Visitors to the aquarium in Vladivostok are concerned about the appearance and penguin health status. There are several employees once a day to reassure compassionate guests and explain that animal routine molt.
The press service of the Aquarium has marked out a publication in which talked about how and why penguins molt. Just now at birds of the oceanarium are molting. It’s completely natural process, and in no way connected with the health of the northern birds.
The fact is that five penguins are now moving from chicks age as an adult. Birds in this period are overgrown with feathers. BUT gentle chick down swirls around. According to ornithologist Egor Lebedev (oceanarium worker), molting process and transitional age in penguins are individual for each individual. Usually a change of “baby” the cannon for adult plumage lasts up to three weeks. Some penguins can be a little late in development and leave teenage age a little later and longer. For example, a girl nicknamed Wing transition from fluff to feathers has just begun. And her brother and sisters – Sails and East – molting is already successfully completed.
The transitional age of the northern birds lasts several weeks, in during this time the birds grow in hard plumage and become by adults
During molting, animals lose their appetite. For example, in the wild nature penguins wait for molt on the shore, do not hunt. But in Northern feathered aquarium, of course, is fed daily and during transitional age. Just the birds eat a lot less than usual time. Just a couple of fish per day.
Visitors to the aquarium see a disheveled view of birds and their strange behavior (birds in puberty are irritable and excessively loud) and ask the staff what happened. Have the birds got sick? Aquarium Workers calmly explain to visitors that everything is ok with penguins, they healthy and will soon enter adulthood.
It is the new plumage that will give the penguins their recognizable color – the old belly and black back and wings. Adult plumage protects birds from the cold and does not let water pass.