How to name a kitten girl: Best ideas for different breeds and colors

How to name a kitten girl

How to name a kitten a girl – everyone who asks this question acquired an ordinary or thoroughbred pet.

The choice depends on the breed, color, character and habits animal, in nicknames are reflected hobbies and activities the owner.

When a fluffy family member appears in the house, the question arises: how to name a kitten a girl?

The choice of nicknames is very wide, but you need to find the one that emphasizes the habits and character of the cat.

Sometimes a suitable name immediately comes to mind when you first meet with a pet.

In other cases, you have to rack your brains to choose a suitable nickname (nicknames for dogs are also difficult to give).


  • 1 How to choose a suitable nickname
  • 2 How to choose a name by color
  • 3 Suitable nicknames for different breeds
  • 4 most funny cat nicknames
  • 5 Some traditional nicknames and their meaning
  • 6 A few more tips for choosing a nickname

How to choose a suitable nickname

When deciding how to call a kitten a girl, you can turn attention to the following points:

  • external data of a cat: eye color, coat;
  • the nature of the animal, whether playfulness, grace, or responsiveness;
  • breed, because some nicknames are especially suitable for british or scottish fold cat;
  • preferences of the pet itself, while it is worth considering that cats perceive only the first three sounds of the nickname;
  • the presence of whistling or hissing in the nickname is desirable sounds;
  • age, because the cat may not get used to the name, if given too late;
  • what nicknames are popular in a particular area.

How to name a kitten girl

Name can be chosen by eye color

An unimaginable number of names for a pet.

And yet the main factor that determines what can be called a kitten girl – the behavior of the pet when he is still completely small.

How to choose a name by color

The appearance of the cat largely determines what the nickname will be for her selected.

Deciding what to call a fold kitten a girl or a British beauty, you should pay attention to names with a foreign root.

They better emphasize the personality of the pet and territorial affiliation of the breed.

It is worth considering that a small kitten is easier to remember a simple name consisting of two syllables (possibly even repeating ones, e.g. Lily or Mimi).

How to name a kitten girl

White kitten resembles a serving of ice cream

  1. A white kitten girl can be called Anji, Squirrel, Blanca, Crystal, Ice Cream, Push, Frosty.
  2. Red kittens differ not only in bright colors wool, but also the same eye-catching character. Fancy nicknames for positive red cat: Alice, Orange, Zlatka, Kanga, Camel, Fox, Carrot, Salt.
  3. Smoky hair gives kittens girls gray special the charm. They can be called Haze, Ash, Misty, Rainey, Sarah, Smokey, Shadow, Shady.
  4. For a black kitten, girls like nicknames like Bagheera, Mocha, Find, Norrie, Panther, Mascara.
  5. Tricolor or tortoiseshell babies are cool called Color, Bloop, Turtle.

Interesting! You can choose a nickname, focusing on eye color. If the cat has beautiful blue eyes, it can be called Violet, Bead or Turquoise.

You can look at the most unusual cat colors in articlehttps: //

Suitable nicknames for different breeds

When buying a thoroughbred pet, the owner gets it passport.

You can learn about the most popular cat breeds from articleshttps: //

There is already entered a name that will be used when participating in exhibitions.

However, the idea of calling a lop-eared kitten a girl long and uncomfortable to pronounce a name several times a day is unlikely like the owners.

Therefore, you need to choose a nickname for communication with the animal at home.

How to name a kitten girl

It’s better to call the baby’s home

  1. When a Scottish cat appears in the house, the question is raised, what to call a fold kitten a girl. Regarding features nature, this breed is characterized by such features as grace, responsiveness and poise. Such cats are not aggressive. They love to frolic with young children, and if they are too overdo it, the furry partner in the game just goes to rest. When deciding how to name a kitten a girl, you can choose from the following nicknames: Auri, Bastin, Cherry, Gressy, Diana, Fun, Laffy, Safira, Holia.
  2. Persian cats are usually given oriental Names: Darcy, Camila, Percy.
  3. British kitten girl for her special grace and affectionate character are called a soft-sounding name: Alice, Betsy, Gella, Quinnie, Cecile, Fifi.
  4. For French breeds, nicknames with French are recommended. root, such as Beatrice, Josephine, Coco, Mona.
  5. To emphasize the originality of hairless breeds, kitties sphinxes are called Isis, Cleopatra, Nefertiti (and this despite the fact that Don Sphinx and Peterbald with Egypt does not bind anything, unlike the Egyptian Mau). They are also given Greek names that indicate origin of the breed: Vasilisa, Efilia, Faina.
  6. For a siam kitten, nicknames like Turquoise, Sim, Simosha, Sophie.
  7. Bengal kittens – owners a unique color resembling a leopard pattern. To make emphasis on this coloring, you can name a kitten girl based on Jungle Stories: Bagheera, Southerners.

How to name a kitten girl

Gray kittens look charming

Interesting! For purebred cats (Scottish, British, Oriental) names are selected taking into account territorial affiliation.

The funniest cat nicknames

For a cat owner who has a good sense of humor and a rich fantasy, the scope of choice, what to call a kitten girl, more wider.

The basis for finding a suitable nickname is cartoons, hobbies of the owner, car brands and even Greek mythology.

Sometimes a cat’s name sounds cool when it emphasizes any features of her appearance.

If you are interested in looking at funny cat photos taken at the right time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with articlehttps: //

How to name a kitten girl

The choice of nicknames is influenced by habits and character

  1. If you purchased a large breed kitten, nicknames Pyshka or Motya will do.
  2. For small breeds, such names as Mini, Mix, Kid.
  3. A gray kitten girl can be called Shadow or Haze.
  4. If the baby is playful and sociable in character, the nickname will do. Masyanya, which is associated with a fun cartoon a hero.
  5. British kittens such as the Princess make you smile or miss. Although with this name the cat simply must be raised and intelligent.
  6. A cat can also be called as the heroine of the film, for example, Gloria, Carmen, Scarlett, Tess.
  7. It’s cool when the kitten’s girl’s name is Zemfira or Lolita.
  8. If the pet’s behavior is more like a wild beast than homemade pussies, pussy can be called Bagheera, Panther or Lynx.
  9. A quiet little kitten begs to be called Nyasha or Shy.
  10. Fans of modern electronics and cars carry their hobbies and pets. Now you can meet kitties with nicknamed Mazda, Nokia, Toyota.
  11. Glamorous ladies call their furry favorites Givenchy, La Vie, Laurent, Mont Blanc, Chanel or even Coupon.
  12. Kitten girl can help the owner in the development of foreign language, if her name in the translation indicates a feature character or appearance. Among such nicknames are Wild (wild), Sweetie (sweet), Hani (sweetheart).
  13. If the owner is interested in cooking and has a sense of humor, a cat can be called cool Waffle, Caramel or Sweet.

How to name a kitten girl

Those who learn English can call cutie Hani or Sweetie

Some traditional nicknames and their meaning

Some owners are more conservative in choosing a name for their pet.

In this case, it is worth considering the list of common traditional forms and their meanings.

  1. Kisa is perhaps the easiest name to use for modest domestic kitty.
  2. Marquise – imposing and unhurried cat, which is a lot spends time licking his fur. If the owner calls her, don’t too responsive, fit slowly.
  3. Murka is a playful hooligan pussy that does not hesitate steal something from a human table or get into things the owner.
  4. Sima – suitable affectionate leisurely kitty.
  5. Bagheera – emphasizes the grace and elegance of movements cats.

How to name a kitten girl

Affectionate leisurely pussy nickname Sim

A few more tips for choosing a nickname

Thinking how you can call a kitten a girl, it’s worth considering that she grows up relatively quickly.

In this case, the nickname will remain the same, it will have to fit pussy, as in childhood.

Interesting! Compared to kittens, boys, girls pick up soft-sounding names.

There is a curious option on how to find out the relationship of a pussy to nicknames, from which they choose a name.

The pet can be placed next to itself and sequentially read out different nicknames. What he will respond to will be him given.

In the veterinary passport thoroughbred kittens are already assigned name.

As a rule, these nicknames are too long and uncomfortable. use in everyday life.

To solve this problem, you can shorten the name.

For example, if the kitten’s passport name is Archibald, then his house called abbreviated – Archie.

How to name a kitten girl

There are lots of options for cats for a cat

There are lots of options for how to call a kitten a girl.

The choice depends on the habits of the pet, its character, eye color and wool.

It is worth focusing on the breed.

In modern nicknames for kittens, boys and girls have found their reflection of popular hobbies and cartoons.

It’s important that the nickname is liked by the pet itself and its owners, easy to pronounce and remember.

It’s worth paying enough time to choose a name the kitten happily responded to it.

How to name a kitten girl: Best ideas for different breeds and colors

How to name a kitten a girl – everyone who asks this question acquired an ordinary or thoroughbred pet. The choice depends a lot from the breed, color, character and habits of the animal, found in nicknames a reflection of the owner’s hobbies and activities.

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