Leopards detained in Altai Territory

According to Izvestia.ru, the border service of the Altai Territory detained a truck in which they tried to smuggle valuable species of wild animals – leopards, boas and caimans.

Exotic animals tried to cross the Russian border without relevant documentation. As reported in the Altai customs region, in the road train, which was detained at the border, there were seven boas, two leopards and six caimans. Not a single animal was provided with permits for transportation of documents.

Leopards rode without documents

Altai Customs finds out why a resident of Kazakhstan was transported to Russian wild animals

It is known that an exotic cargo was brought from Kazakhstan by a woman. Her faces a fine of a million rubles and imprisonment of up to 7 years in Article 258, Clause 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal mining and trafficking of especially valuable wild animals”).

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