Genghis Khan had the same: Mongolian president gave horse to son trump

The Presidents of the United States and Mongolia almost intermarried: this can be regarded the meaning of a symbolic presentation to Trump’s son. Thirteen Year Old Barron received a horse as a gift.

A special undersized breed of horses is highly regarded in Mongolia and considered one of its national symbols. According to legend, the great Genghis Khan conquered the world on such a horse. Mongolian horse – a special, rare gift, especially if the head personally presents it state.

Khaltmaagiin Battulga, President of Mongolia, presented a special the horse to Barron Trump, the youngest son of the American president – and this gift had a clear political connotation. Now battulga can always ask, for example, how is Barron going name your horse. This important issue was even included in agenda for negotiations between the two presidents.


Why does Barron need a Mongolian horse?

Meanwhile, the gifted horse has not yet reached his young to the owner – he remains in Mongolia. Not reported and how does the boy himself relate to such an acquisition and does he know about it at all.

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