Seagull stole a dog from a young Englishwoman

In the British city of Paignton, a bold abduction took place – a seagull carried in her beak a small dog of the Chihuahua breed.

White bird unexpectedly dived into the courtyard of the house where he lives 24-year-old Becca Hill, the owner of the dog. Baby Gizmo at this moment jogging around in the garden while a girl friend was doing everyday problems. It all happened so fast that the guy did not have time respond: the seagull grabbed a tiny doggie and flew away.


only amusing photographs remained with the hostess as a keepsake of her pet

Becca has long liked dogs of this breed – except Gizmo, she has two more chihuahuas live. The girl is shocked by what happened and really hopes to see his pet safe and sound. She connected journalists and, through social services, requested for help to everyone who saw her dog or at least know something about her.

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