Pregnancy in cats: term, symptoms and literate care

The average pregnancy in cats lasts 9 weeks

Pregnancy of the ears is a period of expectation and pleasure. unrest.

Like any future woman in labor, kitty needs a certain attitude and care.

Therefore, it is worth collecting a maximum of information so that it’s good take care of the future mother.

Pregnant kittens need extra care and care

Pregnant kitties need extra care and care


  • 1 Pregnancy of cats
  • 2 First signs of a cat’s pregnancy
  • 3 Sexual activity of cats during pregnancy
  • 4 The course of pregnancy
  • 5 Caring for a pregnant cat
  • 6 Possible difficulties during pregnancy

Cats Pregnancy

To begin with, it is worth deciding which period correctly call pregnancy.

Some people think that this time is considered starting from mating. and ending with childbirth. However, it is not.

Pregnancy begins when it happened. fertilization.

Naturally, with perfect mathematical accuracy in this case no one will determine how many days a cat has a pregnancy goes on.

But this is not fearful; later in the article a number of signs will be given, according to which the owners will be able to clearly understand that it’s time to render their murka special attention and prepare a place for the birth of offspring.

Many sources cite different periods of time pregnancy, an average of 9 weeks.

This period can be increased or decreased by a week, which does not is something bad.

The duration of carrying kittens depends on the physical the state of kitty, its breed and age.

It is noticed that in shorthair cats like Devon Rex, Abyssinian, Russian blue and Bombay cats have a shorter gestation period (58-68 days) than long-haired type of Neva masquerade, Siberian and Norwegian cats (62-72 days).

However, if Kisun did not give birth on the 70-72nd day, it is necessary consult a veterinarian.


It so happens that already at 1-2 pregnancy week kitty becomes more melancholy, brooding. She eats less, sleeps more ordinary and practically does not want to play

The first signs of a cat’s pregnancy

Although it is very difficult to immediately calculate the exact date of conception, it’s quite obvious signs of pregnancy can be observed already on the 20th day after thereof.

The cat’s nipples enlarge, become bright pink. Leather around them begins to peel off. It is very easy to notice if put kitty on the back.

In the third week, an experienced veterinarian can palpate determine the pregnancy of Murka.

Important! Do not try to palpate by yourself! This is fraught not only with the death of kittens, but also severe cat health issues.

Ultrasound in a veterinary clinic will help to find out about the number of kittens and their condition

An ultrasound in a veterinary clinic will help to find out about the number of kittens and their condition

It happens that already at 1-2 weeks kitty becomes more melancholy, brooding.

She eats less, sleeps more than usual and practically does not want play.

At 3 weeks of pregnancy due to changes in the hormonal background of her may feel sick.

This is not something abnormal, because in pregnant women Toxicosis in the first trimester is also common.

After 3-5 days, vomiting disappears, and the owner can be sure that that his darling will soon become a mother.

Cats may have a false pregnancy that “goes away” independently and does not need special treatment.

However, when the “backing” happens often, you need to show the animal to a specialist.

Pregnancy in a cat in most cases proceeds without complications

Pregnancy in a cat in most cases occurs without complications

The sexual activity of cats during pregnancy

No matter how many days a cat’s pregnancy lasts, it may suddenly appear estrus.

Usually from the very beginning of bearing kittens she behaves calmly.

But it happens that just 20-21 days of pregnancy or later kitty again begins to ask the cats.

This phenomenon is called superfetation, and it is observed in each tenth cat.

If you let her mate with a cat, she can get pregnant the second time already from the new dad.

Kittens will develop normally in the uterus with a difference of 3-6 weeks.

In this situation, there is a danger that when the murka will give birth to the first kittens, she may have a miscarriage from their second “party”.

If such a disaster did not occur, then 3-6 weeks after the first childbirth comes second.

It is important that all kittens from both broods have enough nipples and milk.

Иногда беременной кошке хочется пойти погулять "налево"

Иногда беременной кошке хочется пойти погулять “налево”


Now you know how much a cat wears, pregnancy too You can install, especially in her third week.

Her subsequent kitting schedule looks like this:

  • Week 4-6: Growing fruits are already getting so large, that with a gentle press on the cat’s tummy, they can be felt. This study should be carried out very carefully and without sharp movements that can damage the amniotic membrane of the baby and lead to a miscarriage.
  • In the fifth week, the kitty’s tummy becomes already very noticeable, he nicely rounded. And from the sixth week, especially if Murka has more than 2 kittens, the stomach becomes very large – kids grow up fast. At the sixth week, the cat should appear milk.

During pregnancy, the cat, not only its belly, takes rounded shapes

During pregnancy, the cat, not only its belly, takes round shapes

  • Week 7-9: In the seventh week, the uterus is filled with fluid, therefore, palpation is difficult to determine how many kittens will be born. If you are very curious, it is better to do an ultrasound. But during this period, the fruits are already so large that you can palm feel their heads. During this period kitty begins to lead restless, look for a place for childbirth. This is the right time. Introduce her to the box you have prepared.
  • At the 9th week, the cat calms down, becomes inactive and even a little detached. Her nipples are prominent and the mammary glands are enlarged. Some may stand out from the vulva clear or white mucus.
  • 3-4 days before the onset of labor, kitty may suddenly become active, everywhere to go after the owner. Her body temperature drops to 37 ° C.

Depending on the period of pregnancy, the cat behaves differently: it either sleeps for days, then it starts to become active

Depending on the period of pregnancy, the cat behaves in different ways: it sleeps all day, it starts to become active

Important! If a pregnant cat is strongly It requires you to be with her – this is not a whim. Such behavior can be a consequence not only of the fact that she perceives you as your parent and patron. Cat is good feels what her birth will be – problematic or not. And if the animal urgently requires your presence, arm yourself with all necessary auxiliary items, as well as patience and You are near Murka.

A pregnant cat is forbidden to give any medicine, except in some exceptional cases, when she got sick with something. And then, in such a situation, be sure to consult a veterinarian

A pregnant cat is forbidden to give any medicine other than some exceptional cases when she got sick with something. And then in such a situation, be sure to seek advice from to the veterinarian

Caring for a pregnant cat

Well, if before mating, the pussycat was dewormed and have been vaccinated.

A pregnant cat is forbidden to give any medicine other than some exceptional cases when she got sick with something.

And then, in such a situation, be sure to seek advice to the vet.

In general, caring for a pregnant cat involves providing her peace and sufficient, well-chosen food.

Even if your kitty eats dry food, it’s worth consult your veterinarian what natural foods must be included in its menu.

Vitamins should not be given, because you already increased portions your kisuni.

If in her diet there is everything necessary, why oversaturate the body with all sorts of additives?

Moreover, such an overdose is fraught with vices and deformities kittens. An exception is the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Caring for a pregnant cat involves providing her with peace and sufficient, well-chosen nutrition

Caring for a pregnant cat means giving her peace and adequate, well-chosen nutrition

About a week before the expected birth costs a little reduce the amount of food you give the cat.

So they make newborn kittens a little smaller, and childbirth was easier.

Do not worry, the total size of the offspring is no longer will affect, because their dimensions are laid genetically.

Knowing how long a cat’s pregnancy lasts will help to protect the future woman in labor from dangers.

For example, in the seventh week at kitty, for obvious reasons, the center of gravity changes, but Murka may not really be aware of it, still trying to climb onto the closet.

However, due to a disturbed sense of balance, it may fall, harming yourself or kittens.

Make sure that from the 7th week until the birth mezzanines and other heights became impossible for your kittens.


Make sure that from the 7th week until the birth mezzanines and other heights became impossible for your kitty. AT this period she needs peace

Also in the last weeks of pregnancy, kitty can be difficult maintain personal hygiene and reach out to intimate places.

Help her keep clean and wipe these places with a damp with a cloth.

It would be nice to have an ultrasound scan for the cat at 8-9 weeks. It will allow you Know exactly the number of kittens and be prepared to have a baby.

It’s mandatory to find out where the veterinarian is located, working around the clock, and record her phone numbers.

This information is useful if during labor. insurmountable difficulties.

Possible difficulties during pregnancy

Due to various factors – malnutrition, physical trauma, uterine infection, hypothermia or overheating – in cats may have a miscarriage.

Most often this happens at 4-5 weeks of gestation. At If you suspect a miscarriage, call your veterinarian immediately.

Dead fruit must be removed as soon as possible before putrefactive processes began.

Take care of the birth place in advance. The cat and future kittens should be comfortable there.

Take care of the birth place in advance. Cat and future kittens should be comfortable there

So, what is necessary for a cat’s pregnancy and childbirth to be successful? Right!

First you need to arm yourself with the necessary information, and then take the right actions to take care of your murka.

And kitty will surely delight you with a brood of cute fluffy lumps with bead eyes.

Pregnancy in cats: period, symptoms and proper care

To your cat pleased you with healthy kittens, she some care is needed. Pregnancy in cats smoothly and calmly, if the owners competently approached this process.

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