Anemia in dogs – symptoms, causes and treatment

Anemia is a medical term that describes a condition. decrease the number of circulating red blood cells or hemoglobin in blood. This is not a disease, but rather a symptom of some other a process, disease, or disorder. Hemoglobin delivers vital oxygen to the tissues and cells of the body, and the animal, who suffer from anemia will suffer from symptoms related lack of oxygen.

Anemia in dogs - symptoms, causes and treatment

Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and then enter blood, where they live for about two months. As you age or damage, they are filtered out of the blood, and their components re-form new red blood cells. amount red blood cells may be reduced due to a decrease in their production or increased loss.

Symptoms of Anemia

The main obvious clinical symptom of anemia in dogs, like in Cats are pale or pale pink gums. Dogs with anemia also have low stamina and get tired very quickly. Pale gum and general lethargy indicate the need for analysis blood.


Anemia is diagnosed through a blood test. Most common is the determination of hematocrit. This the analysis is performed as part of an extended blood test. If the hematocrit level will be below normal by 35%, then the dog anemia will be diagnosed.

If the dog is diagnosed with anemia, it is important to get through diagnostics for parasites that can cause destruction red blood cells, as well as the presence of abnormal cells that may point to leukemia. Bone marrow biopsy and analysis will help get information about his condition and possible causes anemia.

Biochemical blood test, urinalysis and some others important diagnostic tests are often needed to assess overall health status of the dog. Equally important is stool analysis for diagnosis of the presence of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause blood loss.

Causes of Anemia

There are many diseases that can cause anemia. They are divided into three groups: 1) diseases that cause blood loss, 2) hemolysis diseases (decay and destruction of red blood cells), and 3) diseases that suppress the production of red blood cells in bone the brain.

Blood loss diseases

The main causes of blood loss in dogs are:

  • Injury or damage to blood vessels or internal bleeding organs
  • Severe parasitic infestations caused by fleas, ticks or nematodes
  • Tumors of the digestive tract, kidney, bladder or spleen
  • Blood clotting disorders

Dog diseases causing hemolysis

  • The main causes of hemolysis in cats include:
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Blood parasites
  • Chemical or Toxin Poisoning
  • Neoplasia (tumor)

Dog Diseases That Suppress Red Blood Cell Production bone marrow

The main causes of bone marrow suppression, which leads to reduce red blood cell production are:

  • Severe or chronic illness (e.g., kidney insufficiency or liver disease)
  • Very poor nutrition or nutrient imbalance
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Chemical or Toxin Poisoning
  • Neoplasia (tumor)

Dog Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is common enough disease in humans. But in dogs, iron deficiency is rare, and usually develops due to chronic blood loss or very poor diet.

Anemia Treatment

If the dog’s anemia is so severe that poses a threat to her life, then she will need a transfusion blood. The purpose of the transfusion is to stabilize the dog, but the root cause of anemia should be diagnosed and should be an appropriate treatment program has been prescribed.

The treatment of anemia depends on the diagnosis and severity of the condition. animal. Corticosteroids may be used in treatment, diet therapy, other drugs and surgery.

Prognosis for Dogs with Anemia

The prognosis for dogs suffering from anemia depends on the specific the diagnosis and general health of the animal at the time of formulation the diagnosis. With timely diagnosis of anemia and good condition dog health, the prognosis is favorable. Dogs that suffer from poisoning by chemicals, cancer or autoimmune diseases, have less favorable prognosis.

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