Changing behavior and pain in an old dog

Along with the aging of the dog, we tend to see changes in her behavior. Playful running after the ball and restless activity, which we associate with puppies gives way to adult dogs napping in the sun and felting on the couch in the evenings. In old dogs we notice an even greater decrease in activity. However, it is important to remember that old age is not a disease. We must distinguish between normal changes in the behavior of old dogs from abnormal that may be signals of pain or illness.

Changing behavior and pain in an old dog

What changes in dog behavior signal pain?

Unfortunately, identifying pain in our canine companions is not always goes simple and obvious. But some notable changes in the behavior of a dog can be important signals that she suffers. These include:

  • avoiding slippery surfaces
  • difficulty standing up
  • lameness
  • taking food or drink while lying down
  • unwillingness or inability to climb furniture or bed
  • unwillingness to go up or down stairs
  • unwillingness to raise one’s head to get a treat
  • unwillingness to sit at the command
  • unwillingness to turn your head in any direction
  • Sitting on one thigh while the other leg is thrown back side

Any of these types of behavior should be taken seriously and discussed with the veterinarian.

How else can you determine that a dog is in pain?

I’m tired

Decreased stamina on walks or during games often misinterpreted as signs of old age. There are several reasons why endurance is reduced, including because metabolic diseases such as hypothyroidism or illness hearts. Your veterinarian should examine the dog to determine root cause. The examination should also identify chronic changes, such as osteoarthritis. Often after started treating dogs for pain, their owners say that the pet became much more energetic and resumed activities that was previously abandoned. In other words, they did not think that the dog experienced pain until her treatment began.

Don’t comb me

Unwillingness and aversion to brushing, combing, or other care often overlooked and not considered symptoms of pain. Pain any type, but especially chronic, associated with osteoarthritis, can spread throughout the body so that the dog can to feel discomfort even in parts of the body remote from the joints. When this happens, the sensitivity threshold is between acceptable and painful levels are reduced, and even normal combing with Using a comb can be painful. Such dogs often suffer from dandruff (their skin becomes flaky). Like cats dogs care for themselves to stay clean, but if they they feel pain and discomfort, they cannot do it.

Don’t lift me up

Small dogs, especially those that are low to the ground, may be afraid of pain and resist that you raise them. Arm pressure around their torso can cause an outbreak of pain if they suffer from back pain. If your little dog starts object to being lifted, then you have to make an appointment to to the vet.

Don’t touch me there

A normal dog allows you to touch everything without problems her body. You should touch your entire back without any difficulty. dogs from top to bottom, on the sides of the body and torso, you should also be able to touch the tail of the dog.

In addition to the torso, you should without any objection with the dog’s sides touch all four of its limbs, including fingers and joints. If you want to check the level dog discomfort when probing its limbs from feet to reason, it’s best to do it when your dog is lying, not worth it.

What if it’s not clear if the dog is in pain?

If in doubt, check it out. Dogs by nature persistent creatures that do not always show pain or discomfort. But for us, as their trustees, it is important to pay attention to the smallest the details. Your veterinarian should help you determine the source of the pain. if present, to make life easier for your dog and return her to a comfortable and painless course.

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