Strong and wants to live: the elephant is gaining strength after treatment

A few days ago they made an elephant from the Tbilisi Zoo complex operation to remove a tusk fragment. Today giant giant Already came to his senses and is slowly recovering.

The operation was carried out by local and South African doctors who volunteered to help the elephant free of charge. As a result of surgical Grandu’s interventions removed the remainder of the broken tusk as well stones, sand and gravel falling into the wound. Doctors on time discovered a large cyst that could cause the death of the animal.

Within half an hour, Grand tried to get to his feet, and then went to his beloved Malka.

As the surgeon Gerhard Stinkamp explains, rehabilitation will take a long time. Remote hole the tusk will heal in a year and a half. During surgery experts checked the condition of the site after removing the first bone. According to them, the wound has not yet completely healed in four years, but in it There is no infection, and it does not bother.

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