suitable for both you and your puppy.

2. Financial matters

Consider purchasing health insurance for your puppy. It can significantly reduce the cost of veterinary assistance, especially in emergency situations. New dog owners often experience financial difficulties in separating emergency veterinary care, as they rarely care about medical insurance and spend a lot of money on buying a puppy and on him stern. Be prepared to spend several thousand rubles on a regular veterinary care and be sure to set aside at least an amount emergency case.

3. Vaccination

Newborn puppies do not have innate immunity when at birth, they receive antibodies from the mother that help protect them from diseases and develop their own immune system. Vaccinations are an important part of veterinary care for a puppy; they help prevent most dangerous diseases. To the main vaccination includes vaccines against plague, adenovirus-2, canine parvovirus and rabies. Also sometimes vaccinated against leptospirosis, lime disease and bordetellosis, which are recommended dogs in some geographical areas. Your vet will give secondary vaccinations recommended for the puppy, according to his vaccination schedule. Most vaccinations it will be necessary to deliver during the first year of a puppy’s life, to provide him with a strong immune system.

4. Deworming

Many puppies get intestinal parasites due to contact with mother, sometimes even before being born. Therefore, it is important that your the veterinarian performed timely deworming of the puppy and regularly I checked his feces to make sure the treatment was successful. If not treat intestinal parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms, or nematodes, then this will lead to anemia and weight loss in the puppy, which can be fatal for him. Some common parasites dogs can cause problems in humans as well, so they can have an effect on the health of both your puppy and you. Regular deworming helps you avoid many health problems puppy.

5. Heartworms

Another parasitic worm, dirofilaria, is also known as heartworm. Unlike intestinal parasites, he lives in circulatory system and prefers various chambers of the heart. This the worm spreads by various mosquitoes in hot climates and Present in several countries. It’s not common in Russia, but, nevertheless, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis in puppies not later than 8 weeks of age.

6. Ectoparasites

Prevent puppy infection with fleas and ticks, unlike worms are much easier, but treating them is also enough difficult. Your vet should have a variety of suitable means that will be safe for puppies from 8 weeks old age. When treating fleas, be sure to wash all bedding accessories in hot water and vacuum your carpets regularly to remove eggs and larvae.

7. Sterilization / castration

Sterilizing or castrating your puppy will provide numerous health benefits, so be sure to consider them if You do not plan to breed your dog. Healthy puppies can be neutered at the age of 8 weeks, although some veterinarians prefer to wait 4-6 months. Sterilization should be performed before the first estrus to eliminate the risk of developing cancer at a later age.

8. Diet and weighting

Puppies from eight weeks old and older should receive quality food for puppies. Regular adult dog food will not provide them enough energy and calcium, which is necessary for growing the body of the puppy. Follow label recommendations and tips. your vet to determine how much to feed your puppy. AT ideally, puppies should be fed 3-4 times a day until the age of six months, then you can reduce the number of feedings to two in day. Also ask your vet what weight the puppy is. is healthy.

9. Teeth

The puppy’s baby teeth will be cut approximately between the 3rd and 8-1 weeks, and for 4-6 months will be replaced by permanent ones. First permanent teeth will be the front incisors. You will find out that your puppy teething when you notice that he has become hard chew. It’s important to never leave a puppy unattended, especially in the period when teeth are cut. In addition to various damage to your to property, puppies can sometimes swallow items that may get stuck in his throat or poison. Another danger various electrical cables that can lead to swelling lungs, which will be fatal for the puppy. Give the puppy enough toys so that he can chew them properly. This period is usually lasts from a few weeks to a month. It is important that your veterinarian could track the growth of your puppy’s permanent teeth, as sometimes baby teeth may remain, leading to problems with chewing.

10. Environmental safety audit

A regular visit to the vet is certainly one of the most important things in puppy health care, however, you should provide him with safety and in his environment. Carefully inspect inside and outside of your home for any potential hazards. Consider poisonous items such as house plants and detergents, and hide them from your puppy. Check the safety of the stairs in the house, and if they are steep, it is better limit their availability to the puppy. Various small items, such as jewelry, combs and hair pins also must be removed to an inaccessible place. Keep garbage in a safe place and take him out regularly so that the puppy cannot reach him. If you have a fireplace, then install special protection on it. AND remember that the best way to protect your puppy from trouble is to never leave him unattended!

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