Dog Quality of Life

Each animal has specific needs that must be recognized and respected. Quality of life is a way assessing the daily life of the dog, day after day, when she reaches its possible end. If we can successfully meet the needs of an ill or chronically ill dog, then we can be sure that our efforts to maintain it lives are justified.

Dog Quality of Life

What are the diseases that can cause deterioration? dog quality of life?

Most older dogs will sooner or later develop one or more diseases that tend to worsen over time time. The most common chronic diseases old dogs are:

  • Blindness – usually occurs gradually, as it develops age-related changes in the lens of the eye.
  • Cancer – with age, dogs have an increased risk of developing all types of cancer.
  • Chronic renal failure is degenerative kidney disease leads to decreased kidney function biological waste from the blood.
  • Deafness – usually develops over time when the eardrum becomes less flexible.
  • Arthrosis is a painful inflammation and wear of the joints.
  • Overweight, obesity – more than half of old dogs have overweight or obesity, which affects their quality of life.

Is it possible to objectively assess the quality of life of a dog?

For this, a special scale of quality of life for dogs so that their owners can measure it numerically. Scale quality of life contains recommendations that will help the owner dogs and the vet “work” together. The scale represents instrument by which palliative success can be measured help or a plan to maintain a dog with a terminal illness.

The scale includes seven different parameters with a rating each of them is from 1 to 10. If each parameter is above 5, or the total the amount is more than 35, then this means that the quality of life of the dog is quite acceptable. These parameters include pain, hunger, dehydration, hygiene, happiness, mobility, and the number of good days compared to the bad ones.

Pain (from 1 to 10). Adequate control is necessary pain, including the ability to breathe correctly, is absolutely necessary. Most pet owners do not know that the ability to breathe is an important part of a control strategy pain.

Hunger. If the dog cannot normal and eat yourself, try to feed her by hand. If it is not it is possible, perhaps, it is advisable to consider the feeding tube. Other alternatives are liquid or mixed diets.

Dehydration. If old or unhealthy the dog doesn’t drink enough water, then it may develop dehydration. In this case, she will need additional water infusion, thanks to which it will feel much it’s better.

Hygiene. Is it possible to take care of a dog, comb and keep clean? Can a dog walk if she had an accident? To maintain the well-being of bedridden or paralyzed dog, it is important to regularly care for and clean it, and also provide adequate bedding to prevent pressure sores.

Happiness. Does the dog enjoy toys and games? Dogs communicate with their own eyes, as well as wagging tails. Does the sick dog interact with family members or with the environment? Placing a dog close to family activities helps her stay involved. Dogs are social animals that may develop depression when they separated from their “flock”.

Mobility. If the dog cannot move yourself, it may be advisable to consider one of many devices that can increase its mobility. To list devices may include two and four wheeled trolleys. Similar devices allow the dog to remain active. This is especially important. for large dogs that simply cannot be moved from one place to another. Mobility and hygiene – these are two parameters. tied together when the dog is bedridden.

The number of good days. If the dog goes too many bad days in a row, or it seems that she is “off” of life, its quality of life is at stake. Bad days can be the result of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, upsets, severe pain or inability to breathe.

How to find out that the time has come for euthanasia?

A healthy human-animal relationship should be two-way, and when they stop, it means it’s time for euthanasia (euthanasia). It is important to plan euthanasia in advance, and Life quality assessment can help you with this planning. You can support a dog’s life based on the quality of life scale and regularly measuring its parameters, how well satisfied basic needs of the animal. This scale can also help you. make a decision about euthanasia, and, hopefully, relieve anxiety and regrets about the end of your beloved dog’s life.

Can a veterinarian help with an euthanasia decision?

Veterinarians often ask dog owners and give them advice on this difficult and even heartbreaking issue of euthanasia. Your the vet will help you with this very difficult decision.

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