Frighteningly sized spider saved and lives in a shelter Of Australia

The giant spider kept all the farmers in a circle at bay Queensland. The spider girl rescued from human violence a girl from the shelter Barnyard Betty’s Rescue, she also gave her a name – Charlotte.

The owner of the shelter saved the unprecedented size of the spider on which they led hunting local farmers. The girl posted on her page in Facebook snapshot with the new ward. She turned out to be a female crab the spider. In a post to the photo, she urges people to at least try not to fear these arthropods. According to her, spiders do not deserve such a negative attitude towards them only because they have awesome look.

Spider Charlotte from Queensland now lives in Barnyard Betty’s Rescue Shelter


As Betty herself explains, in nature there are more than 40 thousand. species of spiders and only some of them can be dangerous for a person.

Many users of social networks reacted positively to the act girls and supported her. And someone even agreed to reconsider relationship to these animals.

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