Demodecosis in dogs – symptoms and treatment disease

Demodecosis is an inflammatory disease in dogs, caused by various species of Demodex canis ticks 0.2-0.26 in size mm When the number of ticks in the hair follicle and on the dog’s skin getting too big, it can lead to skin damage, genetic disorders, hair loss and immune problems system. The severity of symptoms of demodicosis in dogs depends on the type tick.

Demodecosis in dogs - symptoms and treatment disease

Symptoms of Demodicosis

Demodecosis can either be localized in a specific area. body, or can be generalized and affect the whole body. AT case of a localized type, symptoms are usually mild when the disease affects the face, trunk, or legs. When generalized type, symptoms are more severe and appear on whole body. The main symptoms are:

  • severe itching (scabies)
  • baldness (alopecia)
  • redness of the skin (erythema)
  • the appearance of scales and lesions on the skin

Causes of infection

The exact causes of demodicosis (scabies) in dogs are unknown, but many experts consider genetic factors and immune problems system of the main reasons that predispose the dog to the development of demodicosis. Three types of ticks are known to cause demodicosis in dogs, and infection routes are known for only one of them, namely about demodex canis. This tick lives on the skin and in dog hair follicle and can be transmitted from mother to newborn puppy during feeding.


A skin scraping is used to diagnose demodicosis in a dog. AT If confirmed, the veterinarian will need to do a urinalysis and, perhaps conduct some other diagnostic tests. An alternative diagnosis may be a bacterial infection in hair follicle.

Demodecosis Treatment

In the case of a localized type of demodicosis, it is most likely resolve by itself and disappear spontaneously, which happens approximately in 90% of cases. For more severe cases, you may need long-term treatment with the need for condition monitoring animal and prevent secondary diseases. Heavy treatment cases of demodicosis are usually stationary. In these cases, the procedures are aimed at the destruction of the pathogen, elimination its toxins, restoring immunity and strengthening the body animal.


Good overall dog health can help prevent some cases of demodicosis. Generalized type dogs demodicosis is not bred, as the disease is likely to be transferred to offspring.

Questions and answers

How is demodecosis transmitted to the offspring of the dog?

Specific antibodies protect dogs from the invasion of these ticks, which are inherited and are present in most dogs. But in some cases in dogs there are practically no these antibodies and they become vulnerable to disease. Therefore, the ability to resist demodicosis is inherited from parents.

The puppy was diagnosed with demodicosis, but he did not contact with dogs other than mother. But mother never had demodicosis. How did this happen?

The statement that the dog never had demodicosis is erroneous. Ticks causing demodicosis are located in the hair follicles many dogs, humans and other mammals and do not cause them no problem.

How does demodicosis affect people?

Cases of demodicosis in humans are very rare. For the treatment of demodicosis consultation of a dermatologist in conventional medicine is required. Treatment illness in humans can also take a long time, as a rule up to several months.

Can demodecosis be transmitted from a sick dog to healthy in the house?

Healthy dogs are usually quite resistant to tick infestation and, as mentioned, they most likely already have some. However, you should not allow dogs to have direct physical contact with a sick animal.

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