Beagle puppies – photo and growth from one to 12 month

Beagles are beautifully built hounds with well-developed muscles. These are intelligent, noble animals devoted to their owner. So how beagles were bred for hunting, this affects the nature of the pet: independent, decisive, courageous. The puppy needs to be raised and to train from a young age – then he will become a faithful friend, obedient favorite. But it’s equally important to monitor physical development baby.

Beagle Characteristic

These cute pets are serious hunters. Beagle Hounds are capable chase after a small predator, a hare. Dog fast navigates in an incomprehensible, emergency situation, lightning fast reacts to a change in situation. Savvy, amazing ingenuity – determining the nature of the beagle. Despite small in size, it is a determined and bold animal.

In relation to a person, the beagles amaze with their friendliness. They love to play with their brothers, other pets. A born hunter needs an active life: long walks, running, outdoor games, catch-up, on-site activities. The temperament of both the puppy and the adult beagle is calm, balanced. This is not an aggressive or cowardly pet.

External features of the animal:

  • The head is massive, without folds and wrinkles. The nose is black, with large nostrils. The eyes are round, non-convex with a “touching”, asking expression. Their color depends on the color: from almost dark to light brown. The ears are soft, fit to the cheeks. The jaws are powerful form a scissor bite. In the mouth – 4 2 sharp teeth. Neck long (to run and at the same time to keep track of prey), with a slight by bending.
  • Beagles paws are not long, with short metacarpals and small claws. The hind legs are powerful, with a well-developed femur the muscles.
  • The back line is flat, the spine is straight. Despite the small length, lower back of the dog has the right balance. Chest slightly below the elbows. Tail with a strong base, movable, but not bends and does not fall on his back.
  • The beagle photo shows a short and very thick coat, which due to the characteristics of the outer hair, it makes the dog “waterproof”. To the touch, the hairs resemble a thin wire. Beagle colors characteristic of hounds: according to breed standards, only brown (hepatic).

Height at the withers of an adult: 3 5 -40 cm.

Monthly Development

Newborn babies weigh 25 0-35 0 g. Already during this period, boys somewhat larger than girls. This difference persists in the future. puppy development.

1 month

In the first month, the little beagles feed on mother’s milk, but by On the 4th week, the host already introduces a softened liquid feed. Already with of this age, you need to monitor the diet of the dog, teach the puppy to a clear feeding schedule without begging and snacking.

Monthly puppy no more than twenty cm in length. Its weight, depending on sex, varies from 1.5 to 3 kg. Babies in the milk of a healthy mother, ready for offspring, increase from birth to 5-6 time.

2 months

The puppy is gradually transferred to self-feeding, fed until 5 times a day. The kid, learning to see, hear, run, becomes very active – it takes a lot of energy to explore the world.

The height of a two-month-old dog is up to 25 cm. The weight of different puppies of the litter – 3-5 kg.

2 months

The puppy is gradually transferred to self-feeding, fed until 5 times a day. The kid, learning to see, hear, run, becomes very active – it takes a lot of energy to explore the world.

The height of a two-month-old dog is up to 25 cm. The weight of different puppies of the litter – 3-5 kg.

3 months

The age when a puppy gains new owners: he alone eats, knows how to communicate with a person, has learned dog hygiene rules. The new owner smoothly transfers the beagle to another food. A common option is specialized complex feeds for representatives of the breed.

The dog reaches 23 -25 cm at the withers. Its weight increases to 5-6 kg

4 months

The puppy remains on a 5-time feeding: it increases in sizes, very active. For full development is important timely receipt of nutrition. Beagle height at 4 months – thirty -33 see. Doggie weighs 7 -8 kg.

5 months

The Beagle is no longer a puppy, but a grown dog. His development begins slow down: the height increases slightly (by 1-2 cm), but weight is still growing rapidly. The weight of the dog reaches 8-10 kg.

5 months

The Beagle is no longer a puppy, but a grown dog. His development begins slow down: the height increases slightly (by 1-2 cm), but weight is still growing rapidly. The weight of the dog reaches 8-10 kg.

6 months

A six-month-old dog is smoothly transferred to 3 meals a day. The development of the beagle teenager is no longer swift: weight rises to 12 kg, height – up to 33-35 cm. Some individuals develop rapidly: in 6 months can already reach 40 cm at the withers. Standard it maximum mark – the beagles do not grow anymore.

7-9 months

For three months, the weight of the dog increases by 2-3 kg, the height at the withers – a couple of centimeters (up to 36 -38 cm). Food schedule is changing – not more than 2 meals per day.

Beagle gradually enters adulthood: it does not need to be plentiful feed – dogs do not know the measures in food, which is fraught with obesity. This is especially dangerous at a young age: being overweight is difficult to run, play that much needed hound. Lack of necessary activity affects the health of the dog.

10-12 months

Usually by the first year of life development, growth of beagles slows down. The one-year-old dog is a full-fledged adult animal. Him height – 38-40 cm at the withers, normal weight – 13 -eighteen kg.

In the table – the standard parameters for both beagle puppies sexes.

Age (months) Height (cm) at the withers Weight, kg)
Females Males Females Males
1 eighteen 20 1,5 3
2 23 25 2-4 3-4
3 28 thirty 5 6
4 30 32 7 8
5 32 34 8 10
6 33 35 9 12
7 34 36 10 13
8 35 37 10.5 fourteen
9 35.5 37.5 10.7 15
10 36 38 eleven sixteen
eleven 37 39 12 17
12 38 40 13 18

Individual departure from standard norms is not pathological. The main thing is a puppy’s good appetite, physical activity, lack of disease symptoms.

Puppy Care Rules

To ensure the full timely development of a young beagle, The owner can take note of the tips:

  • The external data of the puppies is affected by the conditions of detention mother dogs during their fetal development. Not only important proper nutrition, but also moderate activity of the animal. After the birth of puppies indoors with babies provide comfortable temperature, lighting. Its recommended ventilate, but prevent drafts.
  • If too many babies are born, the owner needs additionally patronize them: make sure that the weakest receive access to food – they are applied to the dog’s rear nipples, more rich milk. If there is insufficient natural nutrition, artificial lure on the advice of a veterinarian (baby food, cow’s milk is not suitable for these purposes).
  • The disadvantage of the breed is an excessive love of food. Dog ration the owner should follow: feed only necessary, useful for dogs products. Sweets, salted, smoked food and other human Beagle treats are prohibited. You can encourage, treat a dog with an apple, carrots. Hounds love cottage cheese, porridge, slightly sweetened honey.
  • From a young age, vitamins necessary for puppies are added to food and minerals – complex preparations can be found in any veterinary pharmacy. Indicator of full development: 42 teeth developed in a 7-month-old puppy.
  • The animal should always have access to clean, fresh water. After all, water imbalance is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Beagles are unpretentious pets. Caring for them comes down to combing wool, cleaning ears, examining paws, claws on damage. Beagles are rarely bathed – their fur structure “dirt-repellent”. The owner does not forget about the obligatory preventive examinations at the veterinarian, vaccination schedule.

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