How to treat lichen in dogs: traditional and unconventional methods

Deprive, a characteristic disease for street animals, it would seem, can not be found in pets, but an infection of this type is not an exception for well-groomed doggies. In this article you will learn how to treat lichen in dogs

Lichen, like staphylococcus – characteristic disease for street animals, it would seem, can not meet in pets, but this type of infection is not exception for well-groomed dogs.

An unusual disease at first glance, with development it can It’s very dangerous not only for the animal, but even for humans, and therefore it is necessary to deal with it immediately.

Next, we’ll talk about how to treat ringworm in dogs.

A dog can become infected with lichen if eaten from a bowl of a sick animal

A dog can become infected with lichen if it eats from a patient’s bowl animal


  • 1 Causes of lichen
  • 2 What does lichen look like
  • 3 How to treat lichen in dogs
  • 4 Traditional treatments
  • 5 Alternative treatment methods
  • 6 Requires a veterinarian
  • 7 Prevention

Causes of lichen

Ringworm – an infectious disease, its causative agent a fungus known as trichophyton.

Trichophyton is very tenacious, because lichen is one of the most common diseases.

The fungus coexists perfectly at different temperatures, with easily transferred from carrier to carrier.

The causes of lichen in a healthy dog do not last long speculate, infection occurs:

  • If the dog was in contact with the sick and street animals.
  • If the dog ate food from the patient’s bowl animal or lay on his rug.
  • If the dog was playing on contaminated soil, grass, and so on.

Important! There is a so-called group risk, which is most susceptible to infection by lichen. To group at risk are immunocompromised animals any diseases, old animals, as well as puppies.

Also, lichen is transmitted by contact with sick dogs

Also, lichen is transmitted by contact with sick dogs

What does lichen look like

After direct infection, lichen does not manifest itself immediately, it takes about two weeks for the incubation period, at this time the owner in no way can notice a change in state dogs.

However, at the end of the incubation period, symptoms appear bright enough.

First of all, on the skin of the animal appears rash.

The rash may be barely noticeable, but gradually it increases its square and starts to blush.

Growing in the epidermis, the fungus provokes hair loss, therefore, the resulting pigmentation appears in all its beauty.

The spots on the skin, as a rule, peel off and itch severely.

Over time, a crust appears on the spots, if you do not notice this stage of the disease and do not start timely treatment, under the crust pus begins to form, and then the disease will cure much heavier.

The most vulnerable places for the fungus are the head, ears, the base of the tail, as well as the lower parts of the paws, the fungus damages these parts of the body in the first place. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection passes to other areas - to the back, legs and stomach.

The most vulnerable places for the fungus are the head, ears, base tail, as well as the lower parts of the paws, these parts of the body damage the fungus Firstly. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection moves to other areas – on the back, legs and stomach

The most vulnerable places for the fungus are the head, ears, base tail, as well as the lower parts of the paws, these parts of the body damage the fungus Firstly.

In the absence of proper treatment, the infection passes to others sections – on the back, legs and stomach.

If an infection is detected in an animal, it is necessary to immediately consult a veterinarian, he will advise how to treat lichen in dogs.

Before you think about how to treat lichen in dogs, you need to take precautions. First of all - to protect children from contact with animals

Before thinking about how to treat lichen in dogs, precautions must be taken. Firstly – protect children from contact with animals

How to treat lichen in dogs

Before answering the question of how to treat lichen in dogs in at home, we will analyze the basic rules for preparing for direct therapy:

  • The animal must be immediately isolated from children, and also from other animals.
  • All family members must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • In the apartment or house where the dog is located, regularly need carry out wet cleaning, be sure to use disinfectants facilities.
  • All objects in contact should be disinfected. dog.

When treating depriving, it is important not to let the dog lick and comb the sore spot. For this, special collars can be used.

When treating depriving, it is important not to let the dog lick and comb sore spot. You can use special collars

Traditional treatments

The disease is infectious and causes its fungus, therefore, it is necessary to treat lichen in a dog at home with relief of antifungal drugs.

Most of these medicines include iodine, which fungi simply cannot tolerate.

Such drugs include Yuglon, Griseofulfin, “Zoomikol”, “Dermatol” and others.

Before using such ointments, on the affected area of the skin cover the machine gently cut the remaining Wool and rinse this area with water.

Next, the sore spot is lubricated with iodine, and then an ointment is applied. Important make sure that the animal does not lick processed places.

To do this, it is recommended to wrap areas with gauze or bandage, in In this case, the ointment will have time to absorb into the skin.

Along with antifungal medications, a veterinarian may prescribe immunomodulating agents to the dog plan are equally important, increasing immunity, they thereby exclude the possibility of re-infection.

In addition to the described treatment measures in the diet of the animal vitamins and nutritional supplements must be introduced.

Vitamins also help strengthen immunity.

Puppies and old dogs are at a high risk of becoming infected with lichen

To a risk group with a high probability of contracting lichen include puppies and old dogs

Alternative treatments

A popular question is how to treat lichen in a dog folk means can not get a definite answer.

The fact is that folk medicine recipes, first of all, are selected for people according to their physiological characteristics and needs.

There are methods suitable for dogs, but before they use must always consult a veterinary a doctor.

Remember that self-treatment without medical knowledge may not only not help, but even cause harm.

The main concept of alternative treatment for ringworm is the use of iodine and vinegar.

We have already described the method of using iodine in combination with antifungal agents, but iodine can also be used in as a full-fledged drug, lubricating the affected areas the skin of the dog three to four times a day.

Apple cider vinegar is recommended five to six times per day.

Each owner should know how to treat lichen in dogs, but you should not neglect the trip to the veterinarian either.

Each owner should know how to treat lichen in dogs, but neglecting a trip to the veterinarian is also not worth it

Vet required

Going to the veterinarian is not the most pleasant pastime and for the dog, and for its owner, so very often the owners pets hope that the disease goes away on their own or they cope with her and at home.

Such misconceptions are fundamentally wrong.

Only a specialist can determine the nature of depriving and choose the right tool, given the individual characteristics of your dogs (age, size, breed, availability concomitant pathologies, level of immunity, presence allergies and so on).

From the foregoing, it follows that going to the vet is mandatory and immediate, in this case, deal with lichen will succeed faster and more efficiently.

So that your dog does not get sick with lichen, follow the rules of hygiene and provide the animal with proper and fortified nutrition

So that your dog does not get sick with lichen, follow the rules of hygiene and provide the animal with proper and fortified nutrition


Any disease is much easier to prevent in advance than cure, do not forget about the rules of prevention.

Basic preventive measures to prevent ringworm depriving:

  • Carrying out daily wet cleaning in the room, regular the use of disinfectants.
  • The use of water procedures as necessary (also after each walk should wash the dog’s paws).
  • Inadmissibility of dog contact with sick and homeless animals.
  • Providing good nutrition with the necessary concentration vitamins and minerals.
  • Ensuring the correct and hygienic maintenance of the dog in the house.
  • Carrying out processing of the dog’s things from parasites, its wool cover.

An effective preventative measure for lichen in dogs is preliminary anti-infection vaccination.

Such a procedure can be used not only as treatment, but also as a method of preventing the disease.

The vaccine is given twice with an interval of approximately ten days.


An effective preventative measure for lichen in dogs is preliminary anti-infectious vaccination. Such a procedure can be used not only as a treatment, but also as disease prevention method

After vaccination, the dog can significantly general condition worsen, however this phenomenon is considered normal, after some time, adverse manifestations pass, and the immunity of the animal is significantly increased.

How to treat lichen in dogs: traditional and non-traditional methods

How to treat lichen in dogs. Lichen is an infectious disease which provokes the fungus trichophyton, may appear in domestic dogs. In the treatment of depriving, the main role is played by antifungal drugs.

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