Dog allergy: treatment should be literate!

Allergy is

Dog allergies are a result of a malfunction of the immune system, when the body perceives relatively unknown reasons safe substance as harmful.

External manifestations that can be seen in various photos allergies in dogs, treatment is not only not determined, but sometimes not require him.

It’s enough to change the animal’s diet or means to house cleaning and the problem will go away.

The most common misfortune for a man’s best friend is insect bites. It will not work for a long time to save a dog from fleas if he walks on the street. Also your curious nose

The most common disaster for a person’s best friend is bites. insects. For a long time to save a dog from fleas, if he walks on street will not work. Also the curious nose of your “explorer” может “поймать” жало осы, пчелы или шершня


  • 1 Types of allergies in dogs
  • 2 causes
  • 3 Signs of the disease
  • 4 Allergy treatment
  • 5 Prevention
  • 6 First aid for an allergic attack

Types of allergies in dogs

The minimum list looks like this:

  • Allergy to external influences. Here both respiratory and contact options are relevant. In the first case doggie negatively perceives inhaled volatiles particles of something, in the second – the dog touches something that causes a protest of her antibodies.
  • Insect allergy occurs when bites of fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and all kinds of bugs, or even on these insects themselves, their waste products, flakes and the like, as well as viruses, fungi, bacteria like staphylococcus, parasites and worms.
  • Response to epidermal allergens, such as dandruff and hair of other animals. Sometimes dogs can be a negative reaction of the body even to its own coat, when they molt.
  • Food allergy, as follows names, is a reaction to certain foods.
  • Allergy to medicines. The saying “than cure and cripple “applies not only to people. Vaccines, serums, antibiotics, vitamins on brewer’s yeast and so on – all this can provoke a variety of negative external and internal manifestations in the dog’s body.

For all types of allergies, the symptoms are approximately the same: swelling, discharge from the ears, eyes, nose, excessive sweating in the armpits, chest and skin folds, redness of certain areas of the skin, rashes, itching

All types of allergies have approximately the same symptoms: swelling, discharge from the ears, eyes, nose, excessive sweating in areas of the armpits, chest, and skin folds, certain redness skin areas, rashes, itching

Causes of occurrence

Allergy is a “tricky” disease, the causes of which cannot be четко охарактеризовать.

Некоторые хозяева животных вообще понятия не имеют о том, чтотакое аллергия у собак.

Лечение различных раздражений для других становится практическиway of life. In general, for every doggie everything is strictly individually.

For example, a dog can eat certain foods for a long time. food, and at 5 years of her life an allergy is detected.

“How about eggs? Yes, we give them a doggie for 4 years, and nothing!” – maybe perplex the host.

Often the cause of allergies in dogs can be poor nutrition.

Often the cause of allergies in dogs can be incorrect food

The causes of food allergies also include the following:

  • Poor quality dry feed;
  • Increasing the percentage of protein in the feed;
  • With mixed nutrition (dry food + natural products);
  • Addictive to a new feed.

Most commonly, food allergies are caused by raw or boiled chicken. meat, fish, raw or boiled eggs, dairy products, citrus fruits, soybeans, red fruits and vegetables and yeast.

However, we hasten to reassure you – it is least likely to be found food allergies in dogs, symptoms, treatment and prevention of this type of disease is often not severe.

The most common disaster for a person’s best friend is bites. insects.

For a long time to save the dog from fleas, if he walks on the street, do not will work out.

Also the curious nose of your “explorer” can “catch” the sting wasp, bee or hornet.

There is also a seasonal allergy in dogs. Symptoms and treatment in this case are manifested and determined strictly individually. Therefore, if a neighbor’s doggie has paw pads swollen from some grass, this does not mean that now you need to walk your pet only in boots or  anther

There is also a seasonal allergy in dogs. Symptoms and treatment in this case are manifested and determined strictly individually. Therefore, if a neighbor’s doggie from some grass has swollen paw pads, this does not mean that now you only need to walk your pet in boots or anthers

Inadequate digestion of fish, meat and offal leads to infection with worms and other parasites.

Also, a dog can pick them up on the street, taking any indecency.

There is a seasonal allergy in dogs. Symptoms and treatment in this case also appear and are determined strictly individually.

Therefore, if a neighbor’s doggie is swollen from some grass paw pads, this does not mean that now your pet walk only in boots or anthers.

Dog allergies are often accompanied by weakness and general malaise.

Dog allergies are often accompanied by weakness and general malaise

Signs of the disease

All types of allergies have approximately the same symptoms:

  • Swelling;
  • Discharge from the ears, eyes, nose;
  • Eczema of the outer ear;
  • Increased sweating in the armpits, chest and skin folds;
  • Redness of certain areas of the skin;
  • Rashes localized on the face, stomach, armpits, around anus;
  • Itchy skin;
  • Bad smell from wool and skin;
  • Digestive Disorders (diarrhea).

Scratch the back, friend.

Scratch your back friend

Allergy treatment

Important! You can’t decide on your own, from why the dog is allergic, and prescribe treatment. Unless you yourself you are a veterinarian and have access to drugs for testing and diagnostics.

Before prescribing treatment for allergies in dogs, a specialist will conduct a series of tests to rule out diseases with a similar symptomatology.

This may include:

  • All kinds of crops (mycological, bacteriological), so that identify a fungal infection or species of pathogenic bacteria, and sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Trichoscopy – a study of the presence of damage by fungi and the structure of the coat and skin as a whole;
  • Scrapes to rule out parasitic diseases;
  • Inflammatory cytology test processes
  • To exclude food allergies, the dog is kept fully altered strict diet for up to 2 months;
  • Through this diagnosis, various diseases and irritants to which the dog certainly does not respond. We are not exaggerate if we say that 50% of the correct treatment is accurate diagnostics.

Do not prescribe treatment for the dog yourself, this must be done by the socialist

Do not prescribe treatment for the dog yourself, this should do socialist

Treating food allergies in dogs is also her prevention.

It will be enough to exclude from the doggie menu those products that his body perceives as “enemies”. The same goes for allergies to drugs.

If a negative reaction to external influences is detected, to for example, on pollen of plants, it is necessary to change the place for walking or wear special shoes for your dog.

It happens that your shampoo is not suitable for your pet, which is also worth changing.

Treatment in such cases comes down to controlling the intensity of itching and elimination of puffiness.

For allergies to viruses, fungi, parasites or worms, first conduct treatment aimed at ridding the dog’s body of “invaders.”

If necessary, drugs are prescribed to help reduce the power of itching. Then the dog is assigned a strengthening immunity complex.

This is the case for all types of insect allergies – reactions to fleas, ticks and so on.

Interesting! Cats can pick up too parasites, including fleas and ear mites. Protecting your pet in this case will also help. protective collar.

Often, to treat and prevent an allergic reaction, it is enough to adhere to the recommendations of the veterinarian regarding the prevention of this disease

Often to treat and prevent an allergic reaction it is enough to adhere to the recommendations of the veterinarian regarding prevention of this disease

They say that trouble itself does not come, but leads girlfriends – this characterized by allergies in dogs.

Symptoms and treatment (photos sometimes do not convey all possible situations) in different animals appear and pass differently, although the type of disease will be identical.

After all, the clinical signs are individual, and in accordance with them drugs are prescribed to treat secondary processes caused by allergies – pyoderma, otitis media, malaysia dermatitis, dermatomycosis.

Often to treat and prevent an allergic reaction it is enough to adhere to the recommendations of the veterinarian regarding prevention of this disease.

Because allergies are

Since allergies are a “breakdown” of the immune system, as a prophylaxis, the veterinarian can prescribe immunostimulants, change the diet and adjust physical activity собаки


Prevention comes down to eliminating or minimizing contact dogs with irritant of its immunity.

If this is a reaction to insect bites, you should buy special collar as well as before walking treat doggie with repellent.

Naturally, you need to be less in those places where the animal can “catch” a tick.

You can’t allow a dog to play with yard dogs, even if they seem healthy.

Especially if your pet has an epidermal allergy, exclude its contact with animals whose hair causes it.

When a doggie has irritation on his own coat – more often than that comb out.

For the prevention of parasites and worms every six months, at least special preparations must be given to the dog.

Prevention of allergies comes down to eliminating or minimizing the contact of a dog with an irritant of its immunity. For example, if this is a reaction to insect bites, you should buy a special collar and treat the dog with a repellent before walking.

Allergy Prevention boils down to eliminating or minimizing contact of the dog with the stimulus of its immunity. For example, if it is reaction to insect bites, you should buy a special collar, and also treat the doggie with repellent before a walk

Allergic to external influences, as well as food and its medicinal varieties are also clear – exclude drugs and products that cause it.

Since allergies are a “breakdown” of the immune system, качестве профилактики ветеринар может назначить иммуностимуляторы,изменить режим питания и отрегулировать физические нагрузкиdogs.

First aid for an allergic attack

Sometimes you need to take quick action to save a life animal, for example, when there was a Quincke edema from a wasp sting.

If the situation is simple, it will be enough to feed the dog a tablet or two of Suprastin, Claritin or Tavegil.

If the allergy is severe, give an injection of Tavegil and Adrenaline or Suprastin.

With anaphylactic shock – give an injection of Dexamethasone, after why a bullet to race with a doggie armpit in a vet clinic.

Sometimes it is necessary to quickly take measures to save the life of the animal, for example, when Quincke's edema from a wasp sting occurred. If the situation is not complicated, it will be enough to feed the dog a tablet or two of Suprastin, Claritin or Tavegil. But in any case, show the animal to the veterinarian

Sometimes you need to take quick action to save a life animal, for example, when there was a Quincke edema from a wasp sting. If the situation is simple, it will be enough to feed the dog a tablet or two of Suprastin, Claritin or Tavegil. But in any If necessary, show the animal to the veterinarian

A neglected dog allergy can take quite ugly guises.

However, this can be avoided if you pay attention to your pet and in time to identify negative changes in his appearance or behavior.

It is also important to seek the help of good veterinarians.

Dog Allergy: The treatment must be competent!

Allergy in dogs. The manifestation of allergies in dogs can be easily confuse with the symptoms of other diseases. Important on time contact a specialist who will accurately identify the problem and appoint competent treatment.

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