To save a kitten, a woman donated the wall in your apartment

In Yekaterinburg, the rescuers had to break a piece of the wall in apartment with a beautiful repair. The hostess herself offered to go on such an act of vandalism to rescue a little black from a trap kitty.

The baby somehow got into the ventilation shaft a multi-storey building and spent several days at the bottom without water and food, until the residents of the house guessed to call the rescuers. But no matter how tried, get the poor fellow by conventional methods did not it turned out.

It was possible to get to the unfortunate animal only by breaking it. corner of the wall of one of the apartments. Her mistress, without hesitation, decided to sacrifice the beauty of the home for such a noble cause. The exhausted cat was removed from concrete captivity. On she’s not more than six months old, but she can consider her salvation day second birthday. When the kitten recovers, they will look for him the owner.

Black cat

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