Walking a bear in Russia is a tradition

Social network users from Khabarovsk raised a stir because of the little bear. Clubfoot calmly strolling through the city streets along with his mistress. About this writes the information portal AmurMedia.

In Russia, walking bears in the streets has become a tradition. On that Once-toed alarmed the residents of Khabarovsk. Video and photo where a woman walks along the street with a teddy bear, Khabarovsk discuss social networks.

People began to recall various accidents when manual cubs attacked passers-by, children and even owners of predators became their dinner. The same fate frightened citizens predicted and Khabarovsk.

Teddy Bear Archie and the trainer

The animal was treated for teeth in a local veterinary clinic, after which decided to walk the streets of Khabarovsk

However, it later became clear that the bear cub named Archie is circus star. And the woman who walked him is a professional circus trainer. The animal was treated in a veterinary clinic “Friend”, where he was treated with teeth. Workers have confirmed this information. They told that the bear is about five months old. He was removed milk teeth, which he broke by negligence. To the animal did anesthesia. And after the operation, Archie quickly recovered and even played with medical staff.

The teddy bear was driven through the streets in a strong muzzle.

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