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Siberian Husky – not only pretty pets, but also workers sled dogs. They are distinguished by incredible fortitude, devotion man, calm calm, amazing endurance and kind heart. But the future owner needs to consider that this is very energetic, wayward, stubborn pets who need long jogging, serious physical exertion, living in an aviary.

Color classification

An amazing feature of the breed – it is impossible to meet two its identical representatives. Dogs vary by suit, marks, spots, “masks” on the face, nose, eyes. Clear there is no single classification of colors, since each husky special.

In Russia, such variations of suits are officially recognized:

  • black and white;
  • white
  • gray white;
  • brown and white.

In other countries – their allowable suits, not very related between themselves. Dog handlers distinguish about 20 types of colors “Siberians”. The most common are silver, gray. The most rare – white with crystal blue eyes.

Long-haired “Siberians” stand out separately. Such a feature associated with breeding animals in extreme polar conditions. Color variations for these dogs are the same as for more Shorthair counterparts.

Longhaired Husky:

All Husky colors: description photo

Black and white

This suit is the most common among the “Siberians”. But two impossible to see the same husky of such a color – a shade the undercoat, ranging from snow-white to blue-black, makes each dog is unique. Dog hair is painted in all shades. black and white.

Black and white color:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo


Common color among representatives of racing, riding rocks. The remaining coat is gradient (“fits” on one hair several colors): these are variations of black, gray, white. Undercoat – a warm, soft cream shade.

Another feature of the amazing suit: reddish marks on paws, black tip of the tail. The “mask” of the dog is covered in funny redheads, gray specks.

Dogs of the agouti suit:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo


“Sibiryakov” amazing gray color is easy to confuse with wolves – powerful legs, wide chest, fluffy tail. But the dog “gives” kind look and sincere joy when meeting a person. Dogs such suits are valued by drovers, which is why they are common in Siberian open spaces.

Husky wolf color:

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All Husky colors: description photo


“Silver” is one of the most beautiful colors: it seems that the wool shimmers in the sunshine like a precious metal. Effect obtained due to the combination of light gray shiny outer hair on background of snow-white, silver undercoat.

Silver Dogs:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo

Splash Coat

Conditional translation of the name of the suit from English: “dressed in coat “,” color coat. “There is no puns: on the back of the dog dark, black “cloak” or “mantle”. And the chest, the inside of the paws, abdomen, neck – snow-white.

Splash Coat:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo


As the name implies, this suit makes the husky a bit like sable. The main color of the coat is snow-white, but on the back, occiput, sides, upper part of tail – gradient coloration of the outer hair: from white, cream to gray, black. Bizarre a combination of tones looms in a beautiful sable shade. Eyeliner, lips of such a husky are black, but the nose may be in speck – dark with “liver” impregnations.

Husky “sable”:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo


Red, red – variations of this suit, depending on saturation of the shade of the coat. If gray huskies look like wolves, then copper – on sly foxes. They differ only in body size – the dog is much larger than the fox. An interesting feature of the color is brownish lips, eye strokes, light nose, combined with piercing amber look.

In the photo – red husky:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo

Copper, Chocolate

This shade of wool is sometimes confused with red. But the copper suit It features an important feature: a deeper, more saturated tone. Comparable to hot chocolate in the sun.

Copper and Chocolate Husky:

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All Husky colors: description photo

Pale yellow

This interesting suit is often called red, light red. But fawn color – more calm, soft. In the midst of shades he treats pastel – it is cream, light brown husky.

Fawn Siberian:

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All Husky colors: description photo


A rather rare color for Siberian husky is the body of the animal covered with uneven marks. On a white background – off suit spots of different sizes. Therefore, such Siberians are not like Dalmatians. According to breed standards, the total amount of spots is no more than 30 %

“Siberians” piebald color:

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All Husky colors: description photo


Cheprak – a special lining under a saddle. This explanation reveals the peculiarity of the color: the husky itself is white, and on the back – a darker saddle. Standards allow for various shades chepraka – gray, copper, cream, chocolate, red and so on.

Husky dressing suit:

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Such huskies are called snowy, snow-white. Important requirement standard: white should be not only the core hair, but also undercoat. Snow-husky is very much appreciated by breeders for a reason rarities of color: such puppies are the most expensive in the litter. Snowy Husky invariably take first place at exhibitions, receive special prizes from the jury. They are also valued by drivers: a white dog, harnessed, almost invisible against the backdrop of snow.

Rare white color:

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All Husky colors: description photo

Black and tan

Another rare color for the Siberian breed: most of the body dogs of a beautiful shade of a raven. Under such a “mantle” – light tents. Especially beautiful – peach, reddish shade. Tanning is allowed on the chest, face and legs. Standards require the “mask” to be completely closed. Allowed only a small black strip on the top of the nose.

Color “black with tan”:

All Husky colors: description photo

The black

Absolutely black thoroughbred husky will not work – genetic features of the breed do not allow such a variation in color. Dog standards allow small white, grayish blotches on the muzzle, front, hind legs, tail. But at the same time eye contour, nose should be dark. To this suits include those “Siberians” in the color of which is dominant (more 75%) – it is black color.

Black Husky:

All Husky colors: description photo

All Husky colors: description photo


Another rare suit of Siberian husky, admitted standards breed. These dogs are often called “Dalmatians.” The scarcity of marble representatives is due to the fact that mating such dogs is quite problematic.

Marble Husky:

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All Husky colors: description photo


The next rare color of the “Siberians” is Isabella. Such dogs almost white due to the snowy undercoat. But the rest hair has cream, fawn, reddish tips.

Representatives of isabella color:

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All Husky colors: description photo

Color Features

Every husky is individual, not just because of inheritance a unique color option. These dogs have the most diverse shades of eyes, nose. A special “facial expression” appears because of the “mask” on the face.


Siberian dogs have the following shades of the iris of the eye:

  • Blue. Pure “ice” shade, not changing with by age.
  • Brown. Saturated brown, mistaken for black.
  • Amber. Bright light brown iris. It is found in husky white, chocolate, red color.
  • Heterochromia. Common options are blue and brown, amber and blue, blue and amber.
  • “Split”. It seems like the iris is divided into multi-colored halves: blue and brown (or vice versa). Such a feature can be observed on one eye, and on both.
  • Interspersed. Very rare eye color: added to the main specks of contrasting color. For example, brown spots on blue iris.

The more interesting the color of the eyes of a husky, the higher the cost of the puppy. Dogs with heterochromia, pure blue, blue are especially appreciated eyes.

Husky eye color:

All Husky colors: description photo


Depending on the color, the location of the “mask” on the face changes animal nose color:

  • The black. Representatives of black, black and white, gray, silvery, red suits.
  • Brown (hepatic). Red, chocolate, piebald, isabella husky.
  • Flesh-colored (pinkish). In pure white animals.
  • Snowy (dark with hepatic impregnations). Representatives “colorful” suits.

In this case, partial depigmentation of the urine is considered a disadvantage. nose.


Husky of all colors from white to black has a characteristic feature – “mask” on the face. These are clearly defined contrasting markings whose pattern creates the likeness of a masquerade mask. Allowed options:

  • trefoil shape;
  • wolf mask;
  • glasses;
  • heart
  • with eyebrows;
  • open
  • with a strip on the nose.

“Mask” – that characteristic that distinguishes husky from representatives of related breeds.

“Masks” on the face:

All Husky colors: description photo

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